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Everything posted by bozodog

  1. You don't need your computer running to have the phone working. We shut down both of ours and the Vonage modem stays on. I still say I love VoIP, I'm still saving a bunch of bucks. Good deal, Pete. At least you get some free service for the grief. And boy, do I know about lousy customer service. I have the same thing with the new VISA credit card company that my Credit Union switched to. They are out-sourced so communication sucks.... Just how do they manage to type an email with an accent? :-)
  2. I'm like BBob, I let the power saver turn the screen off or punch the button. Why waste all that processor power on something I'm NOT watching? And like Chappy desktops are open season. Hey my friend, I even have that line drawing you gave me so very long ago of a fireman.. (you did promise to give me a look at more of them...)
  3. Workout? Quit smoking? HUH? I'm gonna inhale here and exhale in heaven. Exercize? Naww... Whenever I feel like that I lay down until the feeling goes away. Good job roboy! It takes a hell of a lot to quit a best friend like cigs.
  4. Ok, friends.... Liz is MIA and needs help getting her new computer on-line. Let's get a rescue party together, including the robots to find her..... I'll ice down the coolers and get some snacks from the cafe....
  5. I believe it can be done but you will at least need a TV tuner card for the PC. But I'm sure someone else around here can help you more.
  6. Around here the magic number is 11 over the limit. That's ticket time. Right now we have our interstate torn up for major work. It's gonna be a six year deal with bridges being upgraded to accept two new lanes through three towns. Now, in Michigan we have a law that doubles fines in work areas. Once the "men working" signs went up, every jurisdiction around has been reaping the rewards.(two cities, county and state) They've been working the area in twos and stopping even two or three cars at a time. Hummm, let's see: 5 mph over the limit is a $105 fine. Sooo, $210 at a pop. Believe me, every
  7. WhooHoo! $2.55 here today. (never though I'd be happy to see gas over 2 bucks)
  8. So doesn't it keep scrolling when you "hit the stop" at the edge of the window? I don't know about ME but if I hold down my mouse button and go to the margin of this post in my browser it will scroll to the end. Up down, right left.
  9. Mmmmm, hot coffee and toast please. *scratches Hunybun a bit Hey Mac, when did you find time to teach the robo-spiders to shine shoes? *nice job guys
  10. It's been too hot and humid around here. It should rain but keeps skirting around us. Mostly Cloudy Temperature: 70F Feels like: 70F Humidity: 84% Dew Point: 65F Wind: 2 mph SE
  11. And his arch enemy is in a close third........
  12. Well, damn! That means we'll be delivering the dang things for weeks and weeks.... *drop the new one off, go back and pick up the old one.* Didn't they have a recall on them about 11/2 years ago? All you ever need to know about batteries
  13. We rarely get a chance to see another country's editorial about the USA. Read this excerpt from a Romanian Newspaper. The article was written by Mr. Cornel Nistorescu and published under the title "C"ntarea Americii, meaning "Ode To America") in the Romanian newspaper Evenimentulzilei "The Daily Event" or "News of the Day". '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ~An Ode to America~ Why are Americans so united? They would not resemble one another even if you painted them all one color!
  14. Well, here we go..... Why is gas cheap in countries where the masses can't afford cars? Nation City Price in USD Regular/Gallon Netherlands Amsterdam $6.48 Norway Oslo $6.27 Italy Milan $5.96 Denmark Copenhagen $5.93 Belgium Brussels $5.91 Sweden Stockholm $5.80 United Kingdom London $5.79 Germany Frankfurt $5.57 France Paris $5.54 Portugal Lisbon $5.35 Hungary Budapest $4.94 Luxembourg $4.82 Croatia Zagreb $4.81 Ireland Dublin $4.78 Switzerland Geneva $4.74 Spain Madrid $4.55 Japan Tokyo $4.24 Czech Republic Prague $4.19 Romania Bucharest $4.09 Andorr
  15. GOD: Steve, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going on down there on earth? What happened to the dandelions, violets, thistle and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect, no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. I expected to see a vast garden of colors by now. But all I see are these green rectangles. ST. FRANCIS: It's the tribes that settled there, Lord. The Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers "weeds" and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass. GOD: Grass? Bu
  16. No one said crooks were smart, and/or think.....
  17. @^$%#*&%#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeesch, $3.19 at some stations today.
  18. A nurse walks into a bank. Preparing to write a check, she pulls a rectal thermometer out of her purse and tries to write with it. She looks at the flabbergasted teller and without missing beat says, "Well, that's great..........that's really great.......... Some a**hole's got my pen
  19. Errr.... Dell, Tiger Direct, Newegg...???? Best Buy, Circuit City, Radio Shack, Fry;s....... Go shopping young man.
  20. I agree with all of the above.... Just don't respond to e-mails from "phishers" wanting info to "UPDATE" your account.. I get a few of those a month...Heh heh also note the spelling and grammar errors in said mails. Very funny at least.
  21. Liz, for coffee during "those" times, you ought to buy an old perk pot. Use it on your gas stove or grill. I've even done "camp coffee" by pouring the water through a funnel with a filter........ Lucky you with city water..... I'm on a well, and even with a gas water heater no showers around here. I'm also lucky because the neighbor on my south side is on a different grid so most times he has power for us to get water. This time he also loaned us a generator to get us through. But I waited over 12 hours to ask him and the power came back on a couple of hours later. Heh heh, go figure.
  22. I have 40 acres near Lk. Mich. And believe me there ain't no law in the country. Although I live in town, I used to camp out there 3 out of 4 weekends. Many times alone with my dogs. I chased many low-lifes outta there with my S&W 686 on my hip. Told each and every one of them I would shoot to kill if they made me draw it. Word gets around... One evening I was in town buying 22 cals. for target fun and the guy said, " you must be that gal over in Breedville acting crazy, waving big guns around" I said, "you bet! And you can tell all of them I mean business." I also told the Sheriff to spr
  23. Shucks, that reminds me of the time my freind got mugged by a squirrel in the park for her Clark bar. Little bugger climbed right up her leg and snatched it from her hand.
  24. Mac, Mac, Mac. Come'on now..... spill it. What's with the bare mention of a girlfriend and *poof* you're gone again?