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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    Nz Weather

    I saw in the news that NZ was getting hammered and wondered why you hadn't mentioned it (or thought maybe I'd missed or forgotten already). An ice floe the size of Alaska sounds improbable ...
  2. That's a really nice illustration, but it makes me sad to look at it too long. And makes me realize people get far too upset over relatively small issues nowadays (when people have had to go through so much, what right do we have?).
  3. What is this "moonshine" of which you speak? (God-awful going down, but quite the kick, eh?)
  4. I didn't know The Stones covered I'm a King Bee (but I SHOULD have known -- sheesh). Cool. I wanted to listen to Snow Patrol & also grabbed others nearby; Pink, Pink Floyd and Rabbit In The Moon (nearly grabbed Race The Sun, but didn't).
  5. JDoors


    You'd have to attach them. The board (and/or our browsers) knows how to display JPEGs, GIFs, etc., and what to do with YouTube videos, but neither the board nor browsers are capable of displaying PowerPoint presentations (there may be additions that add that function, I don't know). YOUR computer knows what to do with them because at some point the Windows installation on your computer was "informed" that PowerPoint files run in PowerPoint (or a utility that can display PowerPoint files), all you have to do is click on one and Windows "looks up" how to handle that file type, then runs the app
  6. JDoors

    A First For Me

    Didja get to storm out, or flip somebody off, or ... ? JK. Keep up the confidence, you know you'd be a valuable employee.
  7. JDoors

    My Project

    Those skirts are definitely better. The first photo (where you asked the question) was too dark to tell, and ... the car was too DIRTY! Though had I checked the properties of the photo I'd have gotten the answer (since the filename says 'new skirts'). Enjoy your ride.
  8. JDoors


    Powerpoint is not video (or a graphic like a JPEG), so that won't work. It's more like a word processor file, a file that needs the orginal program or one designed specifically to open that one file type to 'view' it. I haven't play with the 'attachment' function of the boards, you'd probably have to use that (though many would be reluctant to download an unknown file).
  9. Johnny Cash, Love, God, Murder boxed set. ------ Since I've been watching YouTube videos so much I looked around for Johnny Cash. Look what I found! The Man In Black done in Legos! (It's Gospel, the second one is the original.)
  10. Did you take it out of the icebox?
  11. JDoors


    Whoa! Landing a plane on top of a moving camper?!? ------ The quality of your video's better, and I only looked because I just spent (too much) time on YouTube looking for videos, but they have that one:
  12. ------ I opened my CD database, scanned for artists I wanted to hear, then searched for them on YouTube. Man, they have almost EVERYTHING. Too bad their 'comments' are full of SPAM, otherwise I'd be tempted to chime in. ------ They had the duet with Natilie Cole & Reba McIntire (from the 'making of' DVD for the Rhythm, Country & Blues CD). I might have told this one before but when I first heard that duet I was blown away by Reba's voice (I'm not even a little bit country so hadn't heard much of anything from her before). So, silly me, I bought her latest (at the time) CD. Yeeeee
  13. Staying somewhere else for a while is actually a pretty good idea (no, not the local tavern ).
  14. Wow, your youth sure is showing. You thought ... laptops live forever? You would or could repair one? It does sound like a power circuit. Are you sure you weren't overdriving the sound circuits? Were those speakers designed for music players or an audio amp?
  15. Just the sound of your own sweat hitting the floor? My past few days of music queue: Steve Miller Band Stevie Ray Vaughn Talking Heads U2 Van Morrison Then: Big Beat Future Classics (DJ compilation) Ace Of Base Buddy Guy Gorillaz John Fogerty And today, so far: Pink Floyd Pulse
  16. I've no recollection of how I managed to survive so many years in this house before I got AC (there's no such thing as "a dry heat" in the MidWest), so I have no advice. Fans just blow hot air at you, like a convection oven (More Efficient!). Sleeping's the toughest part, just read an article about that. Seems we're programmed via evolution to sleep during the cool nights, so cooling off, at least at night, is important for your (mental) health. They recommended damp cloths on your forehead (and/ or feet, of all things) to cool you as efficiently as possible. Ice packs are better as long as yo
  17. It's a 'pot' all right, but I doubt you'll find any gold in there!
  18. Very good news. Except for that 'every three months' thing, but that's better than some alternatives.
  19. I'll put the "near-fix" first: I searched and destroyed all "google" cookies. One of those buggers was telling IE to display Blogger-sourced blogs in Chinese/Japanese. ------ That fixed some random text on blogger sites and allows me to read, say, the reply sections (which I couldn't before). However, foreign text shows up occasionally, AND ... At least one site (American or Canadian, I haven't been able to read it for so long I don't remember which) is entirely in Chinese/Japanese. Hmm. ------ I don't have a blog myself (I'm too boring) so I have no blog software/code on my system that I'm a
  20. JDoors

    Kids World

    High school graduates?
  21. I'm such a worry-wart, I actually thought about "taking care of" the bug 'cause I thought it was unfair to the mailman to have to see that bug day after day. Then I thought, he's a big man, he can take care of himself! Never really thought about it before but I imagine mailmen ... err ... mail delivery people, have to deal with spiders and bugs all the time (or worse).
  22. With just a quick glance I only see one car your color: Hood & hatch open, on the left. Betcha saw a LOT of cars you'd like to own!
  23. JDoors

    Dirty Skunks!

    I'm thinkin' that's what they were after ... I thought the lawn was turning brown because the rains have slacked off for the summer, but ... it certainly looks, from the extent of their digging, like thar be grubs. Haven't checked the best time for treating for it yet, but it's no problem, I'll do it when I can. I do believe they were only around because their usual habitat is probably flooded, though the rains have been sparse in the recent past on the day of the problem there was a downpour. The nearby trees still smell from that visit, so they may have hid out there until their "h
  24. [shudder] Had one take up residence in my mailbox for a few days. I was very leery of retrieving the mail: Open the door and the thing would start running around. Apparently they're faster than the speed of light! (No, I can't bear to kill bugs, if I can avoid it at all -- I knew there's no food supply in the mailbox and it would leave of its own accord -- eventually.)