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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. The umask option should let you access it as any user. Have you unmounted and remounted your ntfs drive since adding the umask option to your fstab file system? Can you access the ntfs drive as root user?
  2. I noticed I was already listed several pages down. Do you think that by updating it using the page you gave me it will higher my ratings? When determines business ratings?
  3. thanks. I did that and it now says it can take up to 4 weeks to update. That seems odd.
  4. I would like to get my business to come up more often with web searches. I did a google search for the following computer repair rochester mn take notice of the very top link labeled "Local business results for computer repair near Rochester, MN" , does that seem like a sponsored link? If you follow that link, all of them have google map listings, how do you think they got there?
  5. I was searching for a long time yesterday looking for a power usage calculator. That will come in handy.
  6. The 200 watt is low, but most pcs come with onboard video, one cdrom and one hardrive. I just did a power supply replacement on a dell with a p4. The supply I removed was rated at 180 watts. I agree it is better to have extra power. I guess my thought is it is better to get a good brand power supply rated at 350 watts, then a 700 watt cheaper brand.
  7. Those numbers are a little high. A high quality 200 watt psu will run just about any OEM computer on the market. A basic build needing a 750 watt psu is just plain overkill.
  8. for a production machine, I would recommend 32bit windows XP, it seems more stable and faster with most apps. As to the ram, my first thought was 3gbs, but 2gbs may be better. You can run a matched pair(2gbs total) of 1gb sticks in dual channel mode for increased performance. When it comes to rendering, this would be noticeable. If the program is able to use more ram then 2gbs, then 3gbs may be a better route, even not running in dual channel mode.
  9. Make sure the ram is seated completely, I have seen it work its way out many times. You said your sister broke it, did she drop it or did it just quit working?
  10. Choppy video tends to happen alot with not enough cpu power. Maybe you have a process taking all of your cpu cycles. According to the task manager, is you cpu being worked(what percentage) while the system is idle? When playing a video, how is your cpu working(percentage)? Are both cores showing up in the task manager? Since you are using a dual core amd, make sure you install the dual core optimizer driver. Some mother boards need to be flashed to properly support X2 dual core procs. I would research any bio updates for your board. It may be just simpler to reload your system. it is a quick w
  11. I told my designer to go with choice 2. He is going to make some different choices for me to pick from. In retrospect, I could have probably done what he has done, and saved the money.
  12. did you have any luck with the memory in a different slot?
  13. I like it. It is nice and clean :-) By the way, what do you think of "Ms Expressions". I got a copy of that included with my "action Pack". I need to update my sight and was considering using it.
  14. I just did an experiment for you. I pulled the proc off my bench board(use for testing). I then tried to fire it up. It did start all the fans both the cpu and power supply. When I shorted the switch for 5 seconds it shutdown like expected. I don't know if all boards are the same, but this implies a bad proc will not stop it from turning on to some degree. This would way the evidence on something other then the cpu being bad.
  15. those who like the 2nd one, is it because it has symmetry? Do you guys like the second one because of the type of sun used?
  16. Yuk, that is one of those jobs that just plain suck. I have a friend who works at a busy shop. They do about $3000/week in business. In all of that time(in over a year), he has only seen a bad proc once. Statistically, I think it is more likely that you got another bad mobo, or some other problem. With that said, who knows, you may have a bad proc. Sorry, not alot of help.
  17. I may know my clientèle better, but have know idea which design would be more effective in causing more people to call.
  18. a little more consensus would have been nice, but you guys have giving me some good thoughts.
  19. I decided to have a professional help me with my logo design. It is well worth spending the money, since this logo will be used on my new sign, business cards, web site and my two "yellow pages" ads. Those ads alone are costing me $12,000/year. They have been a good investment, they currently break even and bring me a little extra every month. They need to be more effective. If this new logo could give them a more professional look, they may bring in an extra 10% in sales. That would be huge. My designer has sent a few basic designs to have me choose from. I told him I wanted the sun incorpora
  20. I would start with the most probable, the memory. Were you able to figure out what stick or memory slot might be bad?
  21. their web sight says 99% are sent out same day. On an off note. They have locked my account on two separate occasions(still locked today) for a chargback of 42.80, which I never did. My bank also confirms it was not charged back. According to newegg, I have charge and reversed this amount like 4 times. Other then this one error which they can't seem to fix, I am happy with everything they do.
  22. you could try rebooting the system in safe mode then try using add/remove programs how to boot into safe mode
  23. What kind of business do you work at?