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Everything posted by robroy

  1. yum ham......... TONGUE my gradma used tocookthem and ham for Christmas breakfast
  2. robroy


    I'll survive even without the bass boat just barely but I will survive
  3. they are still excellent Mac, wish I could do that
  4. mine plays drums too, also guitar, wrestler
  5. Hey Liz I have the same problem, 17 yr old son with lots of friends. If we went away there would probably be nothing to come home to
  6. I could get my son to mow, He'd probably go and mow other peoples to earn money but forget ours
  7. maybe need to try that
  8. yeah I never got 1.03 to work right but 1.04 is doing real good
  9. got the iso, burned it and using it. One thing it did better than Iccaros is find my printer. When I get another box up and running I may try the hd install version
  10. I also found the links to Mt St Helens very interesting and informative, always interestedin anything like that
  11. I really like Iccaros. I have it installed on a second hd. Downloading ubuntu to try it. Couldn't get anywhere with knoppix but that is just me
  12. I can see this is going to be the most popular destination at Besttechie, always cheers you up whether you need it or not good stuff
  13. sassenachs...................highland scots term for lowlanders and English, means southerners
  14. Can't stop laughing on the last one I'm safe cause it's the wife excellent stuff rv
  15. Highlanders Yeah tenmm they do Scotland proud, I love the sound of the pipes. We were stationed alongside some men from the Black Watch and two other Highland regiments when I was in the Royal Engineers in the late 60's
  16. Ok how do I quit playing. By the way I couldn't get it to work when linux was booted up, even though I use ff on both systems
  17. Whipped cream Favorite dessert to go under the topping
  18. I don't like them but I am not a 10, always been a poor boy
  19. excellent, wish I had that sort of talent not artistic at all
  20. I'll stick to the chardonnay thanks
  21. Scotland.............the best part of Britain