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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Think I'll drive to Michigan to grocery shop. WV taxes food at 6% just like everything else. The dems put it on 10 or 11 years ago for just a couple of years while the state was in bad financial shape. Of course the have never removed it even though the financial crisis is long past, btw gas now at $3.08
  2. when wife gets insomnia I get kept awake. If I try to sleep she will start moving stuff around to aggravate me and keep me awake
  3. Barliman Butterbur..........the innkeeper from The Prancing Pony in Bree
  4. I see you spotted that deliberate
  5. can I borrow the sign? Sorry to here about the car bozodog, what is it and what is wrong with it?
  6. you need to burn it to a cd rom Here is a download site, but it will take a while if you are on dial up. You should have made a backup copy of the original disk. For your own use that would be legal.
  7. Overall: 85% Conservative, 15% Liberal Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
  8. John.....................leave me out of this portapot
  9. Your Linguistic Profile: 45% General American English 30% Yankee 15% Dixie 5% Midwestern 5% Upper Midwestern And all this time everyone was telling me I had a foreigh accent I thought I spoke English English
  10. Maybe something to do with what the college will or will not allow. Heard that some colleges stopped people using p2p on their networks. Just a thought. Ask around at college.
  11. Welcome aboard Kev. Ask any question around here and someone will try to answer it. Nobody will knock you for asking. If they did Liz (Blim) would be in serious trouble haha
  12. I like that. Have to use it myself.
  13. Maybe someone should water down Bearskin's lemonade. He's got a major sugar rush going on there Long Island iced tea for me, nearly finished the painting F4 Led Zepellin - Stairway to Heaven
  14. Happy Birthday to both of you Apparently I wasn't awake when I first posted this
  15. robroy

    Where's Tenmm?

    Glad to hear he was lurking. Hope he's having a good time
  16. Hey tt that sounds really interesting (the lake), so good luck there Drinks all round d2 on the jukebox Grateful Dead- Shakedown Street