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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Since this appears to be resolved, I will be closing the thread and moving it to the resolved section. If you need it reopened, PM a moderator or admin asking to reopen it. The following is a list of tools and utilities that I like to suggest to people. This list is full of great tools and utilities to help you understand how you got infected and how to keep from getting infected again. Spybot Search & Destroy - Uber powerful tool which can search and annhilate nasties that make it onto your system. Now with an Immunize section that will help prevent future infections. AdAware - Another
  2. Just wanted to make sure you Windows install was legit. Just in case that was the cause of the problems. Have you tired adding Windows Update to your 'Trusted Sites' list in IE? Make sure you're using IE when trying to access Windows Update. Windows Updates only run in IE so you must be using that. Might want to also really consider getting a firewall (hardware or software) if you don't want to have to really configure one much, get a router, just make sure you disable UPnP. Routers don't affect your system either, so no reason not to have one. B
  3. Hi, Can you please do the following: *Please go (Microsoft website) using Internet Explorer (not Firefox or any other browser as they won't work) *Click on "Windows Validation Assistant" *Click on the "Validate Now" button. *Be patient while the ActiveX loads, do not click on any links. *Read the instructions on this page while it's loading. You will be prompted to install - click YES. *Enter your product key then click "continue" *When it says "Validation Complete" please click "Continue to return to your previous activity" *Copy what it says and paste it here. B
  4. Happy Birthday Mandy!!! You are the most amazing girlfriend ever and I want to wish you a very happy birthday. I love you sooooooooooo much!!!! Even though I can't sing, but you insist I goes nothing... Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Mandy (My *true* love) Happy birthday to you I love you mandy!!! Have a great day! Now I can brag about having a girlfriend that is older than me!! Besides I keep telling you, now you're older and sexier I love you!!! /me gives mandy a lonnnnnnnnnnng kiss Jeff
  5. Ok, few questions... 1. Did you set these as your homepage/search engine? If you didn't set that as your homepage, close all windows and have HJT fix them. Then reboot and post a new log. R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer,SearchURL = R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,SearchAssistant = 2. I notice you havr Norton Systemworks and avast. Norton Systemworks comes with a firewall doesn't it? (unless you disable it) but in any case it is never a good idea to run two firewalls. Running two f
  6. Can you post another HJT log please? B
  7. Hi and Welcome Back, First unhide hidden files and folders, as shown how to do here:,,4155-1916458,00.html#5 Then do the following: Close all browsers and windows except HJT, and have it fix the following: O2 - BHO: (no name) - {785941D5-01F2-503C-A00D-25A211F9AE74} - C:\DOCUME~1\Justin\APPLIC~1\AtomElse\baitpoll.exe Then reboot, into safe mode and delete the following folder in red (if present) How to boot to safe mode: C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\Application Data\AtomElse <-- delete the folder and everyth
  8. Hi and Welcome, What problems are you having exactly? Can you please do the following, I would like to get a little more on this file. Jotti File Submission: Please go to Jotti's malware scan Copy and paste the following file path into the "File to upload & scan"box on the top of the page:C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\Application Data\AtomElse\baitpoll.exe [*] Click on the submit button [*] Please post the results in your next reply. B
  9. Ok, well, I have some advice for you to follow after the reformat. The following is a list of tools and utilities that I like to suggest to people. This list is full of great tools and utilities to help you understand how you got infected and how to keep from getting infected again. Spybot Search & Destroy - Uber powerful tool which can search and annhilate nasties that make it onto your system. Now with an Immunize section that will help prevent future infections. AdAware - Another very powerful tool which searches and kills nasties that infect your system. AdAware and Spybot Search &am
  10. Do you have a firewall? Maybe a router of some sort or some kind of software firewall, that was telling you you're being port scanned? Also, as a note, before you format, you're constantly being pinged/port scanned to some degree. People do ping sweeps to see if a computer will respond to it, if it does they will probably look to get into that machine (at least see if they can), now a good firewall will stay silent and not respond making the person who's doing the scan think there is nothing there and will keep going. But you will always be scanned, just have a good firewall (router that i
  11. Have you looked here? Anti-Virus Software Reviews I highly recommend NOD32. B
  12. Just curious, why do you think you're infected with something? Your log looks clean, nothing is catching anything, I'm not sure why you think you have some kind of virus. B
  13. Happy Birthday Liz!!!!! I hope you enjoyed it!! Sorry I'm late! B
  14. I'll have to read the orignal thread completely and if I have any ideas I will post them. B
  15. Your log looks pretty good! I have some advice for you to follow to keep protected. The following is a list of tools and utilities that I like to suggest to people. This list is full of great tools and utilities to help you understand how you got infected and how to keep from getting infected again. Spybot Search & Destroy - Uber powerful tool which can search and annhilate nasties that make it onto your system. Now with an Immunize section that will help prevent future infections. AdAware - Another very powerful tool which searches and kills nasties that infect your system. AdAware an
  16. Your log looks pretty good! I have some advice for you to follow, but you look to be pretty well protected. The following is a list of tools and utilities that I like to suggest to people. This list is full of great tools and utilities to help you understand how you got infected and how to keep from getting infected again. Spybot Search & Destroy - Uber powerful tool which can search and annhilate nasties that make it onto your system. Now with an Immunize section that will help prevent future infections. AdAware - Another very powerful tool which searches and kills nasties that infect
  17. Hi and Welcome, Ok, please download and run the following program: Since you can't connect to the internet, you can burn the program to a data cd or put it on a flash drive, then just transfer it to the other pc and run it. That should clean up your AIM Virus. Let us know how it works. Your HJT looks fine. Good luck! B
  18. Your log is clean. User being talked to in chat. B
  19. Great! Can you post another log, just to make sure? Also here is some prevention advice for you to follow. The following is a list of tools and utilities that I like to suggest to people. This list is full of great tools and utilities to help you understand how you got infected and how to keep from getting infected again. Spybot Search & Destroy - Uber powerful tool which can search and annhilate nasties that make it onto your system. Now with an Immunize section that will help prevent future infections. AdAware - Another very powerful tool which searches and kills nasties that infect
  20. Hey, Ok, please do the following Unhide hidden files and folders, for more info on how to do that look here:,,4155-1916458,00.html#5 Then open HJT and have it fix the following. R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchURL,(Default) = R3 - Defa
  21. Thank you for the feedback it is much appreciated it. I will work on those suggestions. As for software, I'm still trying to find the perfect software, but as of now, I am using Audacity to record the show (which is working pretty well) and I used Skype to talk to Matt that time. The music I took from the beginning of a song my friend made. B
  22. Hey, We had to switch nameservers as well, so your ISP may be having issues with the dns maybe? I'd wait it out for a few more days, if it doesn't improve let us know. I haven't had any problems yet. B
  23. Good job! Your log looks clean! Are you having anymore issues at all? And here is some prevention advice for you to follow. The following is a list of tools and utilities that I like to suggest to people. This list is full of great tools and utilities to help you understand how you got infected and how to keep from getting infected again. Spybot Search & Destroy - Uber powerful tool which can search and annhilate nasties that make it onto your system. Now with an Immunize section that will help prevent future infections. AdAware - Another very powerful tool which searches and kills na