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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. I wouldn't get to worried about it yet. Three years is still some time away. And as I said earlier. What they say now might not come close to the real thing in that amount of time..... But yet, as programs get bigger and require more power. one never knows. Just think in another fifty or so years. With computers running 100 terabytes of Ram and a 500 Terabyte Processor. What the geeks will think about us when we remember the days of the gigabyte Of course, by then Ram will be made out of crystals, which are more efficient and can handle speeds that todays chips can't even compete with. And
  2. That's what the M$ developers are saying. But you know what they say and what ends up on the table in the end could be two different things. But from what I came across, that's what the developers are suggesting as a norm for "7" And sometime this week they are going to release SP1 Beta for Vista. But only to a very select few longtime Beta testers. We still won't see one this year. Maybe in the first half of 2008. If they decide to release one at all. One day they say yes, the next they say maybe never......
  3. I've been keeping up on the next big thing from M$. Vienna or as it's now known as, "Windows 7". Or just plain "7" So you think upgrading from 512 to 1 Gig or more ram is a big complaint for Vista........ The so far suggested amount of Ram for Windows 7 is..... get this....7 Gigs. It's due out in November of 2010. Three years from now. So start saving your money. Or think about a second mortgage on the house....LOL
  4. UAC shouldn't slow things down to much. And if you leave it running, after about a month you will start to notice you'll get less and less notifications. Vista's UAC and Superfetch learn how you operate and which programs you use. And between one and two months they start to get your habits down. Then you should notice an increased speed in loading your more favorite programs. I still tweak the UAC account. Here is a guide to tweaking it to stop 99.9% of the pop-ups, but still leave you with some protection. UAC Control Tweak
  5. Well. Did you win top spot?? Looks like you had allot of fun. And it seems the weather was nice to all of you.
  6. Happy Late Birthday Wishes Jeff. Sorry I missed your special day. Hope everything went well for you.
  7. JSKY

    This Time

    LOL.... I live in the forest and cut my own firewood. I can see something like that happening.
  8. JSKY

    Road Trip

    Have a good trip and enjoy yourself.
  9. I'm sorry to hear this Joe. I hope you can find it and get your bike back.
  10. JSKY

    My Son

    Nice picture. Looks like their going to be great friends when they grow up. That's great.
  11. If your using IE. Go to your "Tools" option on your taskbar. Then "Internet Options". Click on the "Content" tab. Use the second option. "Certificates". Here you can view and remove both SSL and normal certificates.
  12. First, if you can. Remove SpywareBot. (it's a bad thing) If you have your copy of XP. There are two types of repair on XP. When you boot with the XP disk. You will come to the first part that asks if you want to install or do a repair. This first repair is a command prompt type for a specific repair. AT THIS POINT! If you click on install XP instead, you will see XP load files as it get ready to install the OS. When it gets done loading files, you will again be asked to install XP or to repair your current OS. At this second repair option, click to repair and sit back. XP will go through you
  13. Good find. seeing the world through the eyes of a cat is funny to say the least. I wonder how you would be able to stream it. Mmmmm. Here kitty kitty kitty. I'v got this nice new collar for you.
  14. Just got a forward from someone who got it from someone who forwarded it to me, then her. It's getting ridiculous. Tell me... I think the "foreward" to button should be removed. It's the ones I see that have at least 35 or more forwards I can't stand. And I know the letter has to be good. But I'm not going through all them to read it. So I'm sure to be missing out.
  15. Happy Forth of July. Now where did I stash all them fireworks
  16. JSKY

    A Little Worried

    Scotty! We need more power to the Deflector Shields! The Klingon's are going to rip us to shreds! Ay Captain. But I cannot do it. We had a huge drain on the Dilithium Crystals. Scotty! What could possibly cause that type of drain? Captain! It seems Chappy started up his Computer again. It'll take me weeks to get them back up to a full charge. Mr. Spock! Could it be that this Chappy could be in cahoots with the Klingons? Illogical Captian. This Chappy is just what we refer to as a "Computer Geek". He's not out for Galactic Domination. Just more computing power. Damn them computer geeks.....
  17. HAPPY BIRTYDAY my friend. Enjoy your day.
  18. JSKY

    A Little Worried

    Seems to me that most of you should be modding cases from an Army Surplus store and posting them in the Modding Section. Take Chappy for instance. Sounds like you need a 3' by 3' by 3' case to fit it everything in..LOL. And just how many power generators are you running to keep it powered? And, Do you get a yearly thank you letter from the CEO of your power company. (I'll bet when you boot up your system , the lights in your neighborhood dim)
  19. To all our Northern Friends. Happy Happy!!!!!
  20. Good Going!!!!! That's the way to do it.
  21. Well... Figured it out finally. Just a bunch of garbage. Nothing but a spamming page to fool the bots into hitting it. But it's old stuff anymore. JDoors, Looks like you hit it on the head. That's why I removed it.