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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    My Project

    We know you're kidding, no one else needs twenty-eight pages (so far) to explain the work their cars need done. Just kiddin' man! The new stuff you mentioned, holy! That's a lot of stuff. The only thing I remember adding to any of my cars was an aftermarket cruise control (the Cobra would've come with a "luxury" steering wheel instead of the three spoke drilled aluminum one if I had ordered cruise).
  2. I had to give it up too, it caused more problems than it was worth. Sometimes a complete remove and install can get it working again, if you really feel the need to use it. I still use Spybot Search & Destroy, but it's occasionally buggy too. A remove and install gets it working again. Like Ad-Aware it could be more trouble than it's worth, But I feel the need to have at least ONE of these types of programs available.
  3. Any improvement in relations between Iran and the U.S. would be welcome.
  4. I had only said "politicians" tried to regulate FannieMae because I was trying to be non-partisan (as our President wishes) but if you wish to place blame then I'll say it: It was the Republicans who, seven times over the last decade, tried to introduce MORE regulation of FannieMae, including bills backed by Bush. It was Democrats, including Frank, who whistled past the graveyard claiming, literally, that there was nothing wrong with the lending practices at FannieMae. All you have to do is search YouTube for "Barney Frank + FannieMae" to get videos of him and other Democrats refusing to reig
  5. If getting business back on track is the goal then lowering their taxes would do just that, immediately, as long as the cuts were deep enough to mean something and permanent (so they don't have to worry about having money in the future, they'll just take the money and run if they can't plan to use it for the future). DE-regulation? It was the DEMAND that banks make loans to unqualified applicants that caused the FannieMae collapse. There were demands for MORE regulation for the last decade by politicians that saw this coming, but politicians whose bread was buttered by FannieMae blocked it s
  6. Having an older system/OS myself I have another thought: Web sites use many more "bells and whistles" than they used to and that might be slowing things down ... a lot. One quick test would be to turn OFF ActiveX, Java and Scripting (Internet Tools, Security, Custom Level, check or uncheck the pertinent boxes -- or whatever it takes with your OS version). You won't be able to actually USE most web sites after this, but if your tabs close instantly again at least you'll know the delay is your older system/OS trying to deal with intense web site trickery. On my Jurassic-era system pages with Yo
  7. Guess I have a lot of thoughts, with no clear idea what it all will mean for the next few years: A lot of people believe it was politicians apparent mandate to "do something" that got us into this financial mess in the first place. It's more complicated than that of course, but they had their hands in it, and to ask them to solve the problem they helped create makes no sense. History shows what happens when governments spend money to "fix" things, things get worse and recovery is delayed. Re: Pork. There's a ton of it in the current bill. Even more than the original (hence the balooning co
  8. Heh-heh. Good luck with that lady. Remember the "faceless and impersonal" part? They'll just close your account. I am, coincidentally, dealing with some faceless and impersonal government and business entities and the part about NEVER having a human answer the phone is driving me CRAZY.
  9. Hey! I resemble that remark! I actually have a to-do list of what to do and when to do it.
  10. Ubuntu? SATA? You're speaking in a language that's foreign to me! Unless someone happens across your question here you would be better off creating a new topic, probably under PC Support. The title of this thread might not catch the eye of people who know what you're talking about.
  11. They wouldn't be stirring up that hornet's nest if The International Criminal Court wasn't anti-semitic. Raining rocket-fire on Israel for decades, how is that NOT a war crime? Blowing up women and children for decades, how is THAT not a war crime? Having a government charter that calls for the genocide of the entire population of a country, if not throughout the world, how is THAT not a war crime? Wasting time and money fighting a so-called "enemy" while your people suffer, THAT is a war crime (umm, no need to compare that to recent events in the U.S.).
  12. Would that qualify as part of the "stimulus" package? MORE government workers? Think of how much money those employees would be able to inject into the local economy! And that's five less unemployed workers, with great benefits and, I'm sure, fabulous retirement packages! Man, I gotta get a gub'ment job.
  13. True enough, but if it's been decided that the government is going to inject money into the private sector to "save" us from a "catastrophic" depression, it's too late to tell anybody to stay out of it. There's plenty of evidence it was the government that jammed it to us in the first place, so it's kinda ironic the government is pretending to be the benevolent father-figure now. Hush money, maybe? "Here's a ba-jillion dollars , now don't tell anybody we took your campaign contributions and looked the other way while you screwed over our constituents." Or, "Here's a ka-zillion dollars , now d
  14. There's less empty rhetoric than I expected.
  15. JDoors

