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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. wow, that seems really early for school. Do most schools in your area start the first part of august?
  2. I read that error can also be caused by bad or loose ram. You may want to try reseating it. If you have two sticks, try one at a time. I am not sure why you are getting an access denied error. edit added// you may want to first try setting then environmental variable before running the command set AllowAllPaths = true expand d:\i386\pci.sy_ c:\windows\system\drivers32 /y
  3. I don't think firestarter actually runs all the time. It is just a frontend to help create an iptables script. Simply said, iptables create your firewall rules, using the iptables command along with NetFilter. here is another post that may help
  4. are you sure the firewall is not running See my point. We know, if you run the script directly, it is starting the firewall. We also know the script in being run. Now I am just dumbfounded to why it is not working Assuming the firewall is not running, one more time, try running it directly to see if it is being started sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter
  5. lets check and see if the script, "/etc/init.d/firestarter" is being started at bootup. currently the script has this content: #!/bin/bash /etc/firestarter/ start #don't use sudo add one line. to make it look like this #!/bin/bash /etc/firestarter/ start #don't use sudo touch /home/matt/itworked the touch command will create a empty file called "itworked". If after rebooting, assuming the script is being run, it should create the file called "itworked" in your home directory. Let me know if that file is being created.
  6. Thats odd. I am not sure why you have two entries for firestarter. lets try this. We are going to delete all the symlinks first. sudo update-rc.d -f remove sudo update-rc.d -f firestarter remove now we will rename the firestarter script from to firestarter(I think the .sh might be causing a problem) sudo mv /etc/init.d/ /etc/init.d/firestarter now lets create the needed symlinks so this starts at bootup(hopefully) sudo update-rc.d firestarter defaults you can try a reboot and see what happens.
  7. what does this output show ls -l /etc/rc2.d | grep fire
  8. Since the script works, this seems as if it is not being started by the init system.
  9. All scripts which are run from the directory /etc/init.d are run by the system at bootup. These are run with full admin privileges. In that case sudo is not needed, it may have even break the script. if you reboot and then run the following command does it start your firewall? sudo /etc/init.d/
  10. When you have some time. try the following. Maybe we can pinpoint where it is failing. First could you post the output of the cat command. It will show the contents of the script cat /etc/init.d/ could you also post the output of ls -l, this will show the permissions of the script, in particular, if it is executable ls -l /etc/init.d/
  11. I noticed it for a bit(not sure when). It may have been during the later evening in the U.S., so most of us did not notice(we were sleeping).
  12. I did a quick search, the sound seems to be built into the mobo. You could try something like this
  13. what is the model? You may have a replaceable soundboard Just to rule out the speakers being bad, have you tried headphones?
  14. When I said your home directory, it was not very clear, yours would be /home/matt . It does not really matter what directory you do it from. I just wanted to make sure you were not in the directory /etc/firestarter. If you would would have created the file called there, it would have over written the one already there. One other reason I had you do it that way. You have done some scripting so no the difference(I think) between absolute and relative paths. I gave you the command sudo cp /etc/init.d, for this to work you both need to be in your directory, /home/m
  15. Thank you, that was my thought EXACTLY.
  16. I could just imagine the pain of re stubbing it a week later edit added later// I just walked into something and the words muttered under my breath "damn it hitest"
  17. why not just change the user name through the control panel?
  18. as to changing the registered user, it is the same as XP. Using regedit go to hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion Their is both a value you can change for registerd owner and registered organization among others as to your name, can't you just go to "user accounts" and change the name throught there?
  19. It is very possible crucial gave you incompatible ram. When I do a search at crucial, this memory is what they reccomend. edit added// sethook, it looks like I edited my post the same to you posted.
  20. It may have done that. I created a new restore point before trying to reload mcafee, which I am glad I did. The first install really screwed things up(kind of my fault). So I did a system restore, which worked perfectly and in just a minute or so.
  21. that darn little toe can really get in the way. OUCH.
  22. I would say "Led Zeppelin II" and "houses of the holy" tie for my two favorites
  23. it is definitely32bit. All(most) prebuilt computer you will buy will come with the 32 bit version.
  24. I have a dual core amd x2 with 1gb of ram with Vista Premium. I personally think it is a little slow and boggy. I am not so certain extra ram would make it snappy.
  25. I also know next to nothing about vista. This is probably my third, maybe fourth job that had been with a vista computer. I do have vista on my laptop, but hardly ever use it.