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Everything posted by blim

  1. Thanks, Nancy, Scary little history lesson of baddies on the net. Real interesting reading about Netbus--a long time ago, one of Son's "friends"(?) Netbussed Son as a prank and was controlling our idiot box remotely--scared the wits out of me! Thank God he was just a kid--a smart kid, though. That's when I decided NEVER to do anything "valuable", like banking or entering credit card numbers over the net. If it can't be done the old fashioned way, I don't need it (and I check the bank and credit card statements with a fine toothed comb)! Liz
  2. Or great AIM away messages!! TAG YOU'RE IT! Liz
  3. Miles per hour "I am happiest when something on my system breaks, and am looking for a solution. It is like a never ending game."--Shanenin, you have a warped mind....
  4. blim

    Windows Virus

    Rofling!! But I thought it was a feature, not a bug! Ok, I'm a newbie....(Oh how I wish "experts" didn't talk me out of an easy to use Apple...) Liz
  5. <---Didya see this?? Didya, huh? Huh? I m teh 733T Haxor Gamr, Dood....Ok, ok, my son did that (I can't even win at Freecell.....). I told him that if he was going to play in the Arcades using my Screenname, be had better put a "square" under it . Looks like Pool??. ...and I thought my dog was spoiled! Although I did get up at 7am to "keep her company" her while it was thundering...nothing like a 50 pound dog on your lap, I guess I don't mind, at least she's cuddly... A Dog Psychic, Hmmmm, that could be interesting...... My dog can already read my mind...and I understand Scoobees
  6. The word Gullable isn't in the dictionary! Are you gullable?
  7. Thanks Handplane! At least when your kids are little, you can relive a part of that. TAG, YOU'RE IT!! Liz
  8. Thanks, Terrorist! I love Steven Wright Liz
  9. Ah, that won't work, Vile, one of my degrees is in Psych--someone might actually believe that--but you did give me an idea to think about--a Psychic!! I could have some fun with that! Cold and rainy again in MI, too--earlier today the rain had "substance" to it. I feel sorry for the folks at the Holland, Mi Tulip Festival (yes, it exists)--every single year its crappy weather--a few years ago they even changed it (used to be first week of May) because of consistently bad weather. Didn't work.
  10. Ugh. Six foot snowdrifts are no fun. Especially when a 5'7" person is trying to shovel through them! Vile, that prank is ridiculous. I can't believe none of you got caught. If your highschool was like mine, the fingerprint dusting was just a ploy to get the "hooligans" to confess....I never had the nerve to do any of that--although I do confess to a habit of thinking things up and "mentioning" such things to people gutsy enough to carry them out My circle of friends referred to me as the Instigator. Speaking of high school, I got info on our class reunion today---$30 a PERSON--sorry, too ex
  11. blim

    Rant Reposted...

    Gives Sidekickcat a great big Internet Hug! I know (I KNOW) I am a stinker sometimes, but I liked your original edit better Liz
  12. blim

    Rant Reposted...

    Sidekickcat, I only have a minute (butting in on Son's internet time here....) but I wanted to tell you what a beautifully written recant that was--and to tell you that your original post is nothing to feel bad about--you did absolutely nothing wrong, you were basing your post on the information that you had. You had no idea that the information was wrong, and you and a whole lot of others had no reason to doubt that information. I bet you opened up a lot of eyes with your post and I'm sure a lot of readers sure will appreciate it!. Liz
  13. All I can say is "Oh, at $160,000 you're not getting one." Make sure you click on the links on the left for all the features. "the ultimate bed" Liz
  14. Hi Flashh4, Now you know I am far from an expert and I may be totally off base here, so if you want to throw something at me, its ok and I'm sorry But if you have IE, is there anyway to do this through Outlook? I know I can email links and I know there are folder options in to coordinate these, such as keeping all the links in the same Outlook folder, I have no idea but I bet you'd know. Opening Outlook would be an extra step, *shrugs* but if it works.....??? Liz
  15. Thanks, Barb, I was one who saw the post, then it dissapeared and I never found it again, I only lurk at Tech Support since AOTS became, well, nevermind...... thanks for tracking the rascal down! Fun reading. Liz
  16. blim


    Well, when you have waist length hair and lose 4 inches, absolutely nobody notices, so not even a nod here! Heard that conversation between Daughter and friends many times, though--very, very funny, RV! Liz
  17. ....takes away the dog whistle and hands Macmarauder a kazoo..... Liz
  18. Gives JSKY a great big internet hug with my condolences....and a snowshovel. You poor thing with all that snow! Guess Michigan isn't too bad afterall--but I thought SD got really hot in the spring/summer? And Macmarauder, wow..NASA!?!? That is terrific news, hope it pans out for you! I sure know how being unemployed makes for a busy person--since I dropped out of the workforce I find myself saying "how did I do this when I worked?" then remember that I did a lot less "extracurricular activities"--and house doesn't get messy when kids are were daycare all day. Mmmmm, soup! Great addition
  19. Help! This is driving my son nuts!! (Virus free as far as I know) *Son thinks the red triangle and the red triangle have slightly different angles. triangle puzzle Liz
  20. blim

    Rant Reposted...

    Hi Chappy, Thanks for posting the thread for those of us who didn't know where it was posted or missed it. You know what, that wasn't a rant--it was setting the record straight and clearing up some misconceptions. Telling the truth is nothing to be ashamed of, and exposing the truth takes a lot more guts than following the rest of the sheep. I learned some things in your thread and I'm thankful you wrote it. Liz
  21. Hi All! Vile, why does it not surprise me that you have all that gadgetry in your house Aren't non carpeted floors great? Just Swiff or vacuum up the doghair tumbleweeds in the corners and no steam cleaning! Only downside is when you drop your coffeecup, its a goner. I too want to know how long you were suspended with the porta potty explosion Or did you ever get caught?? Brilliant prank! Sure hope Son doesn't read it! Sidekickcat, I never did an abstract (thats what its called, I think) but I was lucky enough to visit with a lady who lived in our house for 20 years who did have one
  22. Chappy, I didn't read your post, but everybody is entitled to a bad day, everybody rants sometimes (God knows I do!) I know you Mod that "nuthouse" we know as G4; that has got to be stressful-- you have such a good sense of humor and the patience of a Saint over there. We all know you're a human being with human emotions, and throwing a temper tantrum with words is a LOT healthier than punching walls, kicking the dog or yelling at the kids . In my humble opinion, there's nothing to apologise for so nothing to forgive, so crawl out of that hole now--too many folks need you! Liz
  23. Happy Birthday Canoeingkidd!!
  24. Happy Birthday Mike!!!
  25. Ack, choke, wails, NOOOOOOOoooooooo!