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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Reading these replies reminds me of exactly why I have absolutely NOTHING to do with that place anymore. I do have one thing that I have to thank for, and I want to explain that to you all here, but a small story must come with it....bear with me please. I was the very first voluntary moderator accepted at TechTV...mainly because I was at the computer when the offers were sent out to the chosen people, but it was still a task that I took very seriously. We had a very tight-knit core group of people there and we had issues because of the lack of moderation there at most times. I took t
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROCK!!! Have a GREAT DAY my friend!! Even tho you ARE from the other side of the "Pond",... you're OK ya know... Seriously now, enjoy your day my friend and best wishes to you & yours on this day!! Your friend always
  3. Again....THANK YOU ALL, MY FRIENDS!!! It's been a very quiet day for me so far, and I have pool league tonight, so it'll be a quiet b-day. I'll have a few beers with my pool friends afterwards and maybe a couple b-day shooters or 6, I'll be sure to toast to all my friends here and your health!! Be well and safe!
  4. So is it just HER show thats being cancelled, or the entire G4tv?? The way I read that is that G4tv is no longer being aired, but since I never watch anything there anymore anyway, I have no idea what this entails.
  5. I would look at the wiring myself, it sounds like something is not hooked up properly. How is the Exchange policy for this board from where you bought it? Maybe trying a new board to see if it has the same problem or not, is the way to go here.
  6. I agree with Preston that a Power supply upgrade is probably in order also, you can get 400/450W PS for cheap nowadays, to fit any machine. If you're just looking for a very decent, affordable card with TV out, look at the ChainTech GeForce FX 5200, it's a very decent card, AGP 8X or you can get it for PCI, and it's very affordable. I would consider this card as a good replacement for an onboard graphics chip, for medium duty gaming and such.
  7. HAPPY B-DAY JENNIFER!!! From your Birthday date-mate!! Hope you have a Great Day!
  8. Thank You....Thank You!! Wow time flies just seems like last week that I was only 30... This has been a very difficult year for me health-wise, and I have to say that if it weren't for you folks here....My Family, that I may not have gotten thru it at all. So much in my life has changed drastically over the last year, that I'm no longer even able to recognize this as my life anymore! Having the support from this community that I get, has made this last while bearable at least, and i'm forever thankful to you all!! My last neurology report has confirmed that the nerve damage is permane
  9. It was inevitable really...I never watched the channel myself, and moderating there was not fun at all, not like it is here. Now I wonder how long it will take for the boards to be shut down completely, and I certainly hope that we don't get the a**es from there coming here. I welcome as many new members as this may bring, and I promise...along with our other Admin's, Mod's, and Staff, that we'll NEVER EVER...EVER, let this place degenerate into what the G4 forums became!!!!
  10. Usually I just use WMP 10, cause I'm too lazy to fool around with others too much. I have used the dbPowerAmp player in the past and liked it allot, but haven't gotten around to reinstalling it.
  11. AJAX = Asynchronous Javascript And XML Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, or Ajax, is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications using a combination of: XHTML (or HTML) and CSS for marking up and styling information The Document Object Model manipulated through JavaScript to dynamically display and interact with the information presented The XMLHttpRequest object to exchange data asynchronously with the web server. (XML is commonly used, although any format will work, including preformatted HTML, plain text, JSON and even EBML). In some Ajax frameworks and in some si
  12. Ha-ha....the prototypical question, that Men will never get right. What to get the better half for a have some great suggestions so far. I've always found that the gift itself is never the real issue that the woman is interested in, or is swept away's the entire way you do it that is the true gift! Whatever you decide to get her, make sure that you make her feel like she's the most special and important person in your world. You could give her a piece of wood, but if you did it right, it would be the best present she ever recieved. Show her that you put her before any
  13. Yah...seen a few like that and possibly even worse. Funny tho, some computers will shut down at a fairly light dusting, and others will run for years with enough dirt to make a garden in em..never know. I've even found dead animals in computer cases before, one had a nest of mice in it, another had a dead bird.
  14. Heh...a drive-by install calling itself an anti-spyware app...what do these people think. I guess there's enough n00bs out there to actually believe that something like this is OK/normal, and trust this POS program. Do you remember where you were when you got this? Did you recieve any notification of a d'load at all? (accept an activeX maybe?)
  15. YOU KNOW YOU'RE GETTING "OLD" WHEN ~ You and your teeth don't sleep together. ~ You try to straighten out the wrinkles in your socks and discover you aren't wearing any. ~ At the breakfast table you hear snap, crackle, pop and you're not eating cereal. ~ You wake up looking like your driver's license picture. ~ It takes two tries to get up from the couch. ~ When your idea of a night out is sitting on the patio. ~ When happy hour is a nap. ~ When you're on vacation and your energy runs out before your money does . . ~ When all you want for your birthday is to not be reminded of your age.
  16. Hi Grundlelove Your machine supports a maximum of 1G of PC2700 DDR SDRAM, so just make sure you get a brand name stick of the same type. Your machine also has 3 integrated PCI slots, so you don't only have just AGP, so you can go with a PCI graphics card if you wish, but the 8X AGP would be better. It will also support either ATI or Nvidia, so again whichever you choose will work.
  17. Hi Barb I believe it all has to do with the original size of the image you're uploading, as to whether it says "click to enlarge" or "thumbnail attached". I'm not sure of the size limit exactly, but if the image is under a certain size it will say click to enlarge, and if its over that size it will say thumbnail attached.
  18. Hi Marty Its not enough to just change a "flat battery" with another "flat battery", they MUST be the same voltage and style as the original. Not all flat batteries are the same, even if they are the same physical size, so you have to make sure you use the exact same battery model number as the original from the board, or a battery that is listed as a suitable replacment for the original. All new battery packaging will list what battery models the new one is suitable to replace, so check the numbers on the original and replace it with the same one, or one thats listed as a proper replacement f
  19. HAPPY B-DAY GIMPI!! Wow...gettin up there eh... Have a good one, and a SAFE one too!
  20. Chappy

    Extreme Pong

    LOL Thats exactly why... Anyway, I thought you others may enjoy it like I do. I found it easier with a true mouse than I do with a trackball so I haven't been doing as well as I used to. I'll have to hook up an old mouse an give it a whirl again soon
  21. Definately remember ole George! Sure hope you did point him in this direction Marty, tell him we're all here for the most part, and he's MORE than welcome too!
  22. Update The judge at the preliminary hearing has agreed that he poses an ongoing threat, and has ordered him held until trial!!!!!! Glad we don't have to keep a 24 hr watch on him anymore, but his lawyer is appealing for his release....does it ever end. There is a publication ban in place also now, which is good since we really don't want the type of notice/publicity that something like this brings, it can easily bring other sicko's out of the woodwork. We don't want her in that kind of spotlight, her name wouldn't be released anyway because of her age, but the less this is heard about, the bet
  23. Thats an excellent structure jdoors, exactly like an open web truss used in construction today and should work.