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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. "Mind if I copy this and send to friends irregularjoe ? They will get a real kick out of funny and yet so accurate" Be my guest. And thanks for the compliment. Joe
  2. The age old question. Does heaven and/ or hell exist. Theologians, philosophers, and other great thinkers have debated this topic for millennium. I think I now agree that it does exist. Not only that, but I think I know exactly, in detail, what it is. Quite simply, if judgment for you upon your death is to go to hell, you will end up for eternity, at one giant Wal-Mart. There will be no exit. Anything that you need for your existence in hell (Wal-Mart), will always be at the opposite end of the infinite store. The shopping carts will always have at least one broken wheel. If you need help du
  3. Way to go TT! Congrats. You helped fix many of my digital woes over the years. Joe
  4. That's the problem. I hardly ever get over to that side of the BT website. I have a desktop icon that goes directly to the forums. ....Hence, that's usually where I am. I just added a new icon that links to the main page and blog. Now if I will delete the fifty or so OTHER icons, (which I never use) so I can find it, I'll be OK. That's the down side of my new 22" monitor. I just keep adding icons. Anyway, congrats to Hammay! Joe
  5. Welcome to the best tech site on the web Jason. Also the best bunch of people that you'll ever meet on a forum. Joe
  6. Damn! Sorry I missed it. Hope you had a good Bday Hitest. I think there might be some cake left over here. One of the benefits of virtual desserts: They don't get stale! Joe
  7. Happy belated birthdays. Sorry I missed them. Here's a cake for those late to the party. Joe
  8. I just cleared August 23 on my calendar.
  9. Thanks Bobby! I was looking through the downloads. Think I'll try a few and send the link to my friend. Joe
  10. Fascinating stuff! Thanks Joe