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Everything posted by bozodog

  1. Yeah, BubbaBob. a wet finger and a 20amp DC circuit is a shocking experience. I sure would throw it back at the locksmith. Drill it out??? What's up with that? He deserves to eat the fixing and replacement costs. Because he saved a ton of time *not* removing the steering wheel like he should have in the first place. My bet is he damaged a wire and it's grounding out.
  2. bozodog


    You want to be doing something tangible that matters, and you want to do it with the stuff you have. You're concerned about saving everything, from time to knowledge to stuff, and don't like throwing any of it away. Our Potentially Ridiculous Hobby Suggestion For You: Baking Casseroles Learn to make cassaroles! They use every type of food, and you can use uneaten portions to enjoy at a much later date.
  3. A bit flaky? I dunno.. Well liked? For sure. Poor memory? heh heh don't all us old gals? Hang out and play games? Sure anytime.
  4. 1949? How kewl... Is it restored? Or wearing it's years proudly? The street rods from the show here cruise the "strip" like we used to do in high school. Reving the engines, squealing tires, and blue flames coming out of the headers... Great show everynite for 3-4 days. I *will* be getting lots of pics this year. Here's one from last year And another One more And my favorite of the show....
  5. Free parental porn filter iProtectYou Control Kids, not free, but has a trial Free internet filter Lots of good software out there to protect kids.
  6. that's one big plane. Work? At my job we are never behind, nor are we ever ahead... the mail just keeps coming and going...
  7. Yayyy! YaHoo! He's on his own puter now. Jeesch, he's 3 feet away and I like that... NOT on MY desk.... I must admit, he got a great deal, 480 watt PS, $2.99 shipping, *and* a free mic/headset for a cell phone or computer. Gotta love a man who is frugle..
  8. 00OOooooo! Sliders... dang! sure miss them from the Detroit area. We can buy them here in the frozen food section, but it ain't the same as smelling the re-hydrated onions and grease just cookin'. (with a few beers in ya at 2am..) I'd never go back to Dearborn/Detroit. In fact Kazoo has gotten too big for me. But I'm gonna live in the country, not in a small town.
  9. Gas $2.39.9 today... Man are we raping the tourists.... FYI: Michigans "Blue Star Highway" is the most traveled tourist highway in the US.
  10. [rant] If the Brits power supply don't get here soon I'm gonna ..... mystical pie him! grr. [/rant]
  11. I'm not so concerned with the tailgaters... I leave 'em in the dust! It's the jerks that don't use their turn signals, pick their noses while the lite turns green, read, comb their hair, and talk on the cell phone.......etc, that I wanna shoot chit at.
  12. Jeesch, that is just like here.... The airport wanted to extend service and add another couple 100 feet to the runway. That meant bigger planes and more flights, extending into the nitetime. Opps.... A neighborhood called Milwood, put a stop to the whole thing. No longer runway, no nitetime flights (after 11pm) and Phizer (aka Pharmicia-aka UpJohn) moved their whole sales force to New Jersey and are now moving R&D outta here too. 1000's of high end jobs gone because some middle classed folks paid too much for the pieces of crap, overpriced, too small/old houses wanted it. My problem is/
  13. Well, Hitest. You know you need one or two of those for a beer pool party. Don't want anyone peeing in *that* pool.
  14. Hmmmm, maybe just inject the waterm...... no, lemons with it?
  15. Honestly, I always wanted a little brass canon that shot something like horse turds at the *stupid* drivers.... Hmmmm, maybe that potatoe gun of Mac's would work....
  16. Hello. Yes, you. You, looking at this screen for hours on end, online. You, bleary-eyed. You, an addict. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Been outside? Know what day of the week it is? Your name was given to us by a spouse or family member who is concerned about your internet addiction. At Internetaholics Anonymous, we can help. We're a non-profit society of recovering addicts like yourself that provides support and counseling through weekly meetings designed to help you cope with your problem. We feature a twelve-step recovery program and in extreme cases, interventions. Although it is o
  17. Oh, believe me, Blim. This squeeky wheel sounded off! I even wrote a letter to the manager here. Stupid monoply, all I got back was a form letter full of nothing... I would swich if there was something comparable around here, but DSL don't get it, with having to hook up to a land-line phone again. But the 3meg upgrade ate up the savings I had with Vonage VoIP.
  18. What about junk beers? Mac, can you make the next delivery colder? Buying ice cuts into the munchie budget.
  19. Wouldn'tcha know... Sultan returns from some kinda holiday and bumps all the posts! Welcome back, to you, my friend.
  20. Ha! I *had* to fix the squirter for the Brit's road test. So, I took a look at my Plymouth mini-van and pulled off the the hose and squirter from the right front wiper. Now then I needed a coupler to join the two 1/8" hoses. Now in the interest of saving gas, I decided not to drive off to the auto parts shop or hardware store. Rummaged around in my inventory (read: junk boxes) And found and old antenna from a cordless phone. Whalla! A bit of pipecutter and we now wash our back window.
  21. Hmmmm, now we need chips, cheetos and natchos...
  22. What magic eyes he has to get that perspective so good.