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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Nice question, can't think of a thing ...
  2. But is there a point where their message is so antithetical to your own views that you should shun them? The U.S. and England are allies, but we don't agree on everything, all the time. We easily tolerate the differences. There are however countries with views we cannot agree with under any circumstances. The people in that country are surely nice enough folk for the most part, some of those countries have plenty to contribute to the world stage, but we'll never be able to tolerate the differences. Yeah, that does make worrying over an artist's political views seem insignificant.
  3. JDoors


    Well, that increases your prospects from zero to ... umm ... still zero!
  4. (Hearing "Repaint ... " in a deep, thunderous voice)
  5. I park the cart probably 99% of the time. Yes, it's pure laziness when I/they don't park it. What's this "wal-mart" ya'll keep goin' on about? Is it some kind of store? (JK, studies have shown you don't save money in the long run by shopping there, but they sure are efficient at promoting the myth that their prices are low.)
  6. That cracks me up. I picture Wall Street brokers with their pants down-low, bling a-twinkling, slammed Mercedes in the lot, representin' their companys with hand signs, bobbin' their heads to Wall Street Rap! I don't listen to rap ... is there any that doesn't promote the gangsta lifestyle?
  7. I dunno (and I don't mean to be hypercritical). What was that "era of relative calm" of which you speak? There was PLENTY of political dissent, it just wasn't (have to be specific) left-wing radicalism. It was the right-wing that was dissatisfied (there was that so-called "vast right-wing conspiracy" doing all the hating then). Maybe right-wingers have no performance talent? Oh, wait, they do, they just get shouted down. Look at the vilification of right-wing artists such as Charlton Heston, who's vast and mostly uncritcized career suddenly took a back seat to his political views. The
  8. Well, look at Orwell's "1984." It said essentially that the government's power has/is/will destroy freedom and humanity itself. Can't say I ever felt that he was some "out there" radical trying to destroy our way of life. So ... why do I have that feeling about some of the artists out there now, when they're saying essentially the same thing? Food for thought. ------ I don't think I'd compare sci-fi fantasy to political activism, and yeah, whether they BELIEVE what they're saying or not is an important point, as far as this discussion goes.
  9. Have to agree with some of the others, they may not be bustin' a cap in yo behind, but many ARE definitely admiring and emulating other aspects of the lifestyle espoused in rap. Which I find hilarious because with few exceptions rappers have had no worse a life than tens of millions of other kids. "Ooo, I was poor, the cops harassed me when I broke the law, there were gangs around, I had relationship problems, etc." Yeah, you and ten million other kids bub. The only difference is you're rich now, and THEY'RE still poor, so what's your point?
  10. I was mostly talking about music 'cause I have a decision to make on a music purchase, but yes, the issue applies elsewhere (movies in particular). Hmm ... Some movie stars are certifiably bat-poo crazy, I can't stand to see them interviewed or read anything they have to say, but they are SO great at what brought them fame in the first place I can manage to enjoy their work anyway; Susan Sarandon for example. On the other hand some actors (to expand the discussion to include TV) are NOT so great that their performances transcend their ... well their poopy-head thoughts; Richard Dean Anderson
  11. Nerd Alert: Ken Jennings Bites The Hand That Feeds Him.
  12. Think of it this way instead: Be grateful the kid's coming to you even though you can hear the hesitation in his voice. Some kids wouldn't bring it up at all.
  13. Exactly the kind of Catch-22 my place of employment would embrace.
  14. (It's funny, I've heard it before but didn't see it coming anyway and LOL'ed -- See? One of the benefits of old age and memory loss!)
  15. JDoors

    Culture Art

    W-O-W. I did not know anything about that. I'll probably spend a lot of time on that site perusing the carvings. I did not know that Jade carving was used by anyone but the Chinese -- These are gorgeous:
  16. So you don't mind a good song even if the lyrics contain the opposite of what you believe in?
  17. Well that's an interesting view. I'm not sure I can agree that only "dissident" music is "interesting," but I sure can't deny the apparent trends. I think I find introspective lyrics more interesting than political dissent-- but of course it's all about the music when you get right down to it. CSN&Y's "Ohio" is a great sounding song, no matter what you think of the situation that sparked the lyrics. But then, Cat Steven's "Moonshadow" sounds great too, and ... what's THAT about? "Protest" music has a long history, particularly in the U.S., but other than out of historical interest, who r
  18. I'm more of a "handling" fan than a "quarter mile" fan too. I might get some flak for this but power doesn't require as much skill as handling. Mash the pedal to the floor vs. finessing corners, no contest for me.
  19. JDoors


    Oh man, I remember that time. I wasn't one to deny help to someone who used software that directly lead to their problems, but there sure were plenty of people who would, and I couldn't fault them for that decision. User: "Why does my computer crash after I use Kazaa?" Techie: "Don't use Kazaa." User: "?" Good times, good times.
  20. JDoors

    A Carving

    I have no particular education or knowledge about native art. I did just read an article in National Geographic that had a stunning photo that said so much about how some view these priceless treasures: A prehistoric painting of a Bison on a cliff wall. Someone stenciled the words: This is private property, NO TRESSPASSING! Right over the painting! Just how ignorant do you have to be to do something like that? I understand if it's on your private property you don't want unfettered public access, but hasn't that idiot ever seen a sign, on a post? You have to wonder how much of our history is
  21. I mostly agree (I certainly can't complain about artists, say, speaking out against Apartheid <sp?> or poverty, even when I disagree with their so-called "solutions") but you're not helping me decide whether choosing NOT to support an artist because of their politics makes any sense. Is it a waste of time? (They'll likely continue speaking and influencing.) Am I only denying myself? (I do like their "art." Mostly.) Is the thought behind it important enough? (Is it enought to feel say, justified?) The Dixie Chicks has shown that controversy can hurt their income. Ignoring for the moment
  22. And here we have the reason no politics are allowed here ... I tried to be general, vague, or inject a touch of humor about the political views of the artists I mentioned. Others have addressed your points and it irks me that I cannot, so I'll say it with a smilie:
  23. You make a good point about "single player" games. Game developers are even giving the single player portion of games short shrift with fewer levels or options, less to do, missing strategies that require other players, etc. For many games the non-online portion can be completed in hours or days, but online play extends the game to a nearly infinite level of interest. Kinda like the choice of drinking alone, or with a bunch of your friends. Both work, but the latter is much more fun.
  24. That site has a ton of funny stuff. Fartmobile? Nah, too easy. Just filled up the car, still @ $3.19 per.