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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. Green (New England towns call the town square the "Green")
  2. I'll let the expert address this ....look here
  3. That reminds me of an old lawyer joke. Question: "What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?" Answer: "Skid marks in front of the skunk!"
  4. Yeah, I know, we can't discuss politics here....and I'm not going to. (well maybe just a little) BUT, after watching the Biden / Palin debate tonight a thought ocurred to me. We all know that John McCain married into gazillions of dollars thanks to Cindy McCain's family Budweiser empire. Could there be a subliminal message here with all Palin's "Joe Six Pack" references? the target of McCain/Palin's latest campaign (Joe SixPack) is in such dire straits due to the last eight years of you know who that just maybe he should run out and buy some Bud to help kill the pain? OK, I'll shut
  5. Happy Birthday! Wow, 20? I was 20 once, when the Earth was still flat.
  6. I'm no statistical genius, but it sounds like all that could be condensed into: LOL. Or they flip a coin.
  7. "My good personal friend Phineas(Clem) Barnum has cornered the market on a large supply of these.........................' Ah, old Clem doubt the long lost great great grandson to PT Barnum of circus fame. Yes indeed he did already call me and I got a great deal on SIX double wides! His sister Bob (don't ask, it's a long story) delvered them the other day. Unfortunately they did not fit on my lot, so we split up the doubles and then set all twelve of the singles end to end on the street. Bob also sold me licence plates to put on each unit, so hopefully the neighbors will just
  8. Yep. Works fine. Now I can just type in Besttechie-Ctrl-Enter and opens. Very nice! Jeff, I watched your video about the Android Google phone. Very interesting. I'll be looking for more details in the future. Thanks, Joe
  9. Not only were mortages made at 100% ; No Down Payment, a lot of them especially here in AZ and in Cal were made at 110% and above! So not only did you not have to put a dime down, but you got cash back too. I know many people who did this. Buyers and mortgage brokers. Often times some of the cash back went back to the broker as "fees". Of course another reason for the mess we are in now is the rediculously unrealistic over inflated value of real estate. How the hell could a house worth $150,000 in 1993 be worth $600,000 in 2006? It wasn't. But a lot of fools bought into the idea and the "flip
  10. I usually just hang up immediately without even acknowledging their existence, if it's an out of area code caller ID I don't even answer. Some of them are getting smarter at this however and are using local caller ID numbers. Occasionally, if I'm feeling a little sadistic I will play with them. If it's a person I'll listen to the speel for awhile and sound interested in the crap that they're peddling. Then I'll start to reply to their questions with totally irrelevent answers. Question: "So what time would be good for our product specialist to call you?" Answer: "Yes, my hair is brown". ......
  11. 47 million uninsured in this country. PATHETIC!
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! If I knew you were comin' I'd a baked you a cake! Joe