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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Aww! A representation of Christ's DNA, how marvelously brilliant!
  2. For that reason alone, I vote for used vegetable oil! On second thought, having the entire country smell like used grease? Eww. On THIRD thought, we're all used to citys smelling like diesel, french fries would be a HUGE improvement! That sentiment always reminds me of The Talking Heads' (Nothing But) Flowers, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR:
  3. I'll try not to go on a related rant about Caller ID, but, I cancelled it once the phone company started allowing businesses to pick whatever message they wanted to use. I'd guess over 50% of the calls I received didn't "ID" anybody. There was information, but it was useless for identifying exactly who it was that called, which is kinda the whole point of Caller ID.
  4. "... Obama talks about depression style works programs. Why doesn't he focus on buidling an alternative fuel infrastructure? ..." We're not at the point where we HAVE to have an alternative fuel (gas is here, readily available, relatively cheap and it's easy to make minor changes without having to throw out everything we already have in place), but I agree that it would take a government mandate to install the trillions of dollars worth of new infrastructure that would be necessary to accomodate a new fuel source. One problem? WHICH new fuel source? Each alternative has positives that others
  5. JDoors

    My Project

    Is your engine so highly tuned that it's extremely particular about the gas you use, or do you think you got contaminated gas from the "bottom of the barrel?"
  6. JDoors

    Big Bugger

    That's creepy! Hey, iSteve! Seen the new claymation ads yet? One's mean (Microsoft kills bunnies?)(still funny though), the other's funny (even Microsoft shows they have a heart -- eventually).
  7. I agree natural gas, hydrogen and electric cars are "the future," but they all require new infrastructure and changes in the way we live. Ethanol requires very little change by comparison, and no change whatsoever for much of the country since it's been in use for decades, just fill 'er up as usual, right now. If I convert my car to N.G., where do I fill up? At home, sure, but I don't have the facilities to do so. How much would that cost me? I can't even imagine how much it would cost to provide N.G. filling stations to accomodate the bajillions of cars on the road, with more to come. And w
  8. Wow. Best wishes for a successful op. and a speedy recovery. I take issue with calling that guy a Naturopathic "M.D." An M.D. knows about sterilization.
  9. Well, I believe it IS a solution. Not "the" solution, our country won't be able to switch entirely to ethanol, but it's here, now, we've already been using it for decades and increasing the amount we use does help (in several ways) and as it gets used more it will get MORE efficient (production and transportation-wise). Yes, it costs money, and isn't the most efficient solution possible, but anyone promoting any OTHER solution as being better, cheaper, more efficient, with the ability to start using it NOW, as we can with ethanol, is full of it. Well, more full of it than the people trying to
  10. So oil doesn't require any energy to obtain? I never see the actual numbers; the exploration, digging, processing, transportation, etc. Compared to growing corn, which requires no exploration, we're already doing it. You only have to dig a couple of inches (over a wide area though). And tranporting across the country, compared to transporting from South America or the Middle East? And getting off petroleum? Did you think we would change to something cheaper? If it was cheaper, we'd already be using it! OF COURSE it's going to cost more. And of course it won't be fully as efficient, again, if
  11. My message used to be, "We screen all our calls, if you wish to get ahold of us please leave your name and number," <beep!>. That was apparently too aggressive, too antagonistic, and thus ticked off too many people (though my friends and family loved it BECAUSE it was so aggressive). Now I just go with the built in message. The difference is, IT'S NOT OUR JOB TO ANSWER THE PHONE. Since I got through to the gub'ment but not the business, I'm thinking of going to their office -- but I know, I just KNOW, I'll have to wait ... and wait and wait ...
  12. I think skill matters as much or more than which wheels are driven. You can turn a RWD car quickly by applying power to slide the rear around (think old-school rally drivers), you can plow through a turn using FWD by applying power to make the car go where you want (and just let the back hang on as best it can). I could go nearly anywhere with FWD, but I could never overcome my instinct to prevent the rear end of a RWD car from coming around, I corrected for it even when I didn't plan to, so I never got the hang of that. Had a buddy that could control a slide like there's no tomorrow, I was s
  13. [rant] So I have to deal with the state government. I'm given a day to call, and the hours I can call on that day. I call. It's busy. I call every fifteen, twenty or thirty minutes ALL DAY LONG and it's busy every single time. The next day (buried in the paperwork it says I can call on two other days) I call. It's busy. I call again and again, it's busy. I finally hit redial, busy signal, hang-up-hit-redial, busy, hang-up-hit-redail, busy, hang-up-hit-redial -- and I get through! No wonder it's always busy, the voice-prompts go through about a GAJILLION instructions that are irrelevant to my
  14. Wow everybody, that's a lot of snow and sleet! In the Chicagoland area we're already several inches above the usual TOTAL for December. There are brain-dead drivers everywhere, snow or no snow, rain or no rain, reason or no reason. I used to joke that some people forget how to drive if someone spits on the sidewalk, "Oooo, better slow down!" (Or speed up -- and run off the road.)
  15. Must be fun for the kids! Commuters, however, are in for a big surprise. Nuthin' worse than drivers who have NO idea how to drive in snowy or icey conditions. Be careful out there!
  16. JDoors

