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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. Simple tips for your website. To Kill Angelfire Banner Ads Add: <!---<script>window.onerror=new Function("return true")</script>---> Between the stop head & start body tags. Choose "Popup" Ad & Not The On-Page Ad... Angelfire will delete your site for using this code. You Can Add color="whatever" To The HR Tag As Well As Width & Size Tags Size "1" Will Give You A Horizontal Rule (LINE) 1 Pixel In Height The White Line Below Is: <hr size="1" width="66%" color="ivory"> PAGE TRANSITION EFFECTS (IE 4+ only) How would you like to welcome visitors to your pages
  2. Now that's the real story folks. LOL!!
  3. bozodog!!! What can I say. Both of you quitting at the same time. and with a stay at the clinic. Going to get rough. But hang in there. You both can get through it. Go bozodog Go
  4. JSKY

    Saved By The Ups

    Mmmmm! I have a small one, and about 6 years old. Never left the putter running when it looks nasty enough to cause a power outage. I wonder if it will handle the equipment I run now? I'll have to try it out.
  5. Happy B-Day to both Sin And Shanenin. Have a great one.
  6. JSKY

    Memory Lane

    This one just makes me feel old
  7. And still can't find a thing to watch
  8. LOL>>>>> Love his stuff. Still Have a dozen of his Vinyl Disks laying around.
  9. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenent the Unbeliever We was Lord Foul's Bane
  10. Good move Mac. This is a great place for the Cafe'!!!
  11. WOW!!! I remember those. Man they were great.
  12. A little more trivia. And it could happen again. But would probably take thousands of years.....Tho we all have been surprised by Mother Nature. I live in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The hills here, are recorded as twice as old as the Rocky Mountains. In this geographical area. It has been proven, that in geographic time, the area was covered by 7 different major oceans. The last 3, the Black Hills were formed and were just islands. The area I live in is 1 mile above sea level. And if you go into some of the canyons, and climb up to the rocks jetting out of the hill tops. You can find m
  13. Once a year???? I've been doing that every other week.
  14. God, I haven't had cashews in years. Now all of a sudden I just crave them..... Set up a round while I pig out
  15. You know........ Just the other week on the Discovery Science Channel. They had an hour long show about a gentlemen who was on a par with Nostradamus. He died in the early to mid 1900. (Can't remember his name for the life of me). But he was really acclaimed at predicting things. One of the last things he predicted, was that in the NEAR future. The earth was going to tilt on it axises. And would cause world wide destruction because of it. (I guess it would ). He said we would know when it was close because of the strange weather world wide. That the weather would seem to go crazy. Well, we k
  16. I don't thing one would see too much of an improvement. Maybe a slight one...
  17. ROFL.......Hahahaha... Now that's an answer I'll have to remember
  18. Packerfan9611, I wish you a big HAPPY BIRHDAY
  19. Some increased traffic on my place. And I use a good stat-counter for checking on what others are looking for, to see if there is something new I can add for help tips. But it's hard to tell because of the traffic I get anyway. My hosting is well protected. So I'm not worried. And if someone does mess with my site. I can call anytime of the day. Tthey will reset it, and all I have to do is re-upload everything. Only takes a matter of min. and everything is as it was.
  20. You might find what your looking for here. Upgrade or freash install OOOOpps wrong link....OK now.