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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. <rummages around 'cause I know I have one around here somewhere> So now the Saudis say, "Since we're BFFs we wanna talk about doing something about your high gas prices!" Ain't they great? Forgot to mention something the Saudi rep said that caught my eye, something to the effect of, "Since there is no valid reason for higher prices we ... " Uh-hem, no "valid" reason? What do they mean by that, huh? -----
  2. I'm not really paying much attention, but I swear I saw signs showing $4.xx, like four twenty, four thirty a gallon for the cheap stuff.
  3. JDoors

    Bug Bites,

    *nod* It sounds like the reaction I used to have to mosquito bites. That's my "gut" reaction, that it's just a nasty mosquito bite (though that's never happened before, that I remember). It is just a single spot that turned red and, umm, oozes a little, uh-hem (probably from absent-minded scratching before I realized just how bad it was). The one on my arm only itches a little now and isn't red or swollen any more, my leg has a sore area, again the size of my palm, but is no longer "warm" to the touch and doesn't and never did itch much. Both have a red spot similar to an acne scar. I'm g
  4. Watched part of last night's SNL rerun with Kanye West doing Stronger. I don't normally like rap, but being a "re-imagining" of Daft Punk's Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger I like it. So: Daft Punk, Musique Vol I (greatest hits compilation). Plus I grabbed Basement Jaxx and, for no particular reason, The Dandy Warhols.
  5. JDoors

    Bug Bites,

    So I get a bug bite on my arm. Normally a mosquito bite's a minor annoyance, a small bump, maybe a little itchy, and it's gone. This thing? A portion of my arm the size of my palm swells up, a red gross sore appears (I'll spare you the details), and it ITCHES like there's no tomorrow! Three days later the itching subsides (a bit) but the mark is still there. Unfortunately, whatever caused THAT one got me on the leg. Itchy, swelling, and, it's "hot." I put my hand over the swollen part and it feels warm to the touch. What's getting me?!???!! Am I gonna hafta spend the whole Summer indoors?!!??
  6. No, not with a missing spleen, you HAVE to be super careful. Chlorine has its critics too though (toxic byproducts when it degrades). I guess I'm less worried than many as I (like many others) HAVE had mild food poisoning and it's no biggie. I've had flu symptoms that were MUCH worse. I mean, like, Oh-God-I-think-I'm-gonna-die flu symptoms. But that's me, your mileage may vary.
  7. Another one of those "I always meant to get some" bands. Someone finally gave me their Greatest Hits compilation. The Killers , Sam's Town . Read My Mind (Ha! Those silly Japanese!):
  8. Hence the FitWash recommendation. The other side of that coin is fruits and vegetables are available year-round. We used to do without for six or more months out of the year. Are they at their peak of perfection? Not always. Is it better to have fruits and vegetables available than not? Definitely (Americans don't eat enough to begin with).
  9. Still, it's another option in our hunt for the best deal. Let 'em all duke it out and see who survives while we get the best prices possible. Gotta love Capitalism!
  10. The local PBS station's having their drive and played the origins of the Blue Man Group vid. Coincidence? Emerson, Lake & Palmer , Works Volume I Pirates (part one as the whole piece is over thirteen minutes long):
  11. What's changed really? Our food's always been grown in poop (I'm sure that's something city slickers prefer not to know). I bet the main change is national reporting of such outbreaks. Help: FitWash - Fruit and Vegetable Wash
  12. So it's a "portal" to other merchants, capitalizing on the generally well accepted NewEgg site? Not sure it's a good business model (I've seen other "portals" come and go) but we'll see.
  13. Wow! And I thought DOS-like commands were dead. I am so out of touch.
  14. Metallica is one of those groups I wanted to start collecting, but the magnitude of their output keeps me from choosing just one, so I wind up with none at all. Doh. Blue Man Group, The Complex Time To Start : Tons o' percussion!
  15. Heh-heh, from the first site: Say WHAT? The second one looks fantastic, but I've never seen coffee stirrers like that. I was trying to picture red straws (the kind we usually see 'round here) made into a lamp and it twern't pretty. -----
  16. Goodie! Another literally LOL joke!
  17. Legacy: A Tribute To Fleetwood Mac's Rumours With; Tonic, The Corrs, Matchbox20, The Cranberries, Jewel, Goo Goo Dolls and more. Here're The Cranberries doing Go Your Own Way live: I love Dolores O'Riordan, but she sounds better in the studio. (Few bands sound great live, IMO.)
  18. Dream Theater is still an obsession for me. I've backed off a bit, but just reading the song names makes me want to play it again! Currently: Robert Miles, Dreamland Children (Dream Version):
  19. Went to the Niece & Nephew's for Memorial Day. She went from being a cooking neophyte to a gourmet cook in just a few years, amazing. Menu (I can't really begin to describe how fantastic it tasted): Appetizers: finger sandwiches, veggies & dip Sliced, perfectly grilled steak, grilled onions w/ a touch of some kinda mayo-based sauce on hoagie rolls (hot, juicy, savory ... whoa) Grilled corn Cucumber salad Dessert: home-made Key lime pie
  20. I've figured out the "open at another location" thing: Ripping off the taxpayers. Many big stores get tax breaks when they open a new location. Once that expires, just move to another location that'll give you more tax breaks. GREAT business plan. <sarcasm> How's that working out for you Circuit City? Though it's apparently working just fine for Wal-Mart. A local one's doing exactly that, moving to the next town over, and Wal-Mart doesn't seem to be hurting any. -----
  21. Oh man, do I ever agree with you on that. My first thought about this recall was just that: Don't put it in direct sunlight. Why spend millions to remove them from circulation? Because maybe, somehow, somewhere, possibily, there might be a problem? Sheesh. After reading what you wrote I thought: Why not put a warning label on it? WHOA! Stop right there! Yeah, like we need MORE warning labels! One reason we're in this nanny-state mess? One word: Lawyers.
  22. I grew up in Chicago and the police were super-cool. The only time they'd say anything to us kids was if we were doing something REALLY stupid or dangerous. I moved to the 'burbs when I was a teen and ... what a difference. Just standing on the corner, like you were mentioning, would be enough to get us hassled by the police. I couldn't believe it! We're just STANDING there! What are we SUPPPOSED to do? Drove me nuts (and apparently still pushes a button somewhere). Once I began to drive they didn't bother me, 'cept for one or two municipalites that were all hard-noses (I mentioned that before
  23. Can't help ya there, I put pimiento cheese in the same category as head cheese: Gross.
  24. I'm not one to sweat over every minor or perceived danger, but do you really want to wait and see if it ever starts a fire? Not that I'm gonna go looking to see if I have anything that might do that. I have crystals in the kitchen window and while they don't "concentrate" sunlight, they do alter it (rainbows). Hmm.