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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. JSKY

    Find Each Other!

    To Marcus Joyce!!! HAH!!! I seen where you lived... Beautiful country you live in. Never been there, but seen some good pics.
  2. Another couple of things to look at. Are all your drivers up to date. Could be a stick of ram that is starting to go bad. I just bought two new sticks myself. And after placing them in. Mine started doing the same thing. Just went black and restarted from boot up. Ended up one of the sticks was faulty. Took a while to track the one down. Have you been cleaning the inside. Try reseating any boards (audio, video, etc), and your ram sticks. Try reseating your cables. Try drinking a big glass of beer. It never hurts.
  3. Welcome to BTs Nickgreek!.
  4. JSKY


    Hi and welcome to BTs burton. Sit and enjoy.
  5. JSKY

    Hello All !

    Hi and welcome to BTs Nice to have you here. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the TWO of you Split personalities????.....LOL
  7. Sitting outside (in the summer months), and just listining to the wind in the trees and the birds. Looking at the trees and grass. Watching the small animal scuttering around. That allways does the trick for me.
  8. Pete, Pete, Pete..... Your supposed to use electrical tape on windows and gutters. Red made that quite clear......LOL
  9. After you register, and then come to the page that says you have to be registered to use the forums. Just go down and put in your username and password in there (same page). Then you can get in. I just did it and it worked for me. Now to see what forum I just joined.....LOL
  10. I am also sorry for the loss of your frieb TK. Your in my prayers.
  11. There are some sites out there that are a closed family. Yes I know of a couple that you cannot join. One doesn't even give you an option to. You have to know a member to get in.
  12. that's why I love my little pooch. Now if I could get my wife to be as loveable.......
  13. never looked at it that way.... But your right.... MMMmmmm
  14. domingus, uberpenguin and mboverload. Happy Birthday to all of you..
  15. Good words of wisdom Chappy. I remember the last hours of TTV and of also helping some of the members who moved to G4 those last and first days. But the majority of the posters from G4 didn't want the TTVers comming there. That was the whole of the membership at G4. Everyone from TTV tried to fit in and make a place for themselves. But it looked like a lost battle from the get-go. The only time I have been over to G4 in a while is to see if a couple of ads I made for BTs are still being used as avators by some. And I see they are. (don't want to remove them if others still like and use them)
  16. TT. That scrapple sounds good. I think I'll talk the other half into making one to try. Thanks.
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the two of you!!!
  18. your wish in my comand.....LOL HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  19. JSKY

    From Marty

    Get well my friend! We miss your comments and laughter.
  20. Good to hear from you Kat!!! Been awhile.
  21. Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Birthday!!!