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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. We've been getting rained on a lot. Half-way through the summer it'll all be brown and crunchy and I won't have to mow again 'til the fall rains pass through. Lily of the valleys! One of my favorite smells (guess I connect that with the end of winter). I haven't seen any since I moved out of the big city (seems they grow well in dark recesses & the small, shaded yards you'd have in the city). Out in the 'burbs I have yet to see any, been meanin' to plant some just for nostalgia's sake.
  2. Space Cube computer.
  3. JDoors

    Google Is Full?

    Uh, no, it sounds exactly like what he said, his machines are full. That they're spending millions to resolve the problem he clearly states exists doesn't negate the clear meaning of what he said. Bloggers, meh. Wasting their time nit-picking each other's blogs seems to be the new sport.
  4. They really had something special going there, didn't they? I don't know if it's because it's still fairly recent but I miss the original SO much. I can't think of another television show that I feel the same way about the content and participants.
  5. Working on the tank reminded me of a barely related story. When I was a new mechanic I accidentally punctured a gas line. Gas was spraying all over the shop floor, and I was scared out of my wits. The "old man" of the shop (sheesh, time flies, now I'd be the old man) walked over to survey the damage, casually dropped his ever-present cigarette on the floor just inches from the puddled gasoline, and stepped on it to put it out. I thought I was dead for sure.
  6. Ethanol will have its place in the future, to reduce or eliminate dependance on foreign-sourced oil (or as a substitute for the eventual depletion of oil), but because of the low engergy content of the end-product it actually uses more energy (and dollars) per mile than gasoline (if you count the energy & expenses used in either process from beginning to end). That could change, eventually, but for now and the near-future, ethanol's not practical. Since ethanol's been mandated locally for at least a decade (up to 10%, we're in the "corn belt" after all), I'd have to guess that you could
  7. As they said, the 'seasoning' helps to keep food from sticking (the oil soaks into the pores) plus it keeps the pan from rusting (it's iron, after all). Far as I know it's a fact that the iron actually migrates into the food, giving you a nutritional boost. Regarding "smells outside," I'm gonna hafta mow for the fourth time today. <sniff!> Mmmm.
  8. JDoors

    Google Is Full?

    I know it's been an "arms race" from day ... two maybe. Once people saw the power of the Big G they've been trying to manipulate the results. I was however suprised to hear a G. rep. expressing anything but optimism.
  9. Well that makes me feel a little better about my suspicions about them. In a debate elsewhere someone referred me to a W. definition and I let them know I don't fully trust their articles. It's a great resource for some material, but like e-mail forwards you have to be aware it can very easily be made up, or biased, or the information might be politically motivated, or .... whatever. I guess even the LACK of an entry may have a lot of meaning behind it.
  10. While some dealers may cut a key without getting information first, this method wouldn't be very efficient for a thief. Maybe an ex-, or a stalker, or something along that line might try it though. A thief's gonna have an easier way in that doesn't take a couple of hours or expose him to being ID'ed. Considering how easy that method sounds, and that dealers have had this ability since day one, ask yourself, have you ever heard of it being used by a thief before?
  11. THAT can't be right ... wax is flammable, isn't it? Or at least acts as a fuel? Even the fumes can ignite under certain circumstances.
  12. All cute, but the "seatbelt" and "headache" ones are hilarious!
  13. By George, I think you've got it!
  14. Forgot about 'seasoning,' thanks. Here they give you a citation if the grass is over 8" tall (a foot seems generous to me). I guess it's just a warning. But at some point they will send a crew out to mow it and they'll bill you. I have some fairly steep hills on my property that, if you obey safety rules, are too steep to mow. But if I don't mow them, I get a citation. Catch-22 right there. (Yeah, landscaping/ groundcover, I know, just can't afford it though.) Supposed to get up to the 80's today!
  15. Which I don't understand as they finally got it right and have a light come on when any guage is out of the proper operating range, essentially telling you "Look at the darned guages fool!" How do you miss the guage, AND the light telling you to LOOK at the guage?
  16. Thanks for the tip on preparing veggies on a grill pan. I never did like using the outdoor grill for veggies and always wound up steaming them just to avoid the hassle. Do you heat it up hot, spray with oil THEN put the food on? ------ Back to mowin', the sun's out today but after a few days of rain everything's too wet to mow -- according to the proper directions -- but the grass is so high and it's supposed to rain again tomorrow so it's gettin' cut wet. See, the Honda's plastic deck will shrug off the moisture. What a great lawnmower.
  17. JDoors

    Test Drive

    I am just sick with jealosy! (If I had to choose, make mine a DB9.)
  18. Some basic experience, that's all. I've had surround for oh, geez, fifteen years or so maybe?
  19. BTW, you jinxed me! I got a green-screen yesterday for the first time (then a major crash which I'm still sorting out). What did you do?!?
  20. It clearly states shipping is free, so that dollar is just the profit for the website (near as I can tell). But ... if you have to sell YOUR stuff to earn points, don't YOU have to ship it somewhere at your expense? Like I said, I wish the instructions were more clear.
  21. Is there any question that drugs were involved? Do we even have to ask? (OK, it could be a sudden and inexplicable mental disorder ... ) It's not like the other guys are going to say, "Yeah, we were going out to the desert while on peyote and he went nuts!"
  22. The only item missing from the men's list (it could go in there at several points) is getting rust in your eyes while under the car, having to stop to get the flecks of metal out of your eye, then having to continue with your eyes teared up so you can't see what you're doing. Um, I'm hesitant to admit this now, but I've been using Jiffy Lube for almost ten years. I'm just plain ol' tuckered out from that long list of B.S. we have to go through to get the job done. Fifteen minutes, write a check, it's done. Plus they fill fluids, check things I'd likely skip, fill the tires, change bulbs, etc.
  23. Number one on my "I hate it" list: You cannot adjust it high enough. I finally read some information regarding this (I've had the mower for around four years and never saw this problem mentioned before). Honda replied to someone, somewhere (I forget where, possibly Consumer Reports) that this is due to the "small wheel size" they use. I've never actually measured the grass height so I can't be specific, but I've been mowing my lawn for over twenty years and I know what I like, and even at its highest setting it's just not tall enough. And to make matters worse, to properly use the "mulching" f
  24. Looked interesting ... It's not entirely clear how it works though. They make it sound like anything's a buck, but it looks like everythings a buck, PLUS points that you have to earn by selling YOUR stuff. Or not? I dunno. They need a much better explanation of how things work (the oversimplified 1-2-3-4-step graphic just doesn't cut it). One thing stood out: There's exactly ONE of everything listed "available." Does that mean individual traders have one copy available? (Which would make sense.) Or that there are NO duplicates of anything? (Hard to believe.)