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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. If they send me a PM with all the info such as where they learned, what they are at other forums, etc.. I will be more then happy to promote them. B
  2. Not at the moment. Maybe in future version of IPB (forum software) though. I'll look at some mods, but I don't think that a mod for rating exsists. Not 100% sure though. B
  3. Here is the list of the HJT Team and the HJT Experts at this forum: HijackThis Team HijackThis Experts Hope thats what you were looking for. B
  4. The lastest release of the BT podcast is out and can be downloaded and listened to here: Hope you all enjoy!! Tiny note here: I might have another podcast based on this in the near furture. B
  5. Besttechie

    Ad Fot Bts

    That's awesome!!! Hey can you send me the flash file maybe? B
  6. Yep, I'm 16 Btw, -Spazmatic- is right, don't try to be something you're not. It will always back fire later on. B
  7. Hmm, well. Let's see if I can help a little here. Basically, I don't think you should ever punch, hit, beat up anyone. It really doesn't accomplish anything, except getting into trouble. Now, I know a lot of people probably think I'm an old man, but in fact I am just a normal 16 year old guy who is going into 11th grade. Now, well, this is me and what I do, maybe it will help you. Basically, first you have to find a group of friends. Now, cool, you have established friends. They'll stick up for you. Next, don't follow other people. Be a trend setter not a trend follower. Do stuff no
  8. Uh, no. I wear it, because I like the shirt and it looks cool. B
  9. Uh Oh... /me wonders if he is a hated forum owner now... B
  10. Hi and Welcome, Please follow the directions in this thread, and then someone will help you with your HijackThis Logfile. How to post a HijackThis Log B
  11. Hi and Welcome, Your log looks clean. It would be helpful if you posted the exact problems you are having so we can look into them. B
  12. Hi, I don't think it's possible to do. Maybe in future version of IPB (the forum software) but as far as I know, not in the current version. B
  13. Hi, Well, when someone makes a new post the thread goes back to the top, so you'll always know when there is a new post, also the topic folder turns darker. There is something at the bottom of the forum called, Todays Active Topics which shows the topics that are most popular that day. You can minimize the forums to only show certain forums. On the top right hand side of each forum there is a minimize button which you can click and it will hide the forum. Hope that helps. B
  14. Hi Marty, Brian was not dictating anything, he was simply asking if it was possible and suggesting the idea. There is nothing wrong with that. Brian, if you have a suggestion I would like if you posted it in this forum, becuase it gives everyone a chance to give their views and also helps determine if it would be a good idea or not. Sorry about the confusion. I will be locking this thread now. B
  15. From the run prompt services.msc? That doesn't turn them on and off, it just opens the services control panel you could call it, where it lists all the services and you can manually disable or enable from there. Hope that helps. B
  16. Hmm, Ok. Well, after going through the tips and tricks forums it seems it would be best to leave everything as is. The posts there are specific for tips and tricks and not for support. All the forums will be staying as they were. B
  17. Not a problem. I do my best to consider the suggestions, they don't always get approved, but I at least will consider them. As for: I don't think there is a way to do that. At least as far as I know. B
  18. Yes, now I understand what you are asking. Personally I don't think that is the best idea for a few reasons. 1.) it makes it harder to moderate 2.) you are going to have posts that are totally different in one big forum it will just become really confusing 3.) it's much more organized this way. However, what I can and will do is combine that similar forums such as Windows Tips and Tricks into the main Windows forum, Linux/Unix tips and tricks into the main Linux/Unix forum, and Mac tips and tricks into the main Mac forum. I think that would be a fair compromise, and yet it will still be or
  19. I'm not sure I totally understand what you are asking. Which sub-forums are you talking about? And what exactly do you mean by having it echo everything? If you meant like moving all the posts in Windows Tips and Tricks to just the plain old Windows Support forum I would consider that. Same with the Linux/Unix and Mac forums. I'll think about doing that. As for the other sub forums I think that those are fine to leave. If in fact you are talking about combinding the tips and tricks with the main forum for those tips it sounds like a good idea. B
  20. Just going to close this thread since, it was posted earlier. I'll leave the other one open. B
  21. Hi Everyone, I'm sorry, but I don't buy this one bit. If you're running ANY site, and are making MAJOR changes, those things should be proofed and approved, before being posted. That is unacceptable. B
  22. Hi and Welcome, Your log looks clean. I am going to move this post to the appropriate forum, so you can recieve more help troubleshooting the issue. B
  23. Best AV if you want to pay for an AV is in my opinion NOD32 or Kaspersky. If you want something free, then I recommend AVG or avast. Links to the AV's listed: NOD32: Kaspersky: AVG: avast: Hope that helps! B
  24. Hi and Welcome, Are you having any issues with your PC? From the looks of it, your log looks pretty good, nothing in it that would cause any harm. B
  25. Hi Preston, Nope. You didn't do anything wrong at all. Let me try to explain what it is. Everyone gets a warning bar. But only admins and mods and yourself can see it no one else can see your warning bar. It is at zero right now and it will stay at zero unless there is a reason to change it. That goes for everyone. No need to worry over the warning bar. Hope that clears up the confusion, sorry about that. B