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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    My Project

    I really have no explanation, it came as quite a surprise to me that the Ranger wouldn't be capable of keeping up (even with a lighter load and a lighter total vehicle weight). I was never aware of any problems with the truck, it was, as far as I know, in good shape. This was long ago so it's not like I remember the exact speed I was traveling. It was ... less than a hundred but more than seventy, I suppose. But now that I think about it, at the time there was such a thing as "showroom stock" racing which included a class for trucks. Very few modifications were allowed, and only for safety. T
  2. I'd rather trust anti-spam tools (created by smart people) than rely on government intervention (which will fail, they're not smart and they make compromises because, well, that's what politicians do). I get NO spam in my mailbox, I have a "suspect" mailbox that I check occasionally (some stuff I sorta-kinda want winds up there, nothing important, plus a few spam mails, easily ignored without opening), and a "Known Spam" box that I never check (in fact, it's set to delete everything automatically, I set to do that after a trial period of checking it to be sure nothing "good" ever gets in ther
  3. Two processors and hard drives per machine, eighty machines per rack, two hundred fifty racks per cluster = Twenty thousand machines ... and they have these clusters all over? And ... They have upwards of two hundred petabytes of storage? (Claiming only twenty.) I like the analogy used: "If you started downloading a petabyte over your high-speed Internet connection, your great-great-great-great grandchild might still be around when the last few bytes get transferred, in 2514." Whoa.
  4. JDoors

    My Project

    My Jeep Comanche pickup was more truck than creampuff-with-a-bed. I ordered it with the five-speed, NO AC (which I rarely but occasionally regretted -- one trip was SO hot I thought I'd pass out, I kept using ice out of the cooler to keep from frying), NO radio (however, my family & friends eventually bought me a radio and speakers as gifts, must've thought I was missing out on something), I originally planned on ordering it without power steering! The dealer talked me out of that, said it would REALLY hurt the resale value (not that that mattered in the long run, drove it for thirteen yea
  5. They screw things up so often I've learned when it's inaccessable to go to the main G4TV.COM page and select the forums from there. That way you get whatever the "URL-of-the-day" for the forums might be. The new software is the worst-worst-worst yet. I can't even post; it drops paragraphs, won't interpret code correctly, etc. Not to mention it looks ugly and unreadable. Good for them.
  6. Thanks for not posting the gruesome pics ...
  7. Yeah, I was kinda thinking that to... Although, [in] retrospect designing is always much easier Emphasis added for truthfullness. Similarly, I'm sure you've had customers say, "Hey, I could have done that!"
  8. Maybe I hang around 'that' board too much, but I wouldn't bother reading THAT much text formatted as it is. At least break it down to a couple of paragraphs, please. And I agree that the images should be better quality for a commercial site. Otherwise:
  9. Emphasis added, for obvious reasons.
  10. Another one in the minority: That swirling Sun denotes ACTION! Dynamism! ... Something happening. The others are more static, though I also like the binary "message" half-hidden in the second Sun and the color-fade: it shows something going on (but not ACTION!, like the swirls convey ... ). I do like the way the Sun bursts forth from the "B" in the first one. I do not like the darkness of the reverse color in the second, white-on-black lettering makes your eyes work unnecessarily (maybe a subliminal message: This is hard!), nor the black background, white border, then another border, i
  11. Try as I might I couldn't see where he was going with that ... Amazing!
  12. That one always cracks me up. The others are funny too!
  13. <click-click-click-click> That's over four million dollars a day. Wait a minute, to put that in perspective the place I work, with one location and income that comes ONLY from people who physically visit that one "brick-and-mortar" site, makes over a million dollars a day. ('Course it's easier to make money when there's no inventory, shipping, returns, etc.)
  14. The fact that it was news a year ago is at least as interesting as the original story. So, what happened ... ?
  15. The Brown Recluse and Black Widows are the ONLY creatures in these parts that we're likely to come across that can cause serious harm (unless you're allergic to bees and such). No poisonous snakes, no scorpions, no killer bees, no fire ants, nothing. Much further North you might have brown bears, but they're not known to be killers. One of the major reasons I've never considered moving elsewhere!
  16. JDoors

    My Project

    OK. So I opened this thread, pulled the scroll bar to the bottom to see the last post and there's a pic of a sparkling Ford p/u. I pull the scroll bar up a bit and there's a slightly beat up truck and my FIRST thought was, "Wow, good job fixin' that up ... " Wait a minute, one's a Ford and one's a Chevy! Ohhhhhhh! Two different rides. Doh. Sometimes I can be such a noob.
  17. JDoors


    I'd let that bother me but then, that would pretty much be proving your point, wouldn't it?
  18. So ... here's an ENTIRE SITE devoted to unique lamps: Lamponi's Lamps I'm in lamp heaven!
  19. JDoors


    That ... was amazing. Louie? The rabbit? The child's hand? Never seen anything like it.
  20. JDoors


    Holy cow, is that true or what? A friend/co-worker asked me a 'guy' question concerning her new boyfriend, "Why does he continue to wear his worn out underwear?" There IS no answer for that, is there? We. Just. Do. Now I can tell her it started in the Garden of Eden!
  21. JDoors


  22. How is that YOUR fault that she can't afford a non-essential service so she expects you to provide it for free? Wow. ------ I can't afford a new car ... Think I'll go down to the Caddilac dealer and request they provide me with a free one. (Exaggerating to the point of absurdity to illustrate the absurdity of her expectations.)
  23. JDoors

    My Project

    I see you've discovered the Universal Automotive Laws, number seven, I believe.
  24. I think the charge is justified, but not for any of the reasons I've read so far. That should be your standard charge for any service call to her (or even more) -- To discourage her from calling you time after time. Not that you shouldn't help her, but she apparently needs you to remind her that all these calls have a cost she's not yet had to bear. I do sympathize with her inability to grasp the difference in technologies, services and costs associated with DSL vs Dial-up, but at least she needs to realize your time is one of the costs associated with any changes or repairs.