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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. Have any of you heard of, or tried True Sword 4 by Security Stronghold? It is a anti-spyware scanner. It is supposed to be able to find and remove more than 180 000 types of spyware, adware, trojans and other kinds of malware. I was just wondering. I am now trying it out, as they sent me an e-mail. And a complete version to try. They would like me to add it to my site. You can see it here at True Sword 4 Website I would hate to add something that may or may not be a good product. So I am looking for some feed-back on this product. I thank you for anything you have to say on this.
  2. Man... I wish I had those kind of money worries right now... Been playing for four days on my sewer line. Day one, Started off with the plunger. Day two I snaked part of my lines and then called a plumber. $150 dollars and 15 minutes later he had his power jet hose stuck in my line. Day three and $200.00 later he ran a camera down my line until he went under water About 15 feet out. Shurged his shoulders and told me where and how deep the end of his camera was to start digging, they would get their hose out when I find where the line is broke or seperated. Day four, After digging in wet dir
  3. garmanma..... Moving My Documents Folder: The ‘My Documents’ folder invariably ends up as the default repository of files for most Windows applications. Over a period of time, this folder starts bloating, and this; to a certain extend results in performance degradation. It might be a good idea to move the target location of the ‘My Documents’ folder to some other partition on the hard drive, or to a different drive. To do so, right click on ‘My Documents’, and on the ‘Target’ tab, click on ‘Move’. In the subsequent dialog box, browse to the drive where you want to move the
  4. That's right Marty... allot of people had problems with installing XP.... Well, maybe not so much XP as SP2. Even after 5 years they are still some complaining about SP2 and installing.... Seems I recall this last summer, some of our good members here installing SP2 for their first time after having XP installed for a couple of years.... And TT.....Yes, I also liked 98SE. And kept it as a back-up for a couple of years until finally giving it up. Just like I will with XP. I'll keep XP for those things that might never work with Vista. (or that vista will no longer let you do). At least until a
  5. JSKY

    Joes Birthday

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I hate to sound cynical, but.... I still remember when I dropped win 98 and upgraded to XP. I upgraded to XP right off the bat when it was first released. One of the first 20 or so to report what it was like on TTV. And all the hype going on at TTV over how bad XP was. (even some of you old TTVers had your negative says about XP). Come on...Think back to them days. And I also remember everyone complaining how they would have to upgrade their video card so XP would run the fancy desktop. And everyone complained how you had to up their ram from 64 or 128-bit to 512-bit of ram to get XP to run s
  7. Some things are better then you think.... Brother-in-law works for IBM. He was visiting one time and working with his laptop. He spilled beer all over it, and I thought it was toast. Heck, he just went to the sink and just stuck it under the water and rinsed it off. Then when he thought it was dry. About 15 min. later. He just started it right up. Worked like a charm. And still running now, a couple of years later. If it would have been mine, it would have been toast. With my luck...LOL
  8. Third Party Firewalls With the beta versions, look for the beta section. * JeticoPersonal Firewall v.2 beta jpf2beta * Kaspersky Internet Security (32/64-bit) (64 bits runs as 32 bits) * Kerio WinRoute Firewall 6.3 BETA build 2397 (64-bit) NOTE: Driver won't install on a 32-bit. But there is a beta for 32-bit now available * McAfee Personal Firewall 11.2 build 11.2.121 * Microsoft Windows Live OneCare 1.5 NOTE: MS are currently (02/22/07) offering a 90-day trial for free. OK as an interim until some that actually works show up. * Symantec Norton 360 beta
  9. HEY!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU TWO!!!! And I hope you both have many many more!!!
  10. Cute.... I like this story..
  11. Happy Birthday!!! I'm late again with the b-day wishes, But I hope you had a great day.
  12. Happy Happy Birthday!!!!
  13. Most programs written for Windows XP also work in this version of Windows, but some older programs might run poorly or not at all. If a program written for an earlier version of Windows doesn't run correctly, use the Program Compatibility Wizard to change the compatibility settings for the program. To change settings for a program manually, use the individual program's Compatibility tab. If changing the settings does not fix the problem, go to the program manufacturer's website to see if there is an update for the program. Warning, Do not use the Program Compatibility Wizard on older antivir
  14. Just to let some of you know.. Vista has a compatability wizard. You can choose to install programs under XP or older OS's. If it wont run normally under Vista, run the compatibility wizard and install under the XP compatibility mode. Fixed some things for me to get them working. See my post "Vista's Compatibility Wizard"
  15. For a clean install. It ask which partition you want to put it on. As far as I have head, on an inplace upgrade it just starts with the upgrade.(i have the full install) Now a to a dual boot. I have as of yet not heard of problems. BUT..... Just on a single boot overwriting saved data is what I am hearing. But not in all cases. Some are smooth, some are not.
  16. Two things you might want to spread around. (About Vista) First, Windows defener by defauld is set agressively. Meaning it will uninstall programs that are not digitly signed. So this must be addressed. You load a program, defender sees it, checks and then removes it... Nice way to set it as a default huh. Secondly, when installing using the upgrade disk. Let others know to back up their info on a CD or DVD. Not to a second partition or second Hard Drive. The upgrade install will automaticlly backup your info for you. and it will use any space it finds to do this.(other then the main partition
  17. A BIG Belated Happy Birthday!!! Sorry I missed your big day. But I hope you had a great one...
  18. A Big Happy Birthday Robroy..... Hope you had a great day!!!
  19. Here is a list for services in Vista. You will notice that Vista has some of the same old Services as XP. Along with many new Services to control and maintain Windows operating system. Here are some Services in Vista that we really don’t need. Some of these services are already set to manual. So completely disabling them really won’t make too much of a difference. And may be better in the long run to leave them as is. But, if you don’t want them to start up if they may be needed. Then just set them to “Disabledâ€. 1. First let’s go to “Start†and then click on “Runâ€.