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Everything posted by bozodog

  1. Dang man! I did the same thing. Dropped out in the 11th grade and took that GED about 5 years ago without studying a word. Passed in the 98th percentile.
  2. You are correct, but parasites are different.
  3. eTrust is a very good AV too..It auto updates and you can set it to auto scan nightly too. You can get a year free at the MicroSoft site. Don't go for the 30 day one at eTrust. I used it for 3 months and went back to Avast free. I like the interface better. But it did a very good job of keeping me clean. (I tend to get lost in some rather dark alleys following links all over the WWW.)
  4. A little boy is trick-or-treating dressed like a pirate and he goes to an old man's house. The usual ritual ensues and before the boy leaves the old man asks "If you are a pirate, where are your buccaneers?" The boy thinks a second and replies "Under my buckin' hat..ARG!"
  5. *sends Igore off to Head Start classes for some education. And bakes chocolate chip cookies for him and Mac....
  6. Ooohhh Chappy! You got it right!
  7. I love'em. Added to my list of quotes...
  8. Errr, Marty. Why don't you put up a link for us? I think I'd love to have one too. Ahhhh, b4 G4... how kewl.
  9. heh heh yeah Blim, It's laughable now, but I was smokin' then! I almost managed to memorize the phone number of that gal... (good thing I forgot it before I wrote it down.) I was gonna ring her up with: "you have just won a $2000 computer from Best Buy. We are on our way to deliver and set it up for you now, what are the directions to your house?" Then go over and get my plate back! *and I still want my 5 bucks!!* confusing a cop with a UK license: priceless..........
  10. Well, it wasn't so great a job. Man Home Depot sure beats the hell outta their employees. Retail hours suck! Work till 11 one nite and have to be in at 6AM the next, Never two days off in a row. One Sunday off in a whole year. Leave work at 1 or 2 on Sunday and *have* to return for the monthly meeting at 7. Bleh, pay was good but never, never, will I work retail again.
  11. Awwww, thanx for the flowers. Mac. And no, it *was* the VIN he ran.. after verifiying it with all the paper work, and the dispatcher, they determined it was a glich with their computer. He also ran my plate number and license. Heh heh he didn't know what/how to run the Brit's UK one though. (wanna bet it got run when he got back to the station?) And yes he *was* probing with those questions. He was no dummie. He was very polite (ermm, and handsome) Just doing his job. And fortunately, the weather didn't get drunk out till after the trip to get the replacement plate. So, I was also polite and
  12. Back up to $2.35 Dang! Where is all the bangin' house tunes? *l00ks around in all the belfrys for DJ Mac...
  13. You bet Blim! Somehow a lot of geek stuff has rubbed off on me too, from hanging around here. I learn a lot from IRC too! Well, ok, and the Brit's a real geek.
  14. ECCENTRIC! Funny, I put that on a job application once, when the question asked, "how would you best describe yourself?" Got the job too.
  15. Ok, so my sweet Brit gets stopped by the cops yesterday. Seems the plate on my van is expired and doesn't belong to the van or me... WTF????? SOMEONE STOLE MY PLATE AND REPLACED IT WITH AN EXPIRED ONE! How long ago? Where? I dunno, who the hell looks at the plate number? My subconscious eye sees a blue plate where it's supposed to be, so no problem. Right? Watta mess, had the cop follow him home in the hopes of correcting it. Yeah, sure.... Title? yep. Registration? yep. Proof of insurance? yep. Drivers license? two, one CDL and one UK. You live here? yep, 25 years. Why does the VIN come back
  16. Nawwww Pierce, Some big crapware company will HIRE him.
  17. Ewwwww! puppy pee!! How funny.
  18. so help me..... it is the truf.
  19. Down to $2.29......... Hrumph!
  20. Ya just gotta luv them ghosts... Seems yours are friendly enough. House is only 150 years old? Dunno bout that "Civil War Soldier" Maybe he moved in following relatives years later.
  21. $2.39 here today... They said the national average is $2.33 and that's a record.
  22. It sure doesn't seem like we'll ever get it together and admit it's GOD! Not mine, yours or the other guys..... I firmly believe it's just an excuse for the nuts to play their power on the weak..
  23. Mac, I and several other couples I know met on the internet. After many many years of being single and wary in the dating game, I found it is very easy to get to know someone on-line. The hormones don't get in the way of learning likes, dislikes, hobbies, food, music, movies, etc. You can trade pictures, laugh, tease, ask serious questions. Then maybe a phone call and then a meeting.. My sweet Brit dumped everything, hopped the big pond after about 8 months of getting to know each other on IRC. We had 90 days to make up our minds on far we would go, before he had to return. It came right up to
  24. bozodog

    A Few Pics

    Ok, ok... This is me Nononono! that's not right. Here Opps, that's not it either. Here I am. And My loving Brit.
  25. Blim, the plastic glues together, and there are plastic fittings threaded to mate with the iron stuff. But my house was so old and the pipes so bad I just ripped it all out and used the opportunity to moderize it all with shut-offs on every fixture and in the main lines so I don't have to shut down the whole house for a problem. Ghosts still huh? Or maybe a family of raccoons or oppusum in the walls?? Eww.. maybe bats in the belfry?