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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. He might have had a case for you to be generous BEFORE he suggested a clean install on your machine, but after? Nope, if he's so smart let him clean up his own durn computer.
  2. I'm keeping an old system running so I'm in the habit of monthly cleaning. I'd soon run out of space and lose performance if I didn't constantly work on it.
  3. Actually the car analogy works well here. At some point the time, energy and money spent keeping an old one going can't be justified except as a hobby. An expensive, time consuming hobby. Sometimes to keep one going you have to adapt -- Parts are no longer available so you use something similar in its place ... or just something that'll work. Occasionally you have to learn to live with the broken stuff. There's nothing inherently wrong with sticking by the ol' girl, but sometimes you have to learn to live with some compromises. I could go on ...
  4. Huh? Do you know what the current movie Brokeback Mountain is about? Two cowboys wind up in the mountains for a long time & fall in love with each other. Then they go back to their individual lives but when they meet again the passion starts anew. BrokeMac sounds similar to Brokeback ... so ... "I can't quit you" = "I can't quit this program" and playfully pushing 'n' shovin' each other is the same in both, but funny in the parody 'cause he rolls away on his office chair. What's that they say about explaining humor?
  5. Yeah, a dealer should be able to just pay out without thinking. And if you pay someone something-or-other and 50 cents, they might leave that there for the next hand so you wind up with all kinds of random amounts. Just so's you know, the program I found online that included that little 'calculator' (plus a ton of other stuff), went for over three hundred dollars. I didn't happen to need the other stuff (like where to place cards, how to handle insurance & other bets, etc.), just the calculator, so I wasn't gonna pay three hundred bucks for it. Plus that program was poorly designed &
  6. JDoors

    New Pics!

    Wow! Some stunners there. Difficult to pick three but these "spoke" to me: PICT2559, PICT2486, PICT2388.
  7. I'm gonna hafta go with Terrorist, use another way to view thumbnails. That is, give up on Explorer. Not only is '9x infamous for it's instabilities, it's getting old. Any newer programs you have installed almost certainly do not take '9x into account. Oh, they may have been tested with '9x, they may run in '9x, but they may also make registry (or other) changes that have unexpected side-effects, odd little ones possibly like the one you're currently experiencing. Even making undocumented or advanced changes in '9x may wind up creating those unintended side-effects. I can't recall exact examp
  8. (Took me a while to figure out how & where to actually d/l the program!) So far, I like it. Some of it is too technical for me though. Glad you pointed out the "Secrets" option (the only 'surprise' I got was my log-in password, which I know isn't particularly safe anyway, but it was still surprising to see it displayed there onscreen). There are a few useful 'tools' there too (some could end my Windows session so I haven't played with them yet). And ... So far ... IT'S FREE!!!!
  9. Well, I was enjoying it, until I figured out it was political in nature. Funny concept (hardee-har: "Moopheus").
  10. I would never have guessed the arm moves that fast. Technology -- gotta love it.
  11. Holy cow! Just what I needed! And it's small man, how'd you do that? I did have to update my Java, but that's something I should'a been keeping up on anyway so you did me a favor there. Playing with it reminds me why I hate learning -- My brain hurts.
  12. S'more ideas: If XP be sure you have permission to access the drive & contents. Try booting with a floppy that has data on it -- Windows may read the disk then. Try a FULL FORMAT -- not a QUICK FORMAT. Ensure you have the exact floppy driver for your brand of drive (the Windows default driver may not work). Rather than buying a new cable, first be sure your current one isn't 'flipped' the wrong way.
  13. Windows '9x is known for 'losing' settings (due to registry, well, not corruption, but mismanagement maybe?). I think it's due to built-in limitations for "remembering" things (memory and/or storage limits). If you haven't done so yet, set ALL the folders to one setting (that is, after selecting your settings, use View menu, Folder Options, View tab, Like Current Folder button). You might even try using the Reset All Folders button on the View tab to eliminate all the registry Tomfoolery that's accumulated, then make your selections and apply them across the board.
  14. Yeah, didn't think about the site's other content. Nor did I say it's a video for you 56K'ers. So, you want me to describe it to ya?
  15. Idea: I needed this and couldn't find a good one (without paying mega-bucks for an entire training program). I was training to be a Blackjack dealer and you have to know the payouts. Let's say you bet $1, the payout for BJ would be one-and-a-half times that, $1.50. Easy enough. But you have to "know" the payout for ANY amount bet. $37.50? $376.00? $74.50? So a sort of calculator that would display a random bet (between, say, $5 and $2000, the minimum and maximum bets usually allowed, in $0.50 increments). You type in the payout (to be correct it would have to be one-and-a-half times the bet
  16. Huh, looks like your gut feeling that the disk was going South may be right. "Bad clusters" isn't good, faults while running scandisk isn't good. I'd stop messin' with it until you have a backup plan in place. If it's goin' bad the more you use it the more data you risk losing. You could probably save the disk if you had SpinRite from GRC.COM (commercial maintenance & recovery software).
  17. Then perhaps you can tell us if it makes any sense to reverse a calendar -- I'm thinkin', no. What, if any, problems have you had being left-handed?
  18. JDoors


    Oh baby, what a line! I'll have to remember that one for the bra... kids in the family.
  19. Of course the FIRST thing to do is find a way to back up the data. Once you have that done nothing else really matters; the drive could be kershplunck, the OS could be trashed, once backed up you can even delete it to make more room for drive tools to operate, etc.
  20. JDoors


    Cute site, here's a good one: "We had one of those low audio quality singing toys (kinda like the singing fish). This one was a white Christmas Bear dancing and singing "Yes, Jesus Loves Me ... Yes, Jesus Loves Me" ... My neice when playing it would [sing] something totally different. "Yes, Beat the Puppy ... Yes, Beat the Puppy". Though usually I let kids sing their own versions, I did correct her on this one cybersquirrels" Oh boy, SO many good ones: "When I was young, I never could understand how they could get the people pictured on the obituary pages to smile. After all, they were dead! a
  21. I agree first run virus and malware scans. If not successful reinstall the program. Next I'd look at replacing/updating the video driver (a hunch; when things won't display I update the display driver).
  22. I can't think of a way to prevent the second command from running after the first runs without some kind of user input (i.e., "pause"), unless (and I'm rusty here) some sort of counting/timer is used (if that's still available.
  23. Also relevant: How old's the drive? How often do you use it? How old's the disk?
  24. It's possible the error message is correct and deleting some files will allow you the room you need to run maintenance programs. If you can't wait use Windows Explorer (or Control Panel, Internet Options, General tab, Temporary Internet Files section, Delete button) and delete temporary Internet files (really, really unecessary except for, maybe, cookies which will have a TXT extension). That may give you just enough room to continue performing maintenance.