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Everything posted by blim

  1. Wow, Sidekickcat, it sounds like you had some pretty wild weather! Couple of years ago, we had "straight line winds" in May and November--150-200mph--(did they reach that far East, Bozodog?) and first time I brought the folkdancers to KY in 1996, the town got hit by a tornado. My God, what an awful sound wind can make, not to mention the horrific damage. I now hate wind warnings!! Are (or were?!) your Rhodies blooming? Mine are still budded, hope the rain didn't knock all the petals off of yours. Rhodes are probably my favorite shrub. I've been doing the "death check" on my plants. Looks
  2. blim

    The Preakness

    Aw, come on, Handplane, give us who missed it the details!!! Did a longshot win? Liz
  3. Hi Sidekickcat, Now that info on the EGR valve is something I didn't know!!!! Unfortunately the Son's car is a 1995 (natch!) BUT I'm going to call and ask on Monday anyways--couldn't hurt Thanks! And Pierce, you are so lucky to live in Europe! Its beautiful over there. I've been to Italy and Denmark. Another great thing about Europe is the wonderful transportation system with the bus and train systems (ahh, the smell of diesel fumes are coming back to me....)--and the towns are layed out so you can walk just about anywhere, a car isn't even necessary! Very smart city planning. I also
  4. blim

    The Parrot

    The turkey talked??? Liz
  5. Oh Gawd, that could have so easily been me.... Liz
  6. Vile, I had to Google a Saleen, but boy, oh, boy, I bet you had a GREAT ride!! Way too much car for me--I liked my "now deceased" Cavalier Station Wagon, it practically drove itself. Is a Saleen "related" to a Mustang? I recognise Cobra and Shelby as Mustangs, but never heard of a Saleen. And remembering your high school stories, "You were very, very naughty!" And the Saturn ended up being a broken EGR valve, (wait, where's the EGR valve on that list on your link?) sigh, which I suspected, since the sensor went off when the car was warmed up. I'm really good at diagnosing problems, proba
  7. Even when I was single, all I did was clam up and ended up just grinning....although now that I have a dating-aged daughter, when I see a young'un, I elbow her and say, "oooohh, look at him, he's cuuuute, go talk to him" She hates that but agrees that I still have good taste! Beautiful day in Michigan, so....what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  8. blim

    Cancer News

    Yes, Bozodog, you did fool me----I remember the great advice you gave me when Son was having trouble with a computer game--and knew you had to be a young'un ....And never grow up!!! From being a former vegetarian, actually LIKING 'health food' (although I love Sunchips and Jr. Big Macs too....) and trying to raise a healthy family, I'm a label reader, too. When the kids gave up soda, I wanted to give them variety in the juices they drink--its amazing how many "juice drinks" start with "High Fructose Corn Syrup"--they might as well drink soda if they're going to drink that stuff. Tenmm, I
  9. clock radio works now Fritos and cottage cheese?!? Now that's about the weirdest combination I've ever heard of. I'll have to try it Liz
  10. Thanks Barb! I read this one to Hubby and he roared with laughter--and he said it's my fault if he gets worms. Cut, copy and email. Liz
  11. Heh,heh, its a chain rant! Love it, Mac, you should start a chain rant topic Back when I was 17, my mom got a "late 1960's" Mustang (don't remember the exact year)--back when they were cute and boxy and red I learned how to drive a stick shift just so I could drive that car! Still remember how to drive a stick shift, too (as long as it's on the floor and not the steering wheel....) Liz
  12. Hi Martymas, Yesterday I tried to check at G4 forums (I lurk at Tech Support, not a member) and the "loading" thing got stuck at 27%--all other sites worked fine--figured something was broken there.... Raises my BudLight in a toast to Bearskin's Jack Daniels (don't drive anywhere!) although we still have school in Michigan. Liz
  13. Hi Shanenin, I think you're right. Ok, kids, is it as good as the pre-opening-day-hype? **Oooh, Murtu, I forgot about E3--is it really that popular?? (Sooo not a gamer) Liz
  14. Yea John!!! Even though you soundly outscored my 5%, I feel like I have company! (still stings that I was classified as "probably cool"--artists are not "cool", eccentric, yes, but not "cool") Liz
  15. blim

    Cancer News

    Bozodog, I honestly pegged you as one of the teenagers here! Proves that we are all seventeen inside, right?? I also worry about what health problems will happen to our grandchildren with all the crapfood we are eating now. Add to the fact that junk food is cheaper than fresh healthy food nowadays. Used to be when there was sodapop in the house, we would ask, "who's barfing?", now you can buy soda for 1/4 the price of juice or milk. Glad my kids gave it up, I spend more at the grocery store, but worth it! Liz
  16. By the way, Beef Stew tonight And great goings with your Bachelors Degree!! Nowadays, with all the extra requirements, that is an accomplishment! Thought of Sidekickcat today--25 year anniversary of Mt. St. Helen's BOOM today! Liz
  17. Hi Lamuskrat, Definitely DO take your time before you do anything--it won't hurt or change the situation whatsoever and you need time to absorb all this and to do what you think is right! And Chappy, I wholeheartedly agree with you--I lurked at 3 different forums for a couple of years and this is the only place this clueless noob felt comfortable enough to actually join. Such a great group of folks here who put up with the likes of me (you all are also extremely patient--thank you) and am proud to call my family! Mid twenties means settling into the "respectable adult phase"???? That mean
  18. Hi Flashh4, The "Link Masters" on the forums are miracle workers in my eyes---I'm so glad you got the solution-- now you can join them!! Liz
  19. Hi Joe, I can't even win at freecell and have never played a "computer game" in my life!!! My son has been playing in the arcades using my name and I told him to "Get a square under my name, Mister!!" So he did He told me that piljard is like billiards (which is another laugh because I'm the world's lousiest pool player!) Someone actually read my profile!!! Still dissapointed about that....cookies are NOT a sometimes food! Liz
  20. blim

    Father Rules

    I grew up with 4 sisters--no brothers-- and we were "stairsteps"--meaning not only 5 under the age of 5, but 5 GIRLS between the ages of 13 and 18 (the stories I could tell). I'm the oldest, so those rules applied to me the most. I remember the first time a boy came to the house--my dad answered the door and said, "Who the hell are you and what the hell do you want with my daughter?" On one hand, thank God I wasn't home--I was totally humiliated--but on the other hand, that boy never contacted me again...and he was so cute! I'll have to print this one off and give it to my folks. Thanks, Ma
  21. blim

    Cancer News

    Wow, what great info from both Robroy and Bozodog!! I must admit, I've been skeptical of plastic and try not to use it--partly because I know it is made from "petroleum products", but mainly because the enviromentalist in me feels guilty each time I throw the stuff out (that's even a double-edged sword--use a glass dish and chemicals to clean it afterwards...). Like Bozodog, said, plastic is all over--even versions of it in the paint on our walls and the carpets on our floors--unfortunately we'll never get away from it. Liz
  22. Well, talk about Karma---we dropped the car off to get the window fixed, driving Son's car home from the shop----and the d*mn "Service Engine Soon" light pops on!!!! When we pick Hubby's car up, the Saturn gets to stay......Oi Vey...(hope its an oxygen sensor, they're comparitively cheap....) *I love ER!! * Liz
  23. Well, there you go, now you need to "check your tweaks" on the computer you worked on to find out what version they have! *plays Mission Impossible music--da, da, da, da, da, da, da,da,DA,DA,DUM, DA,DA, DUM....." Liz