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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. Cool, glad you are getting to get stuff how you want it :-)
  2. I have used rhythmbox, it seems to do a nice job.
  3. were they minimized to your taskbar? I think gnome has a task bar by default.
  4. no responsibiltys, what a nice idea, just drive :-) I wonder if my wife would mind if i took off for a few months
  5. I did not realize vmware server is now a free product. This is great. i needed a way to test css on IE5, so I just installed 98se using vmware server. It runs with hardly any lag. The possibilties are endless.
  6. If she surfs the web, you will be an all linux house in no time :-) Are you sure her computer does not have a recovery partition if windows messes on its self? You need to get or borrow an XP cd to use for yourself, but of course you will just use the licence that is already assigned to your machine.
  7. That seems like normal behavior. Every now and again I get a message like that. If you are getting complete defragmentation other then one or two files, I would not worry about it. edit added later// why can't windows use a good file system that does not fragment :-)
  8. I have never used vb, but the compile error may help someone else show you what is wrong.
  9. Using the media norton ghost will create will be much easier to reinstall then doing it manually with the XP discs from dell. You may as well let ghost make you a backup copy of your OS(opersting system). It will give you more options in the future for fixing your computer.
  10. I kind of agree. I personally was drawn towards linux because I wanted to learn how computers worked(geek). If my only concern was getting pictures from my camera to my computer, I doubt I would have ever givng linux a try. I see one exception to this. If all computers came without an OS, and I could have saved $100 from the very beginning, I may have started out using linux. edit added later// I missed the point of the article, but felt like leaving some opinion. In all honesty, I enjoy linux how it is. I don't feel that it needs to compete to get the masses. In one respect, I wish linux did
  11. I have seen some oem computers that use ghost for its system recovery(recovery cds). This may be the case with your dell(The last computer I saw use ghost was an avetec laptop). As far as I remember, I have not seen dell use it. Maybe it is something new they have started to do.
  12. my wife and I would get them also. It is not a way to track are kids, just away to let them have easy access to the house.
  13. Sometimes I am a little slow to catch on. for example, my xp home oem cd has a lable like this VRMHOEM_EN if I have a valid upgrade licence, but ruined my upgrade cd, am I able to reburn my home cd, but change the lable to the following, then it will accept it? VRMHCCP_EN Am I missing something? what about the setupp.ini file, does that sitll need to be changed?
  14. I made a comment ot my wife, more just to be obsene. I said we should implant rfid tags in our children. We could rig them to unlock our doors. I was expecting a big, "are you crazy". She responded, "really, that would solve the problem of the kids losing thier keys and getting locked out". I diod not expect her to respond that way. I think that would be a great thing to do(my wife and I also). Someday I may reseach what would have to be involved.
  15. hitest was gracious enough to reopen this topic, so I don't want to make him regret it. Short answer it will not work. The following topic was posted before, since it only allows you to use a licence you already own, i do not think this is not outside besttechie policys can be made to work
  16. I don't think so. I bit the bullet and purchased an xp pro oem cd just to do reintsalls. I have only used it once(in 8 months time). I still have the coa and not yet activated it. In time I will be able to sell it. edit added later// I also purchased a 98, 98se, xp home oem for that reason. I had a computer with windows xp tablet edition I needed to reload, but I did not have that disk.
  17. I like that idea. Maybe someday(I procrastinate) I will have some updated pictures.
  18. I have a couple of noname micro atx, and a couple of noname atx ones.
  19. Thanks, that is what I was hoping to hear :-)
  20. Cool, then that is where my concentration will go. In another year or so, I doubt that their will be many non css compatible browsers being used out there.
  21. I am not sue if that was sarcastic. When you say "cause it's going to take all your energy to make it work", does that mean it is hard to do, or futile to do(should use tables instaead)?
  22. I want to learn webdesign. i would first prefer to learn to code by hand before using any program like dreamwaever. Being a novice python programmer, i like the idea of using css. It kind of reminds me of programming syntax. Here is my question. Is thier any reason i need to use tables? Would it make sence to put all of my energy into using pure css to position all of my stuff?