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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. to reach the maximum, you will need to get two 512mb sticks. That computer is not compatible with even one 1gb stick.
  2. That is odd. I really wish I knew how that could happen.
  3. Do you just want to make a perfect image of your C: drive in case you need to recover it if something goes wrong? If you tell Acronis to back up your C drive, it will backup just the data on the partition to a file. If you C drive is 80GBs but you are only Using 10GBs, then Acronis will make an image file that is less then 10GBs because it compresses it. Once you have this file made, you can do lots of things with it: you can restore your original C drive if it gets corrupt, you can make a clone to another drive, you can even use that image to restore your C drive to a larger harddrive.
  4. in theory all ddr memory is backwards compatible. that means the faster memory will work with older computers that originally came with slower ddr memory. You can use ddr 2100, ddr 2700 or ddr 3200 memory. You may want to take a look at newegg. They my have better prices;srchInDesc=
  5. The image is just saved as a file. It will coexist with your other data.
  6. is their a model name listed on the card? You may have to pull it out to see it.
  7. I tend to place a lot weight on customer reviews. I think it is a good choice.
  8. a dedicated video card would make a huge difference compared to your onboard(built in) video card.
  10. I am also fuzzy in this area. I am not sure why their are such huge price differences for some cards which seem to have similar specs. The amount of memory on the card is only one factor to determine performance. The other bigger factor in the performance of the card is the GPU the card uses. I do know the card you mentioned is not DirectX 9 capable. You would get better performance from the following nvidia card. It is DirectX 9 capable and has a better GPU
  11. Wow, a skunk smell, that is interesting. As to it going bad, I think it is just the luck of the draw.
  12. If it was me, I would not worry about it. It should be fine.
  13. yes. all(practically) motherboards have pci slots. You are limited to the cards you can use, but any of the ones I showed you in the link above will work with your motherboard.
  14. you can use a pci video card. any of these should work
  15. as sethook stated, with the model of the computer or motherboard, we could help you look. Their is a good chance the computer does not have an agp slot. If that is the case, your only option to upgrade is to find a video card that uses a pci slot, those tend to be a more expensive. As to the vga(monitor) port built directly onto the motherboard, that is more common then having a dedicated video card(costs less money). When you here the term "onboard graphics card", that is what they are referring to.
  16. The big question, does your computer have an agp slot? if you look inside the case, it will look diffferent then your pci slots(usually a darker color and on top).
  17. is it a pci or agp video card? If it is an agp video card, you need to make sure you have an agp slot on your motherboard.
  18. got a good drunk on with my wife listening to: Metallics: noting else matters, the unforgiving, blackened, one, and justice for all, bleeding me
  19. Spinrite is a paid program. It runs from a bootable disc. It costs $90, it is not cheap. I am amazed at how great it works. I have recovered tons of data for clients. In my mind it works miracles. A cheaper solution would be to just to reload windows. I tend to just reload windows without trying other solutions. For me it is the quick and easy way. Their may be other solutions, I am curious to hear what others say.
  20. When I see this in my shop, it usually means a corrupted sector on the harddrive. Usually if I run spinrite(program which fixes corruption) on the drive it will fix it. Another option is to reinstall the OS. Their may be other less drastic fixes I am unaware of. I am assuming he chose safe mode as an option without any luck.