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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Also, just want to add a link to a post I made a long time ago. About Googlebot B
  2. Very cool! Just a note: the songs are at a bitrate of 64Kbps. B
  3. I'm talking to nekton in chat, so far, what I have suggested it is that he try another NIC. Feel free to post any more ideas you may have. B
  4. Actually he is just the webmaster there, his editor for the newsletter, etc.. (Catherine aka Noggie) is the actual site owner. B
  5. Aye, DogReader is great!! The person who runs it is very knowledgeable, and very nice. B
  6. Besttechie


    Anyone have a link to this post? I'd like to take a look, so I can make a post on how I feel.
  7. Besttechie


    Well, my friend, VI aka gvim on the forums, had a good idea for a site, so he made, which allows you to plug your site for others to see! Check it out, it's a great idea! B
  8. Yep, I know, I hate ads as much as you guys, which is why I haven't used any. If these forums do get any kind of ads it will be the Google Adsense ads, nothing too annoying I promise. B
  9. I'd like to welcome our newest member Mandy!! Glad to have you here B
  10. Yep, I heard about it, which is why last night I downloaded the latest copy so I have it on my partition where I keep all my installers. B
  11. Like I said in chat, it looks great! Nice job Matt. B
  12. Thank you, glad you enjoy the site. Feel free to stick around. B
  13. Thank you for clearing that up Dave. I have re-posted his post. Thank you for the offer. B
  14. WARNING!: What you are about to see might freak you out. I take no responsibility for what may happen. Just stating that now. Yes, I was bored out of my mind when I did this. Please forgive me. B
  15. I'm closing this one. Feel free to start another. B
  16. Aye, monster indeed. This forum has grown faster then any other forum here. Maybe I should just make this a comdey site all together. Just kidding!! B
  17. Hey, Yep, it's a great idea, I've just been extremely busy and I just got to it, I put up a pinned thread where you can your ideas. Let's get to work! Btw, blim, yep you're allowed to reply here. Tutorial Ideas Thread: B
  18. Hi Everyone, If you have an idea for a tutorial, post it here! Let's get to work! B
  19. Hi and Welcome, It seems you have/had a very tough infection. I would recommend that you post a HijackThis log in the HijackThis logs forum so we can make sure you got rid of the infection totally. Post your HijackThis Log in this section: B
  20. How to use MSConfig properly in Windows XP How to access msconfig ==> Start ==> Run ==> type: msconfig ==> Click 'OK' or hit Enter This will start something called the Microsoft System Configuration Utility aka msconfig. You will have 6 tabs. General, SYSTEM.INI, WIN.INI, BOOT.INI, Services, and Startup. Each of these tabs has their own purpose. General Tab Here you have the choice of what you want loading when your machine boots up. There are three choices: Normal Startup - This will load all device drivers and services. Diagnostic Startup - This will load only the basic devic
  21. Not a problem Dave, sometimes we all just need time to blow off some steam. Hope to see you back in chat soon. B