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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    Oh My God!

    That's a lot of ... stuff. Just ran Ad-Aware on a friend's computer I hadn't had my hands on before, cleaned her right up. Probably doubled her speed.
  2. Oh, maybe this, maybe that. Maybe they've got it, maybe not. The Big Questions
  3. Not THAT'S thinking outside the box!
  4. I don't know why I never figured out before that in that joke, the "mild heart attack" times ten would be ten times MILDER. Oh wait, did I just admit I'm stupid? Never mind.
  5. JDoors


    Here's a question: Since MicroSoft abandoned '9x, can you upgrade from '9x to Vista? (Disregarding hardware requirements for the moment.)
  6. Oh, they went all right.
  7. Don't get me started! The cage cashiers are being trained on how to maintain new voucher/ticket redemption machines (cashiers used to cash out winnings printed by the machines onto tickets). Once they have enough people trained on how to maintain those machines, uh, how many cashiers will lose their jobs since they will no longer have to manually cash out tickets? American Management: "No comment." "We don't know." "There are no plans to lay anyone off at this time." Translation: "We don't know anything whatsoever so why ask us?" Or, "We're not gonna tell you only to have you find ano
  8. ... where to beging ... These'll do:
  9. Hey! That's our taxes you're joking about!
  10. Waaa! You're gonna abandon us for your new friends! I've been anti-social lately, just comin' out of that one.
  11. Definitely worth a chuckle.
  12. It is interesting, but take it with a grain of salt as he himself states: There were some very objective notes ("I don't like it" sort of thing), but also some irrefutably accurate observations.
  13. I didn't know where to begin looking for that exact information: Looks like you're correct, if not an optimist.
  14. Ten years?!? At the rate of change in the PC world, somehow I doubt that. (... Wondering how long it took to go from 16 to 32 ... )
  15. People have been alarmed at what they perceive to be dramatically different weather patterns for generations. Civilizations have come and gone, often due to changing weather patterns.
  16. Literally made me laugh out loud.
  17. I guess everything has to be re-written to work with 64-bit, so there's no point in upgrading unless you know you can also upgrade ... everything else. I'm surprised there's no work-around, like having 32-bit programs run inside a 32-bit VM (virtual machine). Where's the future when we really need it?
  18. Not below two bucks here yet. It'll probably dip below two bucks just before the jump in price for the summer blend.
  19. I remember a long, long time ago, Fram was the highest rated filters ... did you have a bad experience or do you know something's changed since then? I use ... Whatever they slap on at Jiffy Lube.
  20. Oh no, those blankets are so uncomforta ... I mean, I HEAR those blankets are uncomfortable and itchy. Thanks for takin' the hit for us: The more you get, the weaker the system when it arrives here. Keep warm & safe.
  21. An example of their (apparent) stupidity: I work in a casino. Nickel and two-cent slots have a higher percentage "take" than higher denominations. So, what's the smart thing to do? Replace the dollar slots with nickels and two-centers, right? Well, no. People will put $20 in a nickel machine and play for two hours. Sure, the "percentage" the casino gets is quite high, but the most they can take in is $20 every two hours. How long will that $20 last in a dollar machine? Maybe six minutes. Sometimes they win because the pay-out is higher, but you will, over time, get TWENTY people dropping $20
  22. I didn't know they did this, but it's not shocking. They're not a bricks-and-mortar store where the items are either in the back or they're not. Do they even have warehouses full of product? Or do they order their stuff from elsewhere? I do believe any bricks-and-mortar they have are simply distribution points where incoming product is re-routed to its destination, hence, what you experienced. They don't really have any control over their suppliers inventory.
  23. I felt the same way with my truck. Someone borrowed it and a small branch went through the grill, "I'm SO sorry!" Hey, you were having a ball off-road and ... it's a truck! It was doing what it was meant to do. However, when another borrower loaded a Harley into the back but didn't remove the tailgate and it bent under the weight of the motorcycle ... THAT, I thought was a stupid thing to do and I got mad ("I didn't know you could remove the tailgate," he claims ... really? Is it just me, or do ALL men know tailgates easily unlatch? -- Well, from American trucks at least -- eh, maybe it's ju