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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. So, where's the comedy? (I have to see this in effect every single day I work.)
  2. We've had two days in a row with light drizzle that eventually froze, then a very light coat of snow. Melts quickly even with the heavy overcast. Came home from work in the early a.m. and shoveled it off the drive, only to see the snow melt off the neighbor's drives with no effort on their part. Actual cold weather's supposed to arrive today.
  3. A verstatile vehicle for very little money! Wonder what a $750 compact car looks like ... Whoa ...
  4. I cobbled together my first "high-fi" speakers out of every driver I could get my hands on, some fiber-board, and topped it off with a nice floortile so I could easily wipe off the beer spills.
  5. Ha! My first, immediate thought was, "Dang, I miss my block heater!" (The new truck ain't got one.) Then I realized, and I should be afraid to mention it, WE HAVEN'T HAD ANY COLD WEATHER! I'm not even sure we've reached down into the teens yet this year. Maybe not even in the 20's for more than a day or so. Oh, that's right, all that Western cold should be coming my way. Wish I had a block heater!
  6. Guess I'm old fashioned too, I was thinking about a DOS floppy which should be capable of removing anything on a hard drive (though you might have to know commands such as + [plus] this and - [minus] that to make the hidden partitions "visible" -- I don't remember 'em all). It's difficult to believe there are NO programs that will fit on a floppy that can do what you want (I just don't know of any).
  7. JDoors


    The only one I've ever actually wondered aloud ...
  8. Whoa, that's a list of crapola that program removes? Or is that a list of the crapola that comes with YOUR system? Marty, did you run any erase programs from a floppy? The floppy should have enough of an OS on it to operate the computer independant of what's on the hard drive.
  9. (Not a golfer ... only a vague idea what the "joke" is ... )
  10. A.) I did not read it all, and neither will your recipients. B.) People who forward this stuff will NOT pay attention nor "learn" anything. They already know this stuff, they just don't care enough to make the necessary changes in their habits. C.) Either set up filters to eliminate forwards or delete them unread. Such e-mails are a fact of life and you can't change that, just like there are poor drivers out there -- you cannot change them no matter what you say or do, so ignore them.
  11. Every one of them rings true.
  12. Same goes for video games, fashion, music, movies, etc. We are a society of Chicken Littles.
  13. I believe in what Bear said, the cleaner your environment the less opportunity your immune system has to build up defenses against what's out there. Not to mention you are breeding resistant bacteria by killing the 99.99% of them that are affected by your cleaning products, leaving that 0.001% of stronger, more resistant bacteria to breed without competition from the less-strong ones you're obsessed about killing. Few household cleaning products kill viruses, but then few viruses live on household surfaces, so you're wasting time and money fighting a battle that's irrelevant (viruses usuall
  14. What were you thinking about programming them to do?
  15. I'm not so sure. What activities no longer exist? Picnics? Travel? Bowling, miniature golf, movies, camping, amusement parks? Zoos, museums, parks? Sports? To be sure, some things have changed, but others have been added too (though few adults would agree game systems qualifies as a "shared" activity). Some parents might not be as involved as the "ideal" of the past, and (certainly) some kids may be more reluctant to spend time with their parents, but neither is due to a lack of possible activities. Some parents might spend more time on personal activities, "me time" (while in that "idealize
  16. I thought that too while watching it, but it's tough to know for sure without being there. The road may be even more extreme than it appears in a video. Or that was his/her way of being "careful" on an open, public road.
  17. It's a tough balancing act that can go wrong either way. Too much trust and the kids could be harmed, too little and they may not become self-sufficient. I know of someone, uh-hem, who had complete and total free reign, not because they were trusted or trustworthy, but because the parent was uninterested in their well-being. They didn't care enough to worry. So all you kids annoyed by interferring parents, try to understand, your parents are just expressing their concerns about someone they love (though your parents have to recognize that as an adolescent, you're genetically programmed to be a
  18. Note the clapboards and paint are done in an artistic manner too (wavy boards, various shades of paint). Has to be in Europe somewhere -- Holland?
  19. TECHNICALLY, it's not that advanced. It's not really DOING anything advanced, it can't walk (it's "nailed" to that stool), there are external cameras for input, it's only going through a pre-programmed routine (as you can see when the robot withdraws the microphone before the "actor" is finished answering), etc. But VISUALLY, it's the most human-like robot I've seen. If you told someone that was a woman with a motor-neuron disorder who overcame her disablility to become a TV interviewer, it'd be entirely believable.
  20. Don't forget Uncles, we're supposed to teach 'em how to burp and fart as loudly as possible, and generally make asses of themselves in public. I'm a FINE Uncle!
  21. My list from over thirty years of car ownership, each driven well over 100,000 miles: 1975 Opel Manta (bought new off the dealer's lot) 1981 Ford Mustang Cobra (ordered from the factory) 1986 Jeep Comanche (ordered from the factory) 19-something Dodge Spirit (bought with proceeds from insurance settlement when the Jeep was totaled) 1997 Ford Explorer Sport (bought used from CarMax when the Dodge had to be put out to pasture)
  22. I wasn't even aware they put fours in the Century. Yeah, that'd be one hot ride.
  23. Nope, never heard of the term (but then, I'm not a fanboy of Japanese culture). Of course people have been driving fast on backroads like, forever. Only stupid people would do it on an open public road (if that's what that was) in the manner shown in the video. Stay in your lane, or kill yourselves and save innocent lives. Still ... Looked like fun!
  24. Everyone has anecdotal evidence that one car or another or trucks vs. cars are safer than another, after all, in a similar manner concerning anecdotes many people "know someone" or "heard of someone" who would have died if they were wearing seat belts (or drowned, or burned, or .. ), but statistically trucks are safer in multiple vehicle collisions. Yes, if a truck hits another truck or a stationary object then that's one thing, but because there are so many cars on the road vs. trucks the more likely collision, and the one that generates the statistics that trucks are safer, is a truck and a