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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. Man O man....Ain't these stories the truth. I'll be 48 next month. And the wife and I were wondering where the last 20 years went. Seems like they just sped by and we never had time to catch any of them.
  2. Owners Manual??? They have a Owners Manual?? O, Yes. Here it is.....in the glove compartment. No seriously. That is good advice. And many need to be reminded of this. Thanks Shadow
  3. Here is a great program if you or the kids are into the night sky. Stellarium is a program that transforms your desktop into a sky in real-time. The sky evolves between day and night, featuring uncanny realism. Stellarinm Can be used on Linux/Unix, Windows and MacOSX.
  4. Sounds like a corrupt boot.ini file. Which is also affecting the loading of your disk. Can you get anywhere with booting off the XP CD? Try doing a repair install. There are two types of repair on XP. When you boot with the XP disk. You will come to the first part that asks if you want to install or do a repair. This first repair is a command prompt type for a specific repair. AT THIS POINT! If you click on install XP instead, you will see XP load files as it get ready to install the OS. When it gets done loading files, you will again be asked to install XP or to repair your current OS. At t
  5. Are you using an WindowsXP CD or a system recovery CD or restore CD?
  6. Hang in there my friend.... You will get everything back in order. Still having troubles with your laptop? Wish I could help. Only one I had was an oooold IBM. It wouldn't even take Win95, it was a first generation one. Made a great boat anchor tho. (and it really did) Had it out fishing on the boat playing some games, got a strike on my line, jumped to grab my pole and down it went. I could see the screen lit up as it sank in the water.
  7. SpellBound Librarys....... If your spell Checker isn't working, because the librarys aren't updateable. Download this version of the librarys... SpellBound USE: Mozilla spell check libraries for Firefox 1.0+ (e.g. trunk / nightly builds after the Deer Park Alpha Release)
  8. I need a cold one... just replied to Chappy's post and need something to calm me down. Mad as hell.
  9. I also want to say "I'm glad your niece is fine". Yes, the problem is getting worse all the time. And your niece was very smart to know the danger and to take action by screaming. I'm very glad this was done at a place where she was heard. But I will tell you Chappy, If this jerk does get to close, and you do have to step in to.......Solve the problem. I will go out of my way to help you. Any way I can. That's a promise!!! We need stiffer laws for people like that. And I can think of a few things I'd like to do to jerks like that. It just burns me up when I hear these jerks getting away with l
  10. WOW!!! Bubba Bob It looks great! Your pics came out alot better.
  11. You will find a couple of things that we will have to wait a couple of days or weeks for. Most things were upped along with the upgrade. But not everything. Spell-check upped, but not the librarys yet. And there are a few themes out for it. But not alot. Just like when FF hit 1.0, everything is going to have to be made to work with it all over again. But there are alot of extensions that are ready to use. Most things will be made to work with the new build, we will just have to give them some time.
  12. Now wait a minute..... I just love doing my place every year. Do it the day after turkey day. Mines all done. Now if I can get a couple of good shots (bought a cheap dig. camera. have to take your time to get it good). Used to do the multi-flashy thing. Now I do the trim and windows in green. (started to use the c7 type bulbs, have to get back to basics and away from everyone else) And red candles in the windows and red lights around the door. Neighbors just love it. Looks christmasy, but not outlandish. Sorry, My camera just con't do any justice to it. And these were the better. Maybe I sho
  13. Mac. We could use it for a place to send the Bad People, when they get out of line. You could use it for some of those experiments you have. (yes, some of us found your hiding place)
  14. Well I just updated to the new version. No problems, except for redoing some extensions and redownloading my fav. theme. A couple of things we will need to wait for on the new release. But anyone thats been using FF for anytime has been through this more then once. But so far it's looking like a good update.
  15. Hi and Welcome to BTs. One the the best places you could ask for.
  16. To each and everyone, of our new members. WELCOME TO BTs You are more then welcome here.
  17. Jdlech and Logans Life. Welcome to BTs. I know your both going to like it here.
  18. TK; I'm so sorry to hear about this tragic news. I wish there was someway I could change everything for you. I send you my sincere condolences. I am so sorry to hear this. Take care my friend. Your friends are with you in this.
  19. JSKY


    From my family to you and yours. We wish you all a very Fond and Happy Thanksgiving!