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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. Ouch! I hope she didn't take a long exposure.
  2. Oh Canada I sure do miss you!
  3. My first thought would be that it's an April Fools Day joke that is 3 months late. My second thought would be that it's Texas, therefore rational thought is not required.
  4. That's the signpost that's up ahead.... Your next stop- The Twilight Zone
  5. You can install a pci ethernet card if you have the room on the motherboard. Did you try a hard restart of the modem and router? Reset the router?
  6. Yes the picture looks quite good. It's not photo quality, but depending on what you need it for, it's a nice monitor.
  7. Strange, but true. I just saw this on Craigslist. I guess my question is: did they get a new toilet or did they get a new cell phone?
  8. "i read the article some time ago and i agree it isn only the black ones who commit the abuse but the whites do as well" Not sure what you mean Marty. What does race have to do with the article?
  9. For a more natural feel I think they use lambs skin.
  10. My S.O. has some vision problems and has just started a new job after "retiring" from the bank. The new job, another bank, was supposed to be easy going, low key, "just something to get her through the next few years with regard to healthcare coverage etc." That idea lasted for about a week. Now she's working 16 hours a day and had to work this weekend too. She a senior VP who works on multimillion dollar loans that are heading toward default. (which of course in THIS ecomomy is common). They gave her a measly 15 inch monitor. When she comes home she can barely see after staring at spreadsh
  11. PC World Smart Computing Digital Photography and about five foodie magazines. Although I don't subscribe to any of them anymore. I just pick them up at the store. I got tired of them selling my mailing info to everyone. Oops. I forgot The Nation. Thanks for reminding me J.Doors.
  12. Twelve years of doing nothing for great pay? What was THAT? If it wasn't the military I want in! More than you wanted to know about my job: I work in a riverboat casino and my title is "slot floorperson." The most visible thing I do is pay people when they win a slot jackpot. The part YOU know about is: You get paid. There's all kinds of behind the scenes stuff that goes on; check the Restricted Patron List (RPL) for people who have been banned or self-banned from gaming (cheats, people repeatedly evicted for misbehavior, people who no longer wish to be allowed to gamble, among other reasons
  13. Heh, that gave me a chuckle. That was six years ago. It was an obvious breakdown in leadership, but that's fixed. What good what an investigation do? No one would ever be held accountable, but the foreign media would pick the story up in a heart beat as another chance to make Americans look bad. Of course, the Islamists would use it in their propoganda. It would be yet another embarsement to the country. I don't want that, and frankley I don't think it's worth it. I disagree. I think the world would welcome it as the right thing to do. Crime is crime. I doubt very much that the victims are
  14. FREEZE!!!! The current "stop" command now preferred by police types, sometimes accentuated with a profanity. I just can't picture Joe Friday telling someone to "freeze in the name of the law".