    My Project

    The thermostat's on the BACK side of the block? Reminds me why I no longer do my own work. Your comment about the output of your heater reminds me of my Comanche pickup. That was based on the Cherokee, which is an SUV. Same engine, etc., same heater -- But it only had to heat the cab of a pickup. I could roast a turkey in that sucka. (Think I've mentioned that before ... ) My nephew borrowed the pickup for some chore and when he brought it back he said he had to open the windows because it got so hot (I didn't ask why he didn't just turn down the temp ... I already knew that some peopl
  17. If those pics were anywhere else they originated with me. I took the photos because I didn't think ANYONE would believe just how bad those roommates were. The last pic ... When that guy moved out he left a mess I had to clean up. I found a dead animal. Even worse? That's not the worst roommate I've had.
  18. Excusing yourself to use the restroom must be out of the question. Dinner In The Sky, aka Meeting In The Sky, Showbizz In The Sky and ... Marriage In The Sky!
  19. That first guy who got famous for coordinated Christmas lighting should get residuals from TSO -- He made them insanely popular. I have a Christmas album from them but not because of that video, it was on a recommendation a long time ago from ... wait for it ... Rush Limbaugh. I was watching My Name Is Earl and they played a Donovan song in the background, which got me to wanting to hear some, and that led to a 60's/70's/80's day of music: Donovan Boy George Cat Stevens David Bowie Emerson, Lake & Palmer Janis Joplin Journey And because it was nearby: Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harri
  20. Thanks. With the roof antenna I got around ten, so after deleting the digital stations I'll never watch I've doubled the available channels. Which is another reason I didn't miss having cable or satellite. Out of the ten or so stations I used to get via the antenna, I watched maybe five regularly. Why the heck was I paying hundreds of dollars a year, to occasionally watch a cable/satellite show? (Many of which I can see for free on the Internet.) I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. Friends and family that have cable/satellite wind up scanning almost endlessly through all those channels, o
  21. ... Like, you come home, they're nowhere around, and THIS is what the living room looks like? Or you're cold, you figure out they left their bedroom window open in the middle of a Winter snow storm, and when you go to close their window you discover THIS is how they live? Or this? Yeah, we should share roommate horror stories.
  22. I get my TV from an antenna (many years ago I had poor cable reception which the cable company couldn't permanently fix, so I decided I wasn't going to PAY for poor service), so I have to buy a digital tuner (money's a serious issue for me right now). I used Consumer Reports' DTV information and ratings pages to choose a box (their top selection simply isn't available, ANYWHERE, so I went with their second choice). Did a web search for the model number and after several back-and-forths decided on a site to buy it from (Solid Signal, this product: Tivax STB-9 - the next higher model has analog
  23. So, is Max saying, "PARTY!" Or is he wailing 'cause you put a silly hat on him?
  24. And my personal favorite: