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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. HB; Yeah, that $65 parking fee is for a high school. SKC; It's not clear what a 'parking strip' is. The grass between where a sidewalk would go and the curb? I'm not sure what all the restrictions are here, we're supposed to "maintain" it but the city has arborists that take care of the tree(s), if any. Terrorist; Almost three grand a year for natural gas? (I don't feel so bad about paying a total of $750 last year any more.)
  2. Well now ... That was a waste of time. Did you know if you stick to it long enough you can make all the blocks so small you can't see them any more? The screen goes to grey? (OK, so I only did that to a very small portion of the screen ... but I went WAY longer than I should have with the rest of it.)
  3. It's a constant debate here. Schools are controlled locally so it depends where you live, but many schools have "bi-lingual" classes for those who do not speak English or if English is their second language. The debate comes in when people recognize that NOT teaching in English prevents children from being able to compete and flourish, both personally and professionally. You're not getting into college if you don't speak English well, you're not going far in business either. On the other hand, kids have "difficulty" learning and keeping up if they don't understand what's being taught. But o
  4. Grr, parking at school -- If I were King of the Known Universe, parking at school would consist of: You park your car at school. But Noooooo ... Only certain people are allowed to park, and only in certain places, and you have to pay for the privelege. A friend has to pay $65 for a yearly permit. You know what? That's a big school. If a thousand kids park their cars, that's an extra $65,000 A YEAR they're making. There's no way on God's Green Earth they spend $65,000 a year on maintenance for that lot, it's just pure greed and profit. The lot's already there, it was bought and paid for a d
  5. JDoors

    Slang Words

    We just treat your posts like that e-mail forward that had every word mispelled but you could still read what it said. (Kidding!)
  6. Read some, saving it for later. Seems like a crash course in computer repair!
  7. Glad to see it's for medical purposes rather than consumer use. I'm against all the anti-microbial this and that that's out there -- I believe it breeds stronger microbes, and prevents our immune system from recognizing and mounting a defense against the ones that are already out there. I know there's more stories of accidental discoveries but I can't think of any right now (other than 'vulcanizing' rubber, and I'm not sure that's a true story).
  8. So ... I'm thinkin' ... What would I map out? What would work for me? Something that happened in dozens of places ... And what pops into my head? Proposals? Breakups? Places my car-at-the-time broke down? No. The first thing I thought was: All the places I got wasted. Sad ... so very sad. "We're gonna need a bigger map!"
  9. Wow, I haven't heard that one in YEARS. Nowadays pictures of the remains would be posted in the Internet.
  10. Hey, at least we don't have to remember if a schoolbus, a lightbulb, a knife or whatever is masculine or feminine! Que es mas macho, schoolbus o lightbulb? I DON'T KNOW! It's just a schoolbus to me!
  11. Lot's o' good ones, but I like that one best. Especially because after describing the bloody results, he adds that it only cost a dollar. We took the city buses to school, a very, very large school. If you were unlucky enough to live within a few miles of school, by the time the bus arrived it was packed to overflowing already. You got on any way you could. There'd be arms and elbows and backpacks sticking out every window and door on the bus.
  12. ... as the audience sits, wide-eyed and silent ...
  13. My all-time favorite blonde joke has been: Why did the blonde stare at the orange juice? Because it said, "concentrate." (Old, but still ... )
  14. There's a flip side to that: My Sister and Brother-in-law told my Nephew they'd co-sign for a reasonable loan for his first car. He has to hold a job, he pays for the car, but they give him a leg-up with a little assistance obtaining a loan. Nice parents, huh? So he moves out of state, never calls, and they're stuck paying off the loan.
  15. JDoors

    Slang Words

    I'm surprised at how many I've heard. Guess I watch a lot of Brit TV and movies. Many are absobloodylutely common in the U.S. (not that one though). Whoa, I knew about a few words or phrases we used differently, but some that are completely innocent here are rather rude 'over there.'
  16. JDoors

    Winders Me

    Think of it this way: Try to find any support for Windows 3.1 at any Microsoft site. It's all gone. No updates, no downloads, nothin'. It'll probably take some time to purge their database of pre-XP pages & info (if they even make an active effort to do so) so it's not like a big ol' switch will turn off everything at once, but don't expect any updated information whatsoever.
  17. ... As far as you know ...
  18. JDoors


    I think I have some good arguments against some of those, but why brag?
  19. Even if it were a true story, the lady who put a paper cup of steaming hot coffee between her legs would still win. It's extremely unlikely that someone wouldn't know how cruise control works, but it's completely unbelieveable that an adult wouldn't know that hot coffee is, well, HOT.
  20. I hope you're not basing your low opinion on the commentary from others on Flikr. I read some of them a while ago and they were exactly like the type of replies you get on forums like G4 -- a--holes being negative for all the wrong reasons (makes them feel better when they put others down, they're anonymous so they can be mean without consequence, etc.). You cannot win a contest if you never enter one, and you cannot sell a shot if you never submit one.
  21. Thanks for the reminder. I've been tryin' to stay up-to-date with your photography, but it looks like I missed some of them. (D'ja ever get your projects done & graded?)
  22. Sounds like it did go well, congrats! Having other students congratulate you is especially satisfying. So a question: I mowed the lawn and as usual I sneezed several times while doing so. Am I allergic? Or was is a simple reaction to airborn dust & particles?