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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. LOL And just how big is your house???
  2. How long have you had ZA installed or new upgrade to it? Have you installed anything new or a major upgrade to any programs?
  3. SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERTHING!!!! A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue. A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. A shark is the only! fish that can blink with both eyes. A snail can sleep for three years. Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill. Almonds are a member of the peach family. An ostrich's
  4. Happy Birthday Macmarauder
  5. JSKY

    Sox Fans

    LOL HAHAHAHAhahahahaha! Now that's what I call Fan Support.
  6. Thanks. I'll copy the info, It might come in handy sometime. Cause you just never know.
  7. I like #1 The colors match everything. Good shading.
  8. I hope it's got good parachutes. LOL Them mid-air fender benders could be a fast landing type deal.
  9. I have noticed no changes to the speed on my PC. But then, even tho I don't do much gaming, I built my system to be able to handle the newer games. That might be why I haven't noticed any slowdown.
  10. JSKY


    Edit this... tenmm would like to have a half gallon of #7 for his fee. Keep this in mind when paying your bill.
  11. Happy Birthday Shadow! Lets Party
  12. JSKY


    I am glad that we were all here to help you. Now if you will just send every member $20.00 for your bill.
  13. I'll sure take a cold one. Now where is shadow? we need some tunes.
  14. Welcome aboard flashh4. sit back and enjoy.
  15. I have noticed that wasn't the first time our friend the Sultan has been hassled for spamming. And I do believe it was for helping others on multiple post.
  16. Thanks marty, I was looking through it earlier. Almost checked a couple of links, Glad I never. Thanks again.
  17. JSKY


    HAhahahahaha, Now thats a truth if ever I heard one.
  18. You can also try a automatic repair of your OP SYS. If your running XP, Boot off your CD. When you come to the first part that asks if you want to install or do a repair. Check to do an install of XP. You will see files being loaded. Then you will come to a second part that also asks if you want to install XP or do a repair. At this point check to do the repair. It will do a full scan, checking for missing or corrupt files, and will repair them. BUT REMEMBER!!! With any repair of XP, you will need your CD Key and will have to go to Windows Update Site and replace any security updates that were
  19. JSKY

    Happy Halloween!

    Happy Haloween all.
  20. JSKY


    Good Job B. We are proud of ya.
  21. I've noticed this for a couple of days now. Just waiting to see how bad it really gets over there.
  22. Thanks for the warning.