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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. Have you tried to run a live linux cd? That is a two minute test which will easily determine if it is a software or a hardware problem.
  2. It would not surprise me if your harddrive turns out bad, but who knows. Try reloading it, that may be all you need.
  3. For a Pentium 4, that is a high temp, for an athlon XP that is well under the thermal limit. I bet at those temps a P4 could cause strange problems, like the harddrive "Disk errors". I am assuming you have blown all the dust out. Maybe you could check your thermal paste, it may need to be reapplied. Your fan may be spinning under its normal rpms. edit added later// did cleaning the cpu lower your temps? In regards to the slow bootup, I think I would just reload. For one night of work, it will guarantee that you do not have a software problem.
  4. The stones have remade so many classic blues songs, and they did a great job at it. Robert Johnson was said to be one of their big influences. currently listening to Robert Johnson's "love in vain" (also remade by the stones)
  5. I would be really upset if my site required "www". I think I would be losing business. I was pricing out signs for my business and kept getting dead links. I thought all of these sign companys had broken sites. They lost out on potential business. Then my wife tells me, the computer guy, you need to type "www" first for some sites. You learn something new all the time. Now I am off to read the link you posted :-)
  6. I noticed some sites need me to type in and others allow just . Why is "www" needed sometimes? This would seem like a huge negative to that site losing traffic. here is an example: my domain will work with or without the "www" prefix
  7. sounds interesting. You will learn and do well :-)
  8. what are the responsibilities of the new job?
  9. "Sweet Virginia" (one of my all time favorites) "I'm a King Bee" -Rolling Stones
  10. can I see what your whole /etc/fstab file looks like?
  11. since you say it is empty, that to me implies it is not mounted. Have you tried mounting it with this command. You will need root privileges to do this mount /mnt/movies What does the output of the command mount show mount
  12. I would try and boot it with a linux cd like knoppix. If the sound is still bad you can assume it is a hardware issue. If knoppix gives clear sound, you can assume the problem lies within windows.
  13. We humans, like a good soup opera.
  14. I am glad you are excited(you should be) about it. Good luck :-)
  15. Best Buy would have charged you $40 for doing that job. Feels good to do a job well done yourself :-)
  16. Is he doing a free diagnostic, if so you cant beat that?
  17. LOL congrats. I hope everything stays good.
  18. I have not been able to find any documentation on OEMoveIt. Is this just a program to delete files? Is it better then killbox, or using hjt's "delete on reboot"?
  19. I kind of figured that was not actual memory used, but it seemed to be a ballpark estimate of really memory being used.
  20. I just got a new dell laptop with a dual core amd with 1gb of ram. I deleted the factory install, and reloaded vista premium clean. I think it is very slow. Before reloading it, it was unbearable. I have not yet experimented with disabling UAC, I will be curious to see if that speeds things up.
  21. Normally one of the first things I do when diagnosing a computer running slow is to open the task manager and look at the PF Usage reading. If this number is higher then installed physical memory, I assume the computer is using the pagefile instead of real memory and slowing down alot. For a benchmark, when I do a new load of XP sp2, the PF Usage reading is about 150mb. This is before installing any programs. For another benchmark, most client computers which have an old install of XP, after disabling all startups via msconfig, the PF Usage reading is about 200mb. This current computer I am w
  22. I am working on an XP machine with very high memory usage. According to the task manager, there are just 37 processes running, those processes add up to about 170mb. according to the performance tab it is using over 500mbs. That leaves a difference of 330 mbs unaccounted for. I would like to reduce the total memory usage, but am not sure where to start looking.