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Everything posted by robroy

  1. invade the Rainbow Warrior and create
  2. robroy

    Forum Benchmark

    Congratulatons to Jeff and everyone for making this place a home away from home and a great success
  3. You have to watch the first one to understand the second one. My favorite movie ever. It was my favorite book too, Star Wars is second favorite, so none of your Jedi mind tricks here Liz
  4. robroy

    Must Be Fall

    In many states you can remove that siding yourself. If you don't use power tools on it the asbestos is in a non friable condition, it is trapped in the tile and held harmless. Of course you still have to dispose of it properly. Another option is to furr out the walls and install new siding over the top. Here you would be required to identify the asbestos by labelling it before you cover it. Its great when you can find an older house with the trim not covered in paint. Mine is nearly 60 yrs old, was a rental for 15 years and still had the original stained trim and doors. The lath and plaster i
  5. Yeah, if they kept wriing programs the same way Liz, but as storage got cheaper and drives got larger programs have also grown. Some of this is because of the requirement for keeping programs smaller to fit on the hd has vanished. Also the capabilities being offered by computers has grown tremendously since '99. Music and video storage can fill a 10 gig hd very quickly. It also proves that they saw you coming with that pg ready for you j / k Liz
  6. I believe that we may be in a global warming cycle but not caused by human activity. We may be adding to the effect, but not the total cause. Global weather changes over the millenia have changed the earth tremendously and will do so again. One day we may understand how the balance of the planet works and actually be able to forecast the weather more accurately. Weather announcers must be the only people who can be wrong most of the time and keep their jobs. There is a county just west of here that the residents jokingly say has two seasons, August and winter. That is because August is the onl
  7. hey bubba how you get a pic of my puter screen thingy
  8. Hey Mac isn't the alien here. I am and I have a nice little card that says so, issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Services of the United States of America. I clearly states that I am a resident alien. Now you will see who has the real power to destroy the world My oh my where did I put that neutronium disintegrator ray gun
  9. The sad thing is that most of them probably are true
  10. you may want to try an online trojan scanner, such as this one to remove that
  11. robroy

    Nz Elections

    Yeah Marty it happens everywhere, people are the same all around the world
  12. most of the water on the planet is even older than 50 million , it was made as the planet cooled, so it is probably 300 million years or older That makes me feel young
  13. Thanks I'll take a cold one and some nachos and pizza
  14. About time you got back here Welcome back
  15. clear the cache in the same options box