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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. I like your pic. Nerelda. But you'll still have to show your new system.
  2. I'm another home built user, after years of working on my old Compaq. I never had a choice. If you wanted to get it fixed, you had to send it back to Compaq. There wasn't a repair shop within 200 miles of where I live,(of course now there are a couple close by. Thats how I got into building my own). But I believe you'll be surprised just how easy it really is to do the work yourself. The only thing is, reformatting and reinstalling is a long, time consuming job. Not that it's hard, just takes time to do it. On an average of 3 to 4 hrs just to reformat, reinstall, and upgrade. And another hour
  3. LOL! Now those are some witty robbers. They have to be the joke of the jailhouse.
  4. Thanks for the warning Chappy.
  5. Oooo! Thanks tictoc5150. Now I'm going to have to change the color. Never thought about the olive green and baby s***. LOL At first I thought of posting one of my StyleXP themes, but I usually just run my normal desktop. Tho I do have two favorite Style XP themes that I do run alot. Of course, If everyone thinks of the olive green and baby s*** together, them maybe I am the only one running it. LOL
  6. I keep mine cleaned up also. Less confusing
  7. Good idea! Thanks for the idea Crow.
  8. Well to be truthfully, Not having used AVG as of yet. After removing all of McAfee and it's added spy ware scanner and it's control center and all the other---AOL of AVs (chuckles to thyself) added addons. Avast seems to be running rather smooth. Seems less cumbersome then my old AV. But since I still have to add AV now to my backup puter. I'll install AVG to that and then play with both. sultan_emerr... No, not the Sky falling, Tho there is to be a lunar eclipse at 9:00 PM mountain time tonight.
  9. Happy Birthday Bearskin! Save a piece of cake for Boo Boo.
  10. LOL Never thought of it that way before. But I uninstalled McAfee last night and installed Avast.(give me time to see what Avast is really like). So far it's looking good. And yes, it seems less cumbersome then McAfee. And I do like being able to change skins. Still playing with all the options to get it set up the way I like. Agian Thanks All
  11. No, you can set it to starts with windows. R-click on the clock and open up "TCLOCK Properties" On the "Misc" tab, Go to the bottom and click on the "Creat a shortcut in the Startup folder". Then choose "Yes" That will get it to start up with windows.
  12. Allright, I'm going to switch then. McAfee upped their renewal rates and that is what was pushing me to switch. And have watched the postings about Avast and AVG. and thats why I was leaning towards Avast. Thanks For the Input. JSKY
  13. Heres the deal. My sub to McAfee runs out in November(used it for years). And I've been looking at Avast to replace my AV. I have heard allot of good stuff about Avast, And even recommended it to others who never had AV protection on there machines. I would like to know from those running Avast what they really think of it. I'm about 80% ready to make the change to Avast, so all your advice does count.
  14. JSKY

    Page Not Found

    Good find! LOL Gotta love that one.
  15. Try changing it to download to you desktop or a folder and see what happens. I have no problems with mine version of 1.0. If this doesn't work, try reinstalling it.
  16. Here is another clock utility for the taskbar, And allows you to change the start button pic and words also. TClock
  17. When you have FFox open, go to the taskbar and click "Tools" > "Options" > "Downloads" and see where you are sending your downloads to. You might have it set to go to your floppy instead of a folder or desktop.
  18. The soft menu is installed on a mother board with few pin or dip switches, you do all your changes in your BIOs. (not using pins or switches). You might just need to go into your BIOs settings and just click save all settings to clear this. Here is a link that might give you some help. Soft Menu But normally just going into the BIOs and checking "Save Settings and Exit" will work.
  19. JSKY


    I agree. Add my "agreed" to this post also.
  20. Set your BIOs to boot off the CDROM as first boot device. (keep looking in your BIOs for boot order). Then go here and the center column will help you with the install (half way down tells different ways to do an upgrade) XP Install/Upgrade
  21. JSKY


    Younger viewers??? WHO??? 8 to 15 year olds?
  22. Found out on my backup machine. Have my copy of XP installed on both my main and my backup PC. Installed it on my main first, backup later. Both my PCs say they are activated, and I can get downloads from M$ without problems for both. But not so on the legal part. My main says it is legal, but my backup PC says it is not legal. So there is a difference between being a legal copy and activation. you can still activate a copy.
  23. Well, Happy Anniversary and Merry Christmas all rolled into one. You have one good boyfriend there. Have fun putting things together-together.