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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Today is Music From and Inspired by day: Dead Man Walking The Matrix Permanent Midnight Spawn Tomb Raider These are the only CDs I have with songs by artists such as Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Rage Against the Machine, Filter, Silverchair, NIN and others (some of which 'one' song is enough, others I might purchase one day). Many of the songs inspired me to buy my first CDs of artists such as BT and Leftfield. And some of the other songs are by artists I already admire and have in my collection. Aside from the issue of whether or not the movies were any good.
  2. That's just mean! Does remind me when a friend gave me a newspaper clipping of an arrest. "Remind you of anyone?" she asked. I said the first name that came to mind, someone we'd known a few years back. Yup, it was him being arrested, it was just something he'd do.
  3. Nice counterpoints! Just got a forward from someone who got it from someone who forwarded it to me, then her. It's getting ridiculous.
  4. Holy cow, some of those are SO true it's eerie.
  5. Someday I'm gonna remember to check them out ... I swear. ------ Checked out the YouTube vids available. I had to discount half of them (or more) because I don't care for "live" performances for the most part (unless I actually attended a concert at some point). They're good all right. Vaguely familiar though, vaguely 80's (they all need haircuts ), some 'epic' songs, some (a bit too) metal, some (a bit too) ballady ('a bit too' can mean challenging, interesting, new and fresh), I dunno. I see what you mean about the drummer (or, I hear what you mean). Very Neal Peart / Carl Palmer-ish
  6. Looks a bit like one of those hidden lists on websites to attract searches (and ruin them).
  7. The Blue Man Group, The Complex. (Betcha never saw that one coming!) ------ The one I'm listening to at this instant:
  8. JDoors

    My Project

    Never heard that before. To be fair, my buddy had a point or two (each has a counterpoint but I won't get into that). Using my previous example; Sears sells ten times more shocks so they get them cheaper to begin with and can sell them cheaper still because they depend less on them for profits, Sears can split overhead costs among numerous product lines and brands while dealerships rely on automotive sales only and their exclusive brand to cover all costs, Sears doesn't necessarily HAVE to stock any particular part so they only have the best selling ones on hand while dealerships HAVE to have
  9. I wouldn't do that ... whatever's wrong is SO wrong I'd do without until it was fixed (maybe I'm too paranoid). Time to stock up on microwaveable foods. Regarding salt, I never use it. I had to get a salt shaker when someone moved in with me -- I'd never owned one before that (it's now in some cabinet, somewhere -- oh wait, I filled it with cinnamon to sprinkle in my coffee!). I keep hearing how it makes food taste "better." No, it makes food taste "salty." That's better if you like salt, I guess. (I get plenty of salt, probably too much, from processed foods like canned tuna, the occasional
  10. Flashback to my Opel. It was fuel injected before that was common and cost a bundle to maintain or repair. At what I knew was near the end of the car's life the injectors were drenching the plugs with gas (the crankcase would actually fill with gas from the excess flow). I couldn't afford to get the injectors replaced, for the third time. Every time I shut off the engine the soaked plugs would prevent the engine from starting, so I had to pull them (at least that was back in the day when you could actually SEE the plugs) and run them through a battery powered plug cleaner. Every time.
  11. RETRO DAY! Black Sabbath Cheap Trick Fleetwood Mac Led Zeppelin The Moody Blues I love the 60's, 70's and 80's!
  12. JDoors

    My Project

    A buddy of mine worked for Ford for years and we've had endless, and unresolved, discussions about why dealers charge so much (among other topics). Why, to make up an example, can Sears sell a shock manufactured by Monroe for $50, but the same shock, with a Ford sticker on it, cost at least 50% more? "Volume, overhead, mandatory stock, blah, blah, blah," was his usual response. I do know "foreign" brand parts are higher still, that's one of my talking points when people ask me about what to buy. I eventually tell them about a guy who's starter cost $800 and no one had it in stock so they had
  13. Gitten' too big for your britches? I've been there, though with much less reconfiguring necessary. New card would only fit in one place, something's already there, moved that, which then required something else get moved. Harumpfh.
  14. Seriously, don't pronounce the "S"! ------ (Meant to include this before but imageshack's service is spotty)
  15. The cell phone ones are of the "It's funny 'cause it's true" type.
  16. Hey, fewer people believe in God or Mother Nature any more, gotta blame SOMETHING when the weather turns bad. (My smart-alecky way of saying it's way too soon to be blaming MMCC for weather.) I too recall many previous floods, I hope everyone's as safe as possible during this bout. I couldn't believe it when they said they're in for another week of rain. And doesn't all this water eventually flow into the Mississippi? Like New Orleans needs high water ...
  17. JDoors

    My Project

    Why'd the hatch-job fall through? Man, you've been waiting a long time to get that done. I would not recommend using primer on it, too many times people wind up losing motivation to get the job done and wind up living with a primer-job, then rust sets in, which makes the prospect of finishing the job even less palatable so it stays primered AND rusts out. Either get it painted or wait until a better time to get it painted. BTW, primer won't fool anybody, it'll just look like you're unable to get it painted. Good idea getting the necessary stuff taken care of (and it sounds expen$ive).
  18. Listenin' to "Tribute" albums: Nativity In Black II, A tribute to Black Sabbath Legacy, A tribute to Fleetwood Mac Blues Down Deep, Songs of Janis Joplin Paint It, Blue, Songs of the Rolling Stones With artists from Godsmack to Sheryl Crow to The Corrs to Koko Taylor it's quite the collection.
  19. Any idea what show that's from?
  20. Still my favorite: Why'd the blonde stare at the orange juice? Because it said "concentrate."
  21. Take care tough guy, you're not Superman. Take your time and stay cool (in both senses of the word). ------ At least the last time I got stranded the weather was cooperative. Just a short trip to pick up milk (at a store one mile away) turned into six hours of one unfortunate turn-of-events after another. It's been nearly as hot here so I'm holed up inside with the air on. I try, oh how I try, to go without the air 'cause electric rates were "deregulated" (meaning: skyrocketing bills), but by noon it's just impossible. I awoke last night and opened a window, figuring it'd cooled off by then
  22. Wierd Country & Western lyrics always brings a particular Willie Nelson song to mind (posted before, but for some reason it keeps coming up): I Just Can't Let You Say Goodbye I had not planned on seeing you I was afraid of what I'd do But pride is strong and here am I I just can't let you say good-bye-- [so far so good, aww, he can't stand the thought of being without her, and thought he might break down and cry when he saw her!] Please have no fear, you're in no harm As long as you're here in my arms But you can't leave so please don't try-- [Here's your first hint of trouble: You CAN'
  23. I wish MY nose was runnin' money. But it's not. ------ I had a wee bit o' trouble getting youtubes to insert correctly too (particularly since I tried it before reading any instructions).
  24. Whoops! That was my first PC's final total (a 386SX 16Mhz w/ Windows 3.x). Still nothing to brag about @ 256 Meg (had to run the Windows System Information utility to remind myself of what I had, since I obviously had no idea any more).
  25. I don't remember the original joke, it's pretty funny. (Coincidentally, today coming home from work I passed the local gym's running club ... 30 women running on the bike path ... I almost lost control of the car. )