    My Project

    Guess you could say I "fixed" the fuel injection problem with my Opel by buying a Mustang Cobra, then I "fixed" the engine-rebuild-gone-wrong problem with the Mustang by buying a Jeep, I "fixed" the totaled-by-an-inattentive-driver problem with the Jeep by buying a Dodge Spirit, then I "fixed" the something-new-breaks-every-month problem with the Dodge by buying a Ford Explorer. -----
  16. Willie Nelson & Friends: Stars & Guitars , a live performance from 2002. With appearances by: Ryan Adams (uh, not-so-great) Jon Bon Jovi (surprisingly good performance there) Sheryl Crow Bill Evans Vince Gill (OK) Patty Griffin (Don't know her, great performance) Emmylou Harris (I worship her) Norah Jones Toby Keith (old-school country voice -- I liked it!) Matchbox Twenty (good job on that one) Brian McKnight Aaron Neville (a little too gra--a--a--a--ating) Ray Price Keith Richards Richie Sambora (good performance) Rob Thomas (another good one) Hank Williams III Lee Ann Womack Got it
  17. You believe only the "weak, infirm and unproductive" buy Keebler cookies or other national brands that bought from that factory? (JK) It IS a way to "save" money, in a sad, round-about way. Pass "feel good" laws to help you get reelected (who wouldn't want a safe food supply?), but don't bother funding them properly (who want's their taxes to go up?).
  18. Why am I even thinking about answering this? I suspect the people who use this type of "medicine" aren't as "white" as the body parts they'd be buying. And if the "doctors" believe in it they'd use "quality control" to ensure the best possible outcome. Thank goodness, huh?
  19. I wish he'd mandate I get "only" half-a-million dollars a year. Is it just a loan? Then no, the government shouldn't take over business decisions (but they should finally be allowed to fail if they screw up). If it's money to be spent however they feel necessary then yes, there should be restrictions on how they get to spend that money.
  20. JDoors

    My Project

    I can't think how shocks would affect the steering wheel angle (maybe if one were broken and jammed into the suspension) ... though the struts (if present) could, I guess. The parking brake problem doesn't surprise me as the disk brake swap is an entirely new parking brake mechanism, there were sure to be bugs to work out.
  21. Backup your hard drive on a regular basis?
  22. Eh, I'd just file that under "Internet-era behavior." Some people text and IM and e-mail more than others. A LOT MORE! I gave up IM'ing with a friend from another state entirely. I'd never get ANYTHING done if I answered her every time she IM'ed me. The "old" way is slowling losing contact with someone over time. A friend, co-worker and roommate-for-a-short-time moved downstate, and our communications have gone down to sending a Christmas card each year (and this year I believe I only got one because I sent one first). Now, if they kept up the kind of communication your old schoolmat
  23. I wouldn't use this particular example to draw the conclusion that "women are nutz." After all, YOU were thinking of HER and either did, or were tempted to, look her up before she contacted you. Unless you're saying in a round-about way that YOU'RE nutz! It's the Internet, that's all. A relativly new and easy way to look up people that cross your mind, people who in recent history you'd have just lost any chance of contacting. I had a recent example myself, someone who just popped into my head so I thought I'd look him up. Found his obituary. It was the first search result (which I t
  24. Agreed. There doesn't seem to be a lot of "middle ground," does there? Since there doesn't seem to be any middle ground, that is, you've got people who view the question from two entirely opposing viewpoints, I don't believe there CAN be any "convincing" going on. The original question was what we thought about the subject: Thanks for letting me have my say!