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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. I think the ssh server is started by default with ubuntu. As to using putty you just need to enter your ubuntu username and ip address of your computer in the main box, for example [email protected] then it will prompt you for your password. after that you are logged into you linux box and can do anything you need to do. As to installing you will need a moniter. I have started my gentoo install on a moniterless box(can't be done with ubuntu). I just needed to type a few commands blindly to set a root password and start my ssh server.
  2. Any distro can run any server. All linux distros can be made to do the same thing. The difference between them is the way you configure and install programs. (K)ubuntu is nice, it is well supported, and best of all it uses apt for program installation. I like the idea of running a headlss(no moniter) server. It is kind of cool completely configuring it from a remote machine. Yuo can do this all using putty, a windows app that allows you to log into a machine running ssh(secure remote login). By completely running it froma shell you will learn much faster about the inner workings of linux.
  3. Cool, I learned something new. Next time it boots I will take notice to see if I hear it post. One more thought, does it seem likely that the power supply would work then not work?
  4. I would say linux when using gnome or kde is similar to XP as for requirments. I would not want to run it with less then 256mb ram. Linux does give you the option to run lighter windows mangers. They are not as feature rich but will run better with less ram.
  5. I own an emahcine that sounds very similar. Sometimes the onboard video does not seem to work. I usually open up the case, look a little, close it and try again and it works. @xxKBxx you mentioned PSU, have you seen a psu affect the video like that? A friend of mine(who runs a computer shop) also thought that the power supply could do that.
  6. If you install sp2 or sp1 for windows xp, will system restore have any problems rolling it back to before installing the service pack?
  7. thanks everyone for the insight :-) to some things up, I need to find the happy medium, which in my case means being a little more agressive in turing my service into higher sales.
  8. I agree completely with building a customer base by being inexpensive and giving a way some service for free. That has been what I have been doing: free data backup with reinstall(this can take an hour sometimes), free pickup and delivery(sometimes), reccomending free antivirus, instead of selling them some. When I deliver a computer, I will offer to reinstall their printer drivers, and free phone advice, many other things I should be charging for. All of these things could and maybe should be turned into real sales. I ponder this question all of the time. Charge more(going rate) for services
  9. I appreciate your input, that is kind of what I was thinking. I hate turning business away(I can't barely pay the bills now), but I don't feel comfortable not being able to give my customers a full warranty that allows them to deal directly with the manufactuer.
  10. I have myself a small but growing computer shop. I got a call today about a person looking for a lenovo desktop. I am assumbing that lenovos come with a one year warranty. If I buy the lenovo from newegg, then resell it from my business, how does the end users warranty work? For example, will it be one year from the day that is on the receipt I give them? Do I need to be an authorized lenovo reseller for that to work? What aboout reselling LCD monitors, do I need to be an authoirezed reseller?
  11. my kids don't get do do anything fun(download random games) on the computer, but it always runs fast.
  12. My sons friend says to my 7 year old boy, "go here, it says you can get a free xbox live". My boy says back to him, "its just a trick, it will probably just give you a virus". My neurosis is rubbing off, I am not sure if this is good or bad :-)
  13. just to back your asus choice. I think all asus boards come with a three year warranty.
  14. I noticed my pcprobe moniter(asus utility) popped up. It said my voltages for my 3.3 rail dipped below 3.0 for just a bit. It is now registering about 3.04. My 12.0 rail is registering about 12.6. Should I be concerned about these readings?
  15. That can change it simply by going to the volume icon. I was kind of hoping for a registy hack that would allow me to set a limit(66%).
  16. Is their a way I can limit the amount that the sound volume can be raised? I don't want my kids to be able to use the headphones at top volume.
  17. this one is good:
  18. I was going to write it, but soon realized batch files give me a headache. Is it an option to wirte the script with python? I could do that in a minute.
  19. I think I am going to go with this image
  20. I like that, it is much sharper. Since I am designing this for the phone book, yellow pages with black ink, I need to make my computer all black. I am going to try and draw one later.
  21. Here is one idea of what I am going to use. I still need to clean up and sharpen the logo. I also want a black image of a computer in the center of the sun. edit added later// I figured out how to get the logo more clear. When I open it it gives me the option of using a higher resolution.
  22. Thanks. I am just trying to enjoy the process. By the way, are you tlaiking about a solution to keep it sharp, or change the color in one step?
  23. I was kind of looking for a way to change the whole image, including all of the words in one step. Is their a technique to do that? edit added later// When I manually try to change the colors yellow using the paint bucket tool. I am getting a fuzzy image with fat letters(unclear). I am not sure how to keep it sharp. clear image fuzzy image
  24. as to the manual, one came with the installation of elements. I will try what you said a little later. Thanks :-)