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Everything posted by blim

  1. Sending that one to Daughter the Actor! Thanks, Marty and cuzzy Bill Liz
  2. Ka-BOOM! And the dogs try to climb up on their owner's heads Just beautiful, Barb, thanks for finding that and thanks for sharing! Liz
  3. Great news, Bree and thanks for posting the fix, so others can benefit. Have you installed SpywareBlaster? I LOVE that program, it keeps cooties from entering the computer, kind of like a firewall for spyware--all you have to do is watch the update section here and update it when needed. AND it is VERY easy to install! Liz
  4. Oooh, oooh, I know this one! ...I think.... Definitely do NOT mess with MSCONFIG unless you're a techy! It is a "look but don't touch" part of the computer. BUT there is a highly recommended and easy to use "gadget" that tells you what is safe to get rid of on start up and what is not. MikeLin's Startup Control In the top of the PC Support section, there is a sticky called "Commonly Recommended Links" and there are a couple more gadgets similar to MikeLins, but from reading, most folks think MikeLin's is the easiest to use. Oh! By the way, welcome to the forums! Look around, dive in and h
  5. Found this article and thought it was terrific! Community College Myths Liz
  6. blim

    I Got A 5!

    Going to a CC or at least a local college is the way to go! English 101 is English 101 whether you spend $200 or $800. And once you get into college, you discover so many other opportunities that you might change your major. Again, best to be doing that at the cheaper school! DO make sure you get your Associates/Transfer degree--that way the whole degree transfers and you won't risk taking duplicate classes (again, throwing more money out the door) I sure know about living on the financial "cusp"--the only financial aid I got was from lucking out on the ACT test--those days, the scholarshi
  7. blim

    Find Each Other!

    Wow! No, not in Japan, but I'll holler HELLLOOOOOOO really, really loud Sure is neat to see all the little exclamation points around the world Liz
  8. blim

    I Got A 5!

    What great news, XX! And up here, I *think* only two History classes are required for an Associates/Transfer degree. Frees up time/credits to use for fun electives! (Son recommends Beach Volleyball ) Swordo, getting a 3, does that give you college credit? Job well done! Hondaboy, at least having those AP classes under your belt will make the college classes easier, at least they have for Daughter--she took a 300 level (Junior) English class last term and only needed to skim over the books, as she read them in her AP class. No one in her AP English class passed their exam, either, but the
  9. Oh, my gosh, Tymekiller, what wonderful news!! Congrats and I'm so glad you sound so happy. You deserve it. She's beautiful Liz
  10. blim

    P2p Insurance

    If it's legit.....brilliant business idea! Liz
  11. Happy Birthday, Sari! Have a wonderful day Liz
  12. Nancy, there is NO such thing as a frivolous question, or believe me, I'd be in big trouble! Bubbabob, I don't know about Walmart's updating, etc--I've never downloaded music, just gleaned that info from listening to the kids and their friends But considering they range from 18-23 years old, if they like Wally's, it must be pretty good. Liz
  13. I'm with Laxman, Nancy, I've heard Walmart's prices can't be beat, except for the Russian site, but I'd be chicken to try that (just MY luck, I'd get busted by the RIAA! ). My Son's girlfriend has an Napster account and she is VERY happy with that. Liz
  14. You're Joe's Dad? Wow, that's neat! Joe is a great guy and you should be proud of him, he is a real sweetie. I sent him a PM on using photobucket (thanks to Handplane who sent it to me!) and he sent me a thank-you. A lot of kids don't bother with such manners anymore, and kudos to him, and you for instilling such good manners! Liz
  15. Happy Birthday Scarlett! Have a groovy day Liz
  16. Viva Italia! Wow, wow, wow, who watched the game?? I don't usually holler at the television during games, but I did this time. (and I came in during the 30th minute, missed the goals) Liz
  17. LOL, Deafgirl, that's cheating! (I GOTTA learn sign language.... ) Liz
  18. Oh my gosh, Tictoc, he is so big now! Look at the toofers! Is he ever cute. Happy Birthday Jacob! Liz
  19. I was able to read it originally, but just now I got the same message, Joe. Wonder if it was a "short term article", like Newspaper Websites have?? At any rate, you're not alone! Liz
  20. Good ones, Deafgirl! I used to work at a grocery store and a couple of days after getting a ticket, the cop came through my line. I put up my closed sign It didn't work, of course, but then I tried to charge him $90 for his $10 order (the price of my ticket). He pulled me over a year later, remembered me.......and gave me a warning Liz
  21. Exactly....I would think Google would be thrilled! After all, who calls the stuff we blow our noses with "facial tissues"....nope, it's Kleenex! Liz
  22. Son got home from work and stayed on the computer till after I went to bed because of your post, Pat! I told him to log on and give a report, but I think he was too busy playing with those sites to do so! He kept saying, "yeah, jussa-minute, gotta check this out. Ooooooh, *ahem* Arrrgggghhhh!" He LOVED the "buccanear rock band" site (you punk rock lovers should check it out, it's NFG goes pirate) And......he found his hat Liz
  23. "Background in theatre" is apparently right for this WC! I only watched one game this year, but I was appauled by the diving (falling down pretending you got hurt on a trip). Guess it was due to a US game where there were some "questionable cards" given for "rough play". Well, today in the newspaper there was an article about these professionals acting like primadonnas. Apparently, diving is the newest trend in Soccer. Disgusting and very poor sportsmanship! Besides, most of the "fun" according to Son, is getting "knocked around"....yes, I think he's taken too many headers.... Liz
  24. My nutty Son wears a pirate hat when he plays games on the computer (I call it his thinking cap ) and I think I know where he will end up when he leaves the crowsnest! Batten down the hatches, Pat, he's a scalywag and I'm sending him this thread! (he'll LOVE those websites) Thanks (I think.....he'll be talking like a Pirate for a couple days after playing with those websites) Liz
  25. Robroy, Son plays Soccer and of course, here in the States, Football is "king". Funny thing is what the Football players say about the Soccer players (well besides the quirks like having blue hair, etc...), "Those guys are NUTS! No helmet, no padding, defense and offense play at the same time, no breaks. No way, Football is sooo much easier!" Now, the Soccerheads think the Cross Country team are nuts WC sure has had a lot of upsets this year. Son's been going ballistic Liz