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Wonderful news, Marty! Crops can be re-grown, family can't. I imagine it was just about harvest time there, too, huh? Saw footage of the storm on television--looked scary. So happy they're safe and thank you for the update. Liz
You got a few years on me, Screi, but WHS did NOT mean Whitehall High School--it meant "Will Have School"...We never had snowdays, and we had busses! Boy did we get jealous when Montague, located just across the river, called off school all the time! OK, it was farmland that got humongous drifts, but who cares, WE had to go to school, darn it! And remember listening to the country western music station (ugh) hoping for the school to close? Not on television back then.... Liz
When we bought the Possessed Gateway (Pentium 2) we were told by many, many people, "You'll NEVER fill up a 10 Gigawatt Hard Drive"....now that was before Napster was invented..... And Community College is the way to go, HondaBoy! English 101 is English 101, whether you take it at a CC or at Harvard--and the money you save is soooo worth it and you stay out of debt! Make sure you stick with CC till you get the transfer degree, though. Liz
LOL! I'm loving this! Yes, the "good old days"....Believe it or not, kids, televisions did not have remote controls. In fact we were the last family on Earth to have a color tv---because my artist mom would not buy one until the manufacturers made the color more realistic (remember the old color tvs where everyone was orange, and those plastic screens you could tape on the tv to "colorise" it?? ) Remember rotary phones (there's a reason why we say "dial") and numbers that started with letters (ie: TW3-6635) Remember only having to dial the last four numbers in a local call? I'm saddened, t
Thoughts and prayers are with your daughter, Marty! Hope the trees stay put, the power stays on, and the forecast is scarier than the storm Liz
Two more.... A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink. "Why of course," comes the reply. The first man then asks: "Where are you from?" "I'm from Ireland," replies the second man. The first man responds: "You don't say, I'm from Ireland too! Let's have another round to Ireland." "Of Course," replies the second man. Curious, the first man then asks: "Where in Ireland are you from?" "Dublin," comes the reply. "I can't believe it," says the first man. "I'm from Dublin too! Let's have another drink to Dublin." "Of course," replies the second ma
Oh, no, since St Patty's is on a Friday, its a two day celebration! Paddy had never been out of Tipperary until he won a trip to New York, and he was all eager to look around. He's standing patiently on the sidewalk waiting for the policeman to let the group cross. The cop stops traffic, yells "Pedestrians" and everybody walks on except Paddy. The cop lets some more traffic go by, then stops them and yells out, "Pedestrians", and everybody walks across except Paddy. After about six go-rounds like this, Paddy walks over to the cop and says, " Your pardon, squire, but is it not time you let som
It's new to me, Jsky!! Heh, everything is...Sending that one to My Son the Tinkerer and my Techy Nephew. Pray Son doesn't break anything Thanks! Liz
Well, Antispyware, I don't know how to chat (the whole thing goes too fast for me!) but this sounds like a great idea! You should also post this in the Programming Forum here--there is now a subforum for Programming Projects--they'll love your idea! And good job! Liz
Happy Birthday Marc! Have a terrific day! Liz, Chappy, too!
