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Everything posted by blim

  1. First of all, 3Wolves, welcome to Besttechies!! Secondly, now I admit my eyes glazed over when I read the techy stuff, but one thing I have learned is that dustbunnies can cause random re-boots because of overheating, soooo, have you checked for dust/critter hair? Something else that caught my eye just because I recently ordered Ram for Son's idiot box--you mentioned you have a new installation of XP, but how old is the computer itself? Son's XP computer has a maximum of 1024 Ram (thanks to If it's an older computer, perhaps you installed more ram than it's supposed to have? I l
  2. blim

    Dirty Skunks!

    Ugh....Well, could be worse, you could have been sprayed. Liz
  3. Happy Birthday, Jeff! Hope you have a wonderful day! Liz
  4. blim


    That's pretty clever, Marty! Most of the phrases I put in were pretty fuzzy but this one turned out really nice. Off to try New Zealand now Michigan Liz
  5. Happy Birthdays, Barb and Amp! Hope you both have a wonderful day! Liz
  6. Ughhhh, to repair means going into the Forbidden Registry.... Thanks for the warning, Barb! Liz
  7. Just make sure you kill the breaker when you're sleeping, too! Like Pete, I'm still convinced it's in the stove itself. Should be under warranty--has BHA contacted Sears? If not, you should!. Liz
  8. blim

    My Son

    Adorable, Shanenin!!! Jarrod looks so grown up with that lil' bundle The first thing we did when we brought Aron home was to plop him in 2 year old Kate's lap for the "bonding thing". Even though Aron immediately started screaming, she had the same proud expression that Jarrod has on his face. Ended up being one of my favorite pics to this day! Thanks for sharing the pic and the memory (gotta find that pic, now) Liz
  9. blim

    Road Trip

    Hoping you have a wonderful and SAFE trip, Hitest! Drive carefully Liz
  10. And some of those photos are gorgeous!!! That IS a nice find, JDoors. Thanks! Liz
  11. Marty, Son has the same problem with his computer and I'm going to have him check out your tip, thank you! Nancy, if that doesn't do the trick (but I bet it does), as soon as Son opens up a video, he clicks the "stop" button, goes and grabs some milk and cookies while it loads and then clicks "play" Hopefully Marty's tip works here....we'll go through less cookies... Liz
  12. Happy Birthday, Terrorist! Have an Awesome Day!! Liz
  13. Happy Birthday Neighbor! Liz
  14. Whoa, thanks for the warning, Chief! Copy, paste and spread.... Liz
  15. Whoa, Brian, good thing you have a good sniffer or you're right, your place could have caught on fire! I have heard of electric stoves (usually NEW!) doing that--a faulty switch in the stove if I remember right. Be careful! Liz
  16. blim

    A Little Worried

    Didn't understand much of Chappy's post, but your post, Pete, I get! I love me power tools! Hubby gets me one power tool or accessory each Christmas and it's the one present I want to snoop (so he hides it...). Still waiting for a Mitre Saw, Hubby wants me to keep all my fingers.....but my Cordless Dremel is the handyest thing next to my Cordless Drill! I was looking at those jar openers for my Mother In Law---good to see a positive review! Liz
  17. Don't know about Incredimail but my sisters are into sending ecards, "inspirational forwards", etc.....Me? I don't forward anything unless its a joke that has me falling out of my chair But I've always been a tomboy, too (NZ translation--a tomboy is NOT a prissy-girly-girl!). Liz
  18. Thanks, Marty! Will alert the kids... Liz
  19. Happy Birthday, Tyme! Hope you have a terrific day! Give those kids a squeeze for me Liz
  20. blim

    I Quit.

    My Dad STILL hollers about his tools, even though I moved out 25 years ago, "Which one of you girls did I lend it too??" My saving Grace is that it is usually SisterKaren who has the missing tool! Liz
  21. Can I keep the lederhosen? I didn't understand anything you wrote, except the ability to head-bop, so good for you, Jeff! And hoping the move goes smoothly. Liz
  22. blim

    Happy Fathers Day

    Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads, Honorary Dads and Single Moms. Thank you for all you do Love, Liz
  23. blim

    I Quit.

    Nuh-uhhhhh, You're it! Now come jump in mudpuddles with me. Copy, paste and email to my fellow 6 year olds on the inside. Thanks, Jsky! Liz