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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Interesting idea -- It doesn't expose much of a target if you're the one hiding around the corner. Watching it peek around a corner from the perspective of the target was unnerving, vaguely reminded me of the "eye" in War of the Worlds.
  2. Sorry to hear it. He's always been helpful and good natured.
  3. Related: I was JUST looking at my monitor (well duh, but I mean "examining" it) and was thinking, boy, I paid a lot for this thing. It's a 17" LCD and I bought it when they first came out. Yeah, I got soaked.
  4. That's a new one to me! And no, I can't figure it out either.
  5. "Please specify parameters." ------ Sheesh, I even "hear" that in Majel Rodenberry's voice!
  6. The continuing saga of my stereo. Recap; subwoofer (which I built years ago) died (foam surround disintegrated), disconnected from system, satellite's (which I also built years ago) blew their fuses for the woofers (finally got some -- yeah, I procrastinate). So here I am, good fuses ... but still no bass!?! How is that possible? Before I tear the system apart, it's unlikely there's separate fuses on the back of the receiver for bass, isn't it? (The receiver I built back then fried a long time ago, I have a Pioneer surround receiver which has been in place so long I don't remember what it lo
  7. Have to agree the loss of speed is not worth the insurance against surges. Considering the vast number of modems out there the number that get "hit" are few and far between. In my experience the worst offender that slows things down is line noise. Pick up a phone (when you're offline), dial a 1 and listen. If there is ANY sound it should be almost inaudible. A subtle hiss might be OK, but if you hear crackling and popping, you're gonna lose a ton of data (which has to be sent and resent and resent and resent ... until it finally gets assembled correctly). Let us know if your line's noisy.
  8. In spite of the promises of Moore's law, I'm still waiting for Star Trek-like computers ...... Now THAT, is a step in the right direction. But we'll still have to wait for all the handshaking that goes on once you're up and running ...
  9. Despite the ominous tone and wording, it's just updating legislation to keep up with new technology. They've always had this capability for landlines, now that phone calls use IP, why not update the law to reflect this? As long as there are still safeguards in place of course. The FBI would have to provide a reason to tap my phone, they should have to provide a reason to tap my Internet activity. Simple, not ominous. ------ Why is my spelling so bad today? Fixed, I think.
  10. There's a local radio station that has always appealed to sophisticated and adult tastes: WXRT 93.1. Just this last Sunday morning I was driving home from work and they were playing The Talking Heads' Making Flippy Floppy. I can't even imagine another station playing such a relatively obscure song, and they do this all the time. The got bought out by a conglomerate a while ago and lost their magic for a while, but I've come back and they're as good as they ever were. At least that's one victory against vanilla-radio. They're on the web but I can't vouch for their online playlist (my connec
  11. There's a lot they can "do," whether they'll be successful or not isn't clear. McDonald's, Disney and others strenuously defend their copyrights, but sometimes they are made out as evil, greedy monsters for doing so. Google's culture probably wouldn't allow them to do anything that might offend anyone, so someday, Google will almost assuredly become google. On the subject: When I advise someone to do a web search, I say "Web Search." When I do a web search I say "Web Search" whether I used Google or not. Purely out of respect for their copyright.
  12. Townhall just did a major revamping of their site (and it loads like they're on dialup, what dummies!). I'd guess the article is archived somewhere, when I have time I'll find the new location. ------ Had the time, it's been corrected. Loads slow though!
  13. That might work for me ... My external hard drive is clacking on startup, I have to start it up three or more times before it works. My internal drive is teensy by today's standards, I couldn't possibly fit the external drive's contents on it, so I was stumped how I could save all those files before the drive takes a dive. ------ Nevermind, they require a newer OS than I have.
  14. For some reason, I like that one! I never volunteer anything, but when in the city where I work I always make sure my gaming badge is visible when the cop walks up to my window. The casino pays their salaries and they have, so far, always let me go. Once in another city I had to pull over for one of those fishing expeditions, err, safety checks. The cop saw my badge and said, "Do you work at the casino?" "Yeah," I said, trying to keep from sounding too much like I expected to be let go. "All right, pull over, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!" Whaaaaaaaat?!? My boss was an ex-cop and this guy knew him f
  15. Don't likes; Rap (with a few rare exceptions), Country (with a few rare exceptions), Jazz (with a few rare exceptions). I like many songs that have rap IN them, many rap-ish songs have fantastic music and when there's actual singing, it's gorgeous. Gangsta's Paradise is a classic (in spite of my usual distaste of any media that glorifies criminals). I wound up with an album that had duets between R&B and Country artists, whoa! Reba McIntire can SING baby! A few other country artists really surprised me. So the next CD I bought was Reba and ... TWANG! YEE-HAW! Clint Black was another one
  16. They (Google) may be tickled now, but protecting a brand name from becoming a household word is important to most large companies. Someone else might use the word google (non-capitalized) for their search feature or, well, anything they want, and will be able to defend it by saying the word is in common useage. They (Google) should re-think letting this happen.
  17. Not having an anti-AOL stance I see this as nothing less than the smartest thing they've ever done. After all, the ONLY attraction AOL has is their proprietary content (unless you prefer the way their browser/home page looks), so why not be like every other content provider on the Internet and let everyone have access to it? They should have done this ten years ago. It's always been dumb of them to just show their ad content to subscribers when there are millions more Internet users out there. I wonder though, does this mean a "giant" has awoken? Their proprietary content is extensive; boar
  18. Well then, let's try! Practice Canadian Citizenship Test! (I haven't taken it yet so can't vouch for the quality of the site yet.) ------ OK, I took it with ten questions and ... I did better than I did on the U.S. test! What's up with that, eh?
  19. IF you call the correct number it goes easy as 1-2-3. IF you're absolutely certain you wish to cancel just keep telling them so when they offer you "special deals" (which they're required to do, so just keep reminding them you're certain you wish to cancel). You'll have til the end of your current subscription to keep using AOL, BUT ... If you unintentionally continue to use their service after the cut-off date they'll reinstate your account, figuring you actually mean to continue with them (they may just prevent you from signing on now, that was one way they got the reputation for being diff