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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. ... <sigh> I'm the guy who's always, "You're such a good friend, I love you like a brother."
  2. I'm not sure you "forget," you just think you're too skilled to have an accident, "If I'm really carefull ... " Really not much different than the attitudes of most drivers on the road, "I'm not stopping for that yellow 'cause I can ... CRASH!"
  3. JDoors

    Computer Woes

    So I get home from work Monday morning & start 'er up to pay the bills. No Windows. It chokes on the "starting Windows" prompt. Nothing I do fixes it so I run Quicken in Safe Mode, pay the bills and shut it down. For two days. I just don't want to deal with it. I tried a bit today then just reinstalled Windows over itself. The note on my Windows Startup Disk (which Windows creates when you install/reinstall) says the last time I created one was on 5/24/05. So I made it an entire year without reinstalling. Sucks, but pretty good for creaky ol' Windows '98 I guess. I worried a lot over som
  4. I've seen this happen oh ... twenty years ago or so. I used to work for a lumber company. The less said about the incident the better. Oh wait, another guy lost his hand. We found him wandering around in shock. I'd say something like, "why would anybody stick their hand in there," but I used to take chances back in those days too.
  5. We called that "construction paper." Come to think of it, that's quite a fancy word for little kids: Construction. Musst bee y i b sow smarrt.
  6. Maybe I jumped to the wrong conclusion but it looks like the project requires a transparent colored material so the colors of the light behind the buttons can be customized. Cellophane in this case is a general term for thin, transluscent or transparent plastic, which sounds like what's needed. Paper or cardstock would block the light from behind the buttons. But then I'm also trying to translate English to American, so what do I know?
  7. The receiver's not new enough to have a separate subwoofer amp or output, so there's no crossover in the amp. Just front left/right, center, and rear left/right. Each of those is full frequency (well, the rears are limited to whatever Dolby Pro-Logic surround uses). The subwoofer that WAS in the system took the left/right out from the receiver and ran it through a crossover, passing the left/right channels to their respective speakers, and passing the sub frequencies to the sub. The only crossovers in the system now are in the front left/right satellites and that's only to distribute frequen
  8. I think I've seen advice on how to clear that cache, but it's for computers more up-to-date than mine so I paid little attention -- hopefully someone else knows how.
  9. Plasma screens still use phosphors, just like old tube TV's do. They just use a newer method to "excite" the phosphors to make 'em light up. Phosphors can "wear out" so plasma screens can burn in just like those old tube TV's. There are electronic "cheats" that can be designed into the system to slow down or prevent burn in (one method is instead of lighting up one pixel the electronics can slowly "wobble" the pixel around). LCD's have individual pixels (or dots) that turn on or off to pass or block light from a backlight. Each pixel is addressed individually by very tiny electronic circuits.
  10. That's ALL guys. Like, roommates too.
  11. <-- the "with you" kind Holy cow ... and you looked like you were having fun too! You made my day.
  12. JDoors


    At least your kitty's good for somethin', mine's a lazy good-for-nothing couch potato:
  13. Oh man, I've heard it before, knew what the punchline was going to be, but STILL winced when I read it!
  14. Rats. Requires the latest Quicktime, which only works with XP, which means I don't get to see it.
  15. That's like telling Europe or South America, "It's just football."
  16. I'm sorry, did you say something?
  17. Must be. At one job an overhead door's drive belt broke while the door was open. It was around three stories high, during one of the coldest winters on record (take that, global warming). We HAD to fix that belt or pipes might start to freeze. No problem, normally. Just take a "genie" lift, zip up there and fix the problem. But it was a loading dock and the floor was sloped from the street to the docks. The lift's safety automatically kicked off the power to prevent the lift from tipping over. My boss says, "defeat the safety and fix the belt." Uh, no. Let the friggin' pipes freeze. I wound
  18. I'm just guessing, but could it be that the misleading term "gel" is used for historic reasons? Maybe they used an actual gel of some kind at one time? At that site the color wheel says "deep dyed polyester." Sounds like transluscent colored plastic to me. I had a project before where I knew what I needed, I just didn't know what it was called or where to find it. Looks like it was a lighting gel. Darnit, wish I'd known it at the time.
  19. Did you ever post the HiJackThis log? (Once dominoes begin to fall one after another like that, I'd be more worried it's a malicious something-or-other.)
  20. Doubtful, extremely doubtful.
  21. ... (I say, DUCK MARTY!)
  22. I have an odd relationship with heights. I'm scared, but I have never let that stop me from, uh-hem, getting high. It's sort of like, like I get a kick out of the fear or something. I've hung off third floor porches, climbed a three story "soundhouse" under construction, I don't hesitate to climb up on a roof or look out over ledges. There are limits, I'm not going to do anything I would consider stupid (I had a friend that wouldn't hesitate*). But hangin' up there, lookin' down ... I can't really explain it. It scares me, but at the same time I feel good about conquering that fear. * My frie
  23. Um, "cellophane," colored plastic sheets, transluscent sheets ... art stores carry it or it'd be in the art supplies section of stores that carry that sort of thing.
  24. Unrelated, but it looks like your question mark key is sticking. There are settings for how your system connects, security settings for what's allowed and what's not, the company that provides your Internet connection may have additional settings, your Internet hardware may have even more settings. All are accessed using various methods -- I don't know what yours are. I mentioned the Internet Options applet which would be for Internet Explorer (ways to get there; Internet Explorer's Tools menu - select Internet Options, or Control Panel - select Internet Options). Your ISP will have s