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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Last time I thought like that it was the nitrous that the dentist used to put me under. At least thats my story and yiu can't prove anything different
  2. I am normal. to me I am the most normal person I know. In fact I am the only normal person I know So there
  3. then bagpipes skirling through the night
  4. Can I get a cold one here please. 'nother rough day at work.
  5. robroy

    I'm Back.......

    Welcome back Mikex and handplane, glad to see you both made it through ok. I hope the others in that area are all ok and can check in soon
  6. Of Gods and Generals was filmed all around this area including some scenes in the local theater
  7. it a religion to say you don't believe in other religions?
  8. King.......................MacBeth was a good king in reality
  9. Shakespeare.... he wrote several comedies of errors
  10. two dogs, one cat, two cockatiels and a ball python. Also a fish tank, tropicals. one dog, half chow half shar pei 9 yrs old, rolls of fur. Grouchy with everyone but family second dog, chiahuahua is actually son's dog. He has one eye, lost the other in a fight with a bigger dog. Still thinks he can beat up the chow. The cat beats up the chiahuahua, just in play
  11. Terminator.............................................I'll be back
  12. Got to have a little rant here today as I have been upsetting people at work all week. As some may already know I am a Building inspector for my local county. I have been doing this job for 12 years and worked in construction, both residential and commercial for years before that. Well this week I went to do a final on a house being built by a builder who hires college grads as superintendants. He builds in three or four states around here. I failed the house on Monday with 3 items to be corrected. Went back Tuesday one item not corrected, so I failed it again, with a $50 reinsection fee. This
  13. never tried that, knoppix is good, or Iccaros or some of the other live linux distros. You can run them from a cd to try them out to see which you like best and which ones find your hardware easily. If you need links or to know how to burn an iso to disk just post back here
  14. I don't know if Keith feels this way but I am happy to say that Andy Dick is not a relative of mine.
  15. I have SuSe running on a k6 500mh AMD with 10 g hard drive, could have put it on smaller, without problems Here is a link for ubuntu. Have fun with it
  16. Cake? Where? I need cake. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM cake Drinks all round barkeep. feeling good again, especially since eating some cake. Frosting giving me a sugar rush. Work week is over. Set me up a couple of cold guiness please barkeep K3 Pink Floyd Money Just for payday