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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. BT desperately needs one. We're not all Apple fans, you know. Just my 2cents.
  2. LOL. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop in. I see the political climate hasn't changed much since I've been gone. (I'm on your side Pete C) . Nice to see everyone. Hope you're all well.
  4. Try substituting "Dick and Dubya". Still wouldn't be funny, but at least it would be factually accurate. :-)
  5. Sooooooooo sad. Seems like every time I check into BT another old friend has met the BIG BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!I will miss him lots.Many more from our generation will be departing early thanks to being poisoned by their government. But we will continue to fight for you, Marsh. History will not be swept under the rug. Your friend,Joe
  6. I wonder why they picked AZ State Cops? They are DEFINITELY not the NSA. Maybe an easy break in?
  7. WOW! That would really suck. Thanks for the info.
  8. Update: Had to install new 300 GB WD HDD. Fresh install of XP. Luckily I had a Service Pack 2 CD. THEN I couldn't get online. Finally found the onboard LAN driver on a cd. That worked. Updated to IE 8. Tried Windows Updates, would not work. Had to download the 315 gig package from M$. Installed that. That finally let me Windows Update to work. Just downloaded & installed another 115 critical updates. (post SP3, I guess). Next it's Anti-Virus install. Think I'll try Avast Free again. Oh, Forgot to mention, I also had to re-activate Windows OVER THE PHONE.UNBELIEVABLE. Good thing I don't h
  9. This is, as noted in original post an additional series of posts indicating the progression of original dilemna. Feel free to leave any constructive ideas. Thx.
  10. It turns out that the "good" hard drive wasn't good at all. After installing it the PC would spin up for a few seconds and the shut off. I did a process of elimination: cables, CD-RW, Second HDD, etc. but it all let back to "good"HDD. As soon as I put a power supply cable to it, the PC shut down. Very strange. Seems like there's a short in the drive. So now on on plan C. Had another new WD 300 gig still in the box that I bought yeard ago and never used. Partitioned it into 2 drives. Put XP on the "C". Will do updates next, AV system, then try to tranfers data from bad Sata drive. Will keep yo
  11. Your call. I think ios devices are a completely different beast than Macs. And a whole lot more of ios in use than Macs.
  12. Thanks, Pete. I have heard of that. Might be worth a try. Btw, "new drive" turned out to be another problem. I'm posting the updated story.
  13. #14 seed HARVARD Beats #3 seed University of New Mexico. First time EVER that Harvard advances in NCAA Tournament! GO CRIMSON!
  14. Just my opinion, but I think there should be a seperate forum for IOS. Not much activity on this one. If it's a storage problem, you could always dump BT Garage Sale. Last post there is 4 years old.
  15. That's the plan. But want to get data off first.
  16. My Moto Android is currenty in many pieces on my dining room table. I'm trying to repair the charging port. Interesting article though. :-)
  17. Thanks for that info, Pete. I appreciate it. I just posted an update to the saga.
  18. I was finally able to load and run Windows XP on my ancient PC. Never was able to run CHKDSK /f, but managed anyway to get it going after MANY atempts.I had problems installing Service Pack 2 from CD, So I'm keeping it offline for now. I formatted C drive (about the 10th time) after reducing size to just 4 gigs. The rest of C I left raw. I'm thinking that would reduce the chance of hitting bad sectors, of which I think there are many.My intent now is to put in a tested good 180gig Western Digital IDE HDD. Original (bad) HDD is SATA. Mainboard both SATA & IDE. I will then format & parti
  19. Yes, I am admin. I could not get into windows at all. This was all being attempted from the recover console with command promts. The "f" refers to switch in the command, not the drive letter.
  20. This is XP, Pete. Also, only an 80 gig HDD with two partitions .
  21. I understand. Thanks for reply. I have to look around the site. After I get that damn XP stable again.