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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. I know '9x supports BAT files, I don't remember how to do what you need.
  2. When you're looking there may be that much free (which is too close to what MSM needs anyway) but during the install the Windows swapfile may be taking up more space. Uninstall any extra programs and install Money as the first app.
  3. As an Uncle it's my responsibility to pass on annoying habits and that game definitely qualifies. It's like they don't teach kids anything important in school nowadays! Just this past weekend I went to a party and saw someone I hadn't seen in over ten years. One of the things she brought up was something I taught her kids way back then. We had a good laugh over that one.
  4. Oh thank G-d ... you said "your" version so I thought that was you playin' the piano. (Kidding!)
  5. At least she's a lady in public!
  6. That boy is gonna grow up to be very popular with the ladies. I'm just sayin'.
  7. Anything that requires enough self-confidence to risk lookin' a fool in front of a group (I'll do anything, say anything, in front of up to three friends -- more than that and it's a "group" and I just can't). No dancing then (except once, when I was 'lit,' and the overheard comments, "Holy s**t he can really dance!" and "Wow, I always wanted to move like that!" only made me even more determined that I would never do that again). Someday I'll look into why that is ...
  8. Well that was perfectly clear. It sounds like somewhere in the Internet Tools applet or your ISP's software there's a configuration problem of one kind or another. Unfortunately it's beyond me where to start, sorry. If you have particular software you use to access the Internet (other than IE) I'd uninstall/reinstall that.
  9. A problem with what's displayed actually points to an incorrect or out-of-date display driver. Perhaps you had updated yours but now have the older, original one installed. Check the video manufacturer's website for an updated driver.
  10. ... Sure is a lot to read .... I got as far as the following: "A year ago, I was programming a database for one of the larger insurance companies in my state. The computers they had were awful things that still ran Windows 3.1 and took about three minutes to boot up." ONLY three minutes?!? I wish! That sure was before the Internet and anti-virus software and firewalls and antispyware and ....
  11. For some unimportant reason I was singing the "Slinky" song last night at work: "Alone or in pairs it walks down stairs and makes a slink-ity sound ... " (But now, due to the Internet and its ubiquotous parodies, I ALSO can't forget the parody of that song -- it's about an adult toy ... ) Oh yeah, I started off, again for some unimportant reason, singing the "Good 'n' Plenties" song: "Charlie says, 'love my good 'n' plenties,' Charlie says, 'really rings the bell,' Charlie says, 'love my good 'n' plenties don't know any other candy that I love so well.'"
  12. Arghhh ... A helmet AND a thong?!?
  13. On the surface, that sounds like a good thing. Until I read that article and realized when politicians aren't doing something about an important issue, it's because they're playing BOTH sides of the issue for the money. <grumble, grumble>
  14. JDoors

    A Carving

    If you get a chance to catch it in reruns it's really good. Like their point about prehistoric depictions of humans bing abstract (with exaggerated features; big bellies, large heads, etc.) and how and why that changed to what you and I THINK are accurate sculptures of the human form (all those Roman and Greek statues? They're not accurate! Surprise! He points out how inaccurate they are, AND WHY they're INTENTIONALLY not accurate). Or how artistic expression was used by the ruling elite to invoke power (leading up to Hitler's use of art as propaganda), and how that continues to today -- thin
  15. Some things still aren't clear (it's pretty hard to communicate effectively via boards). Your OTHER computer connects to all sites fine, right? What security software is on THAT computer? ONE firewall and ONE antivirus and ONE antispyware (if any, you don't really HAVE to have antispyware running 24/7 as long as you scan regularly -- spyware isn't as dangerous as viruses). It's also not clear what exactly you uninstalled: The AOL "or" Webroot "or" both? I did suggest you uninstall one but didn't mention, as stated in another post, I would recommend you uninstall the AOL antispyware software r
  16. JDoors

    A Carving

    The local PBS station just ran a series on the subject! How Art Made The World "Acclaimed Cambridge University lecturer Dr. Nigel Spivey takes viewers on a quest to comprehend mankind's unique capacity to understand and explain the world through artistic symbols. Far more than a survey of art history, HOW ART MADE THE WORLD explores the essential functions art served in early civilizations and, in some cases, still serves in modern society." Another quote (eerily similar to what you wrote): "... Spivey explores the latest thinking by historians, neuroscientists and psychologists regarding the
  17. Give up man. Criminals will always be able to justify what they do. You certainly won't convert one in a forum. (I don't mean to say you shouldn't express your opinion on the subject, that's the point of MY post too after all, but it's a waste of time and energy to debate morality with someone who can justify criminal behavior.)
  18. Just read an article in Forbes about the unlikelyhood that anything is going to be done politically for quite some time. Why? Because both sides on the issue are showering politicians with donations to "influence" the outcome. Forbes listed the contributors and the amounts and it's in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. As long as the politicians DO NOT make a decision, they will continue to get all this dough. So ... What's their incentive to issue an edict? None. If Forbes is right then you won't hear anything specific about net neutrality from politicians for a long time. "We're investig
  19. I would ensure there's no Internet quirk where you're at by connecting to the sites giving you trouble using another computer. If you DO connect using another computer, then at least we know it's a configuration problem with yours. You should not have webroot AND AOL spyware programs running at the same time. Turn one off. What were you doing when Norton warned you about an ICP intrusion? That sounds like a firewall warning (which is normal and indicates your firewall's protecting you) but ... you said you have the XP firewall running. Two firewalls are a no-no.
  20. Let's not forget the person who complained their retractable drink coaster was broken! (The CD tray.)
  21. JDoors

    Culture Art

    Wow, those carvings are as intricate and beautiful as anything out of China, at least now I know why I've never heard of them: Your statement on how the materials and carvings are treated due to cultural respect.
  22. I dislike the Realplayer but still have it because some content is only available in that format. Still it's a pain to "undo" or clean up whatever it does when I play even ONE file through it. Realplayer is the Pigpen of media players.
  23. Hence the need for unions. And immigrant labor.
  24. Didn't see that comin' ...
  25. It's because they use marketing tricks; the few actually low-priced items are placed so it's the easiest to see, the rest of the stuff (the stuff you REALLY wanted in the first place) is rarely a bargain. You wind up saving on a few items (which your brain then registers as, "I saved!") and blowing more on all their non-competitively priced items (brain says, "I needed this anyway."). From what I've seen they don't take into account time saved by being able to get it all in one stop, wthout having to look for bargains, so since your time is worth something the issue gets muddled. Probably tol