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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. But the movie is displayed ON a screen while a TV picture is generated IN a TV set.
  2. If no one has any help it may be due to the very specific combination of software and hardware that's causing the problem (there may be few others with that exact combination). Either the software or hardware manufacturer(s) might be a better place to seek help -- they may know of a specific issue regarding the combination you use. Have you tried a web search naming your software, hardware and maybe the word "offline?"
  3. Makes sense, but if the energy is that high I suspect the house burning down would be a larger concern than whether or not your computer survives the strike.
  4. I'm not ready to dive in but I'm saving the information. That guy's site seems to have a lot of useful information.
  5. I sware I yoosed 2 be smaart 1ce butt I musst be dum now 'cause I don't get it.
  6. What may be going on is the one that found hundreds more errors is either being far more particular (finding errors so minor the others don't bother with them, or they don't even define them as errors) or it's crying wolf (claiming it's finding hundreds of errors; Hurry! You better buy me now! Arrgghhh!). If it's the former, it might be more throrough than the others. If the latter, it's being deceptive and deserves to die ... err ... don't buy it. ------ Oh yeah, there are some who think it's all a waste of time (and/or money). Cleaning the registry is one of the latest "tweaks." Throughout
  7. Reminds me of a time my sister and I were in the park and thought it might be getting late. We asked a passer-by "Excuse me, do you have the time?" He started screaming at us for panhandling.
  8. FOUR DAYS without power!?! You could look at it this way: the money you're spending on gas & ice, you're saving on electricity! (Silver lining and all that.) What 'broke' that they can't reroute the power? I used to tell people who complained about the price of gas that they should consider themselves lucky, some countries pay four or five dollars a gallon. Umm, how long now before WE pay that much?
  9. A problem newer than that article (However, I don't pretend to understand it): "Virtual machines." Virtual machines were designed to allow you to run programs on your machine that would be 'encapsulated' in a virtual PC of its own. If anything crashed, it only crashed the virtual machine, leaving yours alone. If there were anything wrong with the program like malware, it only affected the virtual machine. Great way to test things or allow others to run things without bunging up your PC. So ... The evil hoardes have figured out a way to create a virtual machine on your PC without your consent
  10. JDoors


    Nice lookin' site. I don't see any outside credits -- did you design all that?!? (Now if I were only brave enough to start talking about my weight problem ... )
  11. According to that site we have 130 stations here -- but also according to that site my car isn't flex-fuel capable. (Well, I knew that, but I checked anyway.)
  12. M-a-y-b-e my sarcasm didn't translate well ... And m-a-y-b-e my hint as to what he should do about not having money didn't translate well ...
  13. I don't usually pay much attention to gas prices, I use what I have to use and I pay what I have to pay. What can I do? Whine? But ... I was filling up, without having even glanced at the price (as usual), when I DID happen to glance at what I was paying: $3.19. Okay, enough with the casual attitude about prices, that's high! And it's said to be going over $4.00 soon. Re: ethanol, where I am I haven't seen a pump that wasn't ("up to") 10% ethanol in years.
  14. If someone HAS to put down in a residential/commercial area, it couldn't have gone much better than that (except for the pilot of course). He was 73? Wow.
  15. I certainly hope you're not going to be the victim of a senseless attack of some kind. There sure are plenty of morons in this world, huh? Why didn't you try to get the vehicle license number? ------ Similar (in the sense that I didn't have any idea why the person was annoyed): Driving to work, got behind a slow car. I don't tailgate either and I leave PLENTY of time to get to work so I wasn't bothered by the slow-poke. We stop at a red light, he's in the left lane, I'm in the right. He's in a Datsun B-200 (crappy old-school economy car), I'm in my Mustang Cobra. Now I know he's going to tr
  16. Humans have been at war for millenia, there have been innocent victims for millenia, I'd guess we'll continue with that policy for millenia. Looks like it's in our nature.
  17. Ya'll be careful "watching" that stuff, I'm reminded of this article: Lightning Strikes Castle Rock Boy.
  18. But not too soon ...
  19. One or more of the following: A) Because they can. B ) Power trip. C) Over-booked. D) Checking your medical history. E) Finishing up with another patient (so the Doc doesn't have to wait for you to get ready -- see "B").