Those are priceless, Flash! And honestly hoping we continue to NOT think before we speak, we need the laughs! Liz
Same thing up here---$2.59 gallon. What's going on? Time for quarterly profit reports? Geezzzzz Liz
HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY EVE!! Time to get things started, Mates! Paddy, the famous Irishman, is driving home after downing a few at the local pub. He turns a corner and much to his horror he sees a tree in the middle of the road. He swerves to avoid it and almost too late realizes that there is yet another tree directly in his path. He swerves again and discovers that his drive home has turned into a slalom course, causing him to veer from side to side to avoid all the trees. Moments later he hears the sound of a police siren and brings his car to a stop. The officer approaches Paddy's car
Happy Birthday, Kat! Have a wonderful day! Liz and Chappy, too
I'm with you, Tyme! Ugh, I hate cold weather, I hate snow. We finally got to the "melting point" where only the "plowpiles" were left and now we have a white coating on the ground. Hubby says, "yep, as soon as my body is cold, you're moving to Florida"....and he is right! You darned Canadians have really lucked out this year! What happened to the Great White North? Snowdrops and crocuses? Well, mine are budding....well, they were on Saturday. According to the paper, we had 16 ft waves on Lake Michigan yesterday. Oh, how I wish I thought to go to the lake, the wind was howling. I love t
"Then said if it didn't have 2 UPC's I should take it back to retailer." Oh, that's rich! Yup, definitely not from the States! Liz
Well, I hope he was going the speed limit Love it, Marty and Mr. Bill, thanks! Liz
Oh, that's good, Handplane! Sending that on, thanks! Liz
Oooh, sending that link to Son, he will LOVE this! Thanks, Pat...errrr, I think, anyways....actually it might prevent him from taking things apart to see how they work! He's been eyeing the broken cordless phone today (yes, I was smart and took the battery out already so he won't fly across the room when he takes the screwdriver to it, I hope!) Liz
Ah, Michigan.... Saturday, Sunny and almost 60 degrees! Sunday, Cloudy and 50 degrees, thunderstorms at night Monday, High winds (25, gusting to 60), hail nearly the size of tennis balls in some areas (not here, TV weatherman said that...), flooding (3 1/2 inches of rain Sunday night), power out near Bozodog's area, 28 inches of snow in a 12 hour period in the UP, thunderstorms, tornado watches, and temps going down to 20's with snow, (sh*t, snow advisory now in my area...) right now it's a 17 degree windchill....paybacks for two beautiful days! And you know, Terrorist, it's coming your way.
Tecumseh? Ah heck, Carn, you're practically in Ohio where it's always warm! (65?? oooh!) I'm halfway up the Left-side-of-the-mitten in Hicksville.....we won't see real spring till close to June.....my rule--every month that has an "r" in it will be cold--and May means "may"--may freeze, may melt, may blow you way, may flood, who knows?? But sure am enjoying this little respite with the weather (we didn't get our January Thaw). I have crocuses and snowdrops trying to pop out due to today (which will probably die due to the snowfall coming!)! Let's do a "warm weather dance", maybe the snow
Happy First Anniversary, Bozodog and SweetBrit (Pipex)! Enjoy your day and hoping for many more happy years! Much love, Liz
Whoo, hoo, Barb! Brand spanking new furniture? Lucky you! And 80 degrees? Wow! Really, really lucky you! This weekend is the "weekend" for me to take Dancers down to Berea, KY for the annual Berea College Dance Festival. This year we aren't going, due to Son's work schedule. And knowing we could be in near 80 degree temps? *sniffle, sob* *ahem* I've never blown out my computers of dustbunnies...I know, I know...but I'm a chicken! (that thing about having to disconnect it and take it outside to blow it out....) Figured I'd wait till they started acting weird. Liz
Better yet, Brian, tell the landlord that you will buy the fan (or pay for the difference between the light and the fan!) if he can get his electrician to install it instead of the ceiling light! You'll both come out ahead! Wackyweek here. Daughter is home for Spring Break. She was supposed to go down to Florida to see her boyfriend (he's going to school there), but they broke up just before Spring Break started. Hooray! OK, OK, I didn't like him....but when parents dissaprove of a relationship, it just brings them closer, so I've been biting my tongue for 2 1/2 years. AND I don't have t
Aww, you Texans have me so jealous (Redbud? *sigh* I'll be lucky if my limping redbud survived the winter...took 3 years of babying before my Kentucky transplant bloomed and after this winter, who knows...sure is purty, though!) We're in the 40's in NW Michigan and the snow is almost gone from my yard, thanks to a day of rain. Other than that, the tundra is still frozen, but getting muddy. I DO actually hear birds! And it is nice not to have it get dark at 5pm. But after last year when Spring didn't arrive till June, I'm gunshy....besides I've been too busy to hibernate! Still have that