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Everything posted by robroy

  1. robroy

    '60's Songs

    I remember those...............I think I remember those...............I'm sure I remember those. I remember something from back then, what was it now. Damn where has my memory gone? Good one handplane
  2. As long as you are careful you can do stuff in the registry, Mac I thought you would be safe in there, carrying the poison apple
  3. robroy


    no rush iccaros, I'll try localhost 631 in a while, have to reboot to do it. As this is only the second distro I have tried I don't know much yet. Couldn't get comfortable with knoppix but I really feel good with this. Learning something anyway.
  4. Liz, to exit the emergency start up disk just eject it then reboot. What firewall are you using? how long were you using it before the trouble started with PG. How long have you been using MacAfee? Had you updated either before the problems?
  5. Same from me Happy Mothers Day
  6. robroy


    I tried shanein's suggestion but still no good, guess I'll print from windows for now. Iccaros said he would fix it on the next release
  7. pot belly ................ stove
  8. robroy


    tried localhost 634 and got a 'connection refused' message using firefox got 'An error occurred while loading http://localhost:634: Could not connect to host localhost (port 634).' using konqueror so I guess CUPS isn't running
  9. robroy


    Hi Hitest I'm using Iccaros but do have it installed to hd still just a beginner
  10. Liz you say ie doesn't work so try typing a website address into windows explorer address bar then hit enter. Does that take yo to the webpage? Hi Robroy, With this do you mean to see if it works? I've been wanting to do this to make sure we made it right, but I've been chicken blink.gif . Will it boot to just letters and numbers (DOS) or will it boot to windows? (if it works, that is) Any idea what it would do if we didn't make it right? And most importantly, how do I "get out of it" after I try it? Thanks, Liz yes I did mean to see if it works let us know what happens
  11. robroy


    Iccaros I can't get the comp to even recognise that a printer is attached, (usb) to try anything. The only options it gives me are 'print to file (postscript)' and 'fax' of course it could be me doing something wrong
  12. sniff, sniff, aha chicken soup cooking somewhere, but wait, sniffs again...... pot roast cooking too no wonder I can't lose weight, all this food around here Love the pic Mac tenmm you have the right idea grabs another spoon
  13. good one handplane and all true
  14. keep going Liz, you are doing good. Mac you should be writing for tv, you have a much better imagination than those sorry script writers who keep producing the same over used jokes on the sit coms. Don't think I have met anyone who got real helpful support from gateway or dell. I know I bought a dell for my son several years ago , it worked fine for 4 months ,then one problem after another, and no help from the dell tech. They kept trying to tell me that it was a virus when the problem was bad memory.
  15. robroy


    I have a lexmark Z22 which I had before starting to learn linux, have the same problem. I agree with Iccaros that big companies such as Lexmark should invest the time and effort into providing customers with working drivers. I will not buy another Lexmark printer